Captain Brett Meade of Sector 2 requests this information be shared on behalf of Sheriff Jerry L. Demings
The East Orange County Crime strategy will include:
Driven by Intelligence Led Policing techniques of active crime analysis, information sharing and targeting known criminals, additional resources will be deployed throughout the summer to focus on current and specific crime trends and citizen complaints.
Each Patrol Squad in Sector 2 has been tasked with developing, implementing, and measuring an innovative anti-crime strategy.
Specialized units such as Criminal Investigations, Motors, Gangs, Problem Oriented and Tactical Policing units are actively engaged in the Sector 2 anti-crime strategy.
We are seeing increases in property crimes, especially in auto burglaries and residential burglaries of which are crimes of opportunity, meaning the vehicles are unlocked or garage doors are left open. This is what has been occurring in Avalon Park, as the vast majority of vehicle burglaries were from unlocked vehicles with valuables in plain sight. Suspects are merely going through neighborhoods lifting door handles and entering those which are not secure. Unfortunately, this is very common and is driving up our auto burglary numbers.
In Sector 2, we hold weekly crime intelligence meetings and communicate daily with other law enforcement agencies, citizen and business groups, homeowner associations, and neighborhood watch. This communication and partnership is critical to the success of any anti-crime initiative through community and neighborhood buy-in and active involvement of encouragement to call in suspicious people, vehicles, or incidents.
Neighborhood Watch, HOA’s and concern citizens are vital in sharing the message of “See Something, Say Something”, but also in encouraging effective crime prevention techniques such as target hardening; which means ensuring vehicles are locked, valuables left in vehicles are left out of sight, securing residences, looking out for your neighbors, and getting involved.
Currently, the crime rate in Sector 2 is 4% less than this time last year, however during the past two months we are trending toward positive numbers. The goal of our summer anti-crime initiative is an all-inclusive effort with law enforcement and the entire community to reverse this trend and to end the summer with a greater crime reduction. This will only be possible by active community involvement of getting the message out, helping your neighbors, and reporting suspicious activity.