Monday, January 18, 2016



Your new 2016 HOA board of directors needs the help and input of all homeowners.It is realized that some residents can not attend board or regular meetings for various reasons. Not all residents have access to the internet either.
 YES---we are working on a HOA website,also   increased bulletin board facilities and other local media methods. 
The two director positions that rely heavily on resident input and comments, are ----Director of Homeowners and the Director of Neighborhood Watch.
The director of homeowners, Randy Muehl. and myself ,have pledged to independently do the jobs that we were elected to do. ---While at the same time, working closely together ,exchanging information beneficial to the betterment of the community.
Each board member has a defined job description--It is important that each officer do their assigned job, without interfering with any other position.
An important step that I and Randy agree on ,--is the gathering of tips and comments by using our bulletin board drop box and the drop box at the HOA office door. ---Folks simply do this ----If you have a tip that may shed light on some questionable activity or a condition--just drop it on a scrap piece of paper,-- [anonymously if you choose]--in either of the 2 boxes pictured above.
Randy will be meeting with management monthly,--and I can vouch for him without reservation--your concerns will be addressed.
As for Fairways Watch tips--we need tips on unusual vehicle and pedestrian traffic in certain areas.All information,relating to possible criminal activity will be quickly passed on to the command staff of the Orange County Sheriff's office. 
 We have an excellent director of bulletin boards, Sharon Hill. Sharon will pass along all collected info, as directed to either Randy or myself. 

Monday, January 4, 2016


The  unusual scene below was recorded Sunday evening around 6:30 PM.--- Updated--see below!

A late model Lincoln, was sitting a little ''high and dry'' in the evening rain. Fairways Watch received a call from one of our active spotters, advising us of an unusual situation.
We went to the reported site at the south corner of Inverary and Warwick Hills.
 Sure enough--as we were told --there it was--- a very nice Lincoln ,sitting on top of two large rocks! It seems that these large rocks, and a reflector had been placed at the corner of a property to keep cars out of the yard.
 The car's emergency hazard signals were activated, but no driver was in the area. We speculate that the driver had left to call a tow truck.
 In all probability,--there was damage to the underside of the very nice automobile.
Our concern is simple---Once again---an inanimate object was run over by a careless driver!
 Last week---it was a light pole. A short while before that--- it was a street sign.
 Thank the almighty,----none of these involved a innocent resident being struck!
 If you go out walking after dark, please take along a good flashlight, or other means of recognition!---You don't want to end up in the same position of those rocks!

Fairways Watch has not been able to locate the pictured Lincoln--Probably in the repair shop!

Update Tuesday morning---WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

This  20 mph speed limit sign on Pebble Beach,near Spyglass was hit with such force that it sheared the 4x4'' hard wood post. The impact threw the sign ,over 50 yds from the position shown here! If you look closely, you can see the tire marks of a full sized vehicle.---OH YES--they were headed OUT the gate.
 Looking at the lighter side--maybe the auto manufactures could use the Fairways as a ''AIR BAG TEST CENTER''
SERIOUSLY--Folks this is a DEADLY and critical matter--It's only a matter of time!----