Wednesday, June 5, 2013

                              THANK YOU RESIDENTS !
  This new site, went on line May 24. In this short period of time ,it has received over 1000 views. This statistic comes from the official Google Blog counting system.
 The Fairways Watch blog is for the Fairways residents use. This site is not intended to be used as a debate forum, or a platform for local political discussions.This site is designed to give residents, accurate, truthful, and helpful information, regarding community security.
  Along with current security happenings, we are providing some interesting,and helpful links, on the right side of this page. I would like to point out that these links are all public record.There is nothing of a classified or confidential nature, contained in the links.
   In addition to  Fairways watch giving information, there is also a provision for receiving  information and tips in an anonymous manner from the residents.
   One last comment ,if you are out and about, and you happen to see an EMS vehicle or a sheriff:s cruiser, in the park---give them a friendly wave ,or better yet --a ''thumbs up''
     Once again, thanks folks for a good start   


PA Gal said...

Thank you Bill for your commitment to our community! I do check this site daily, you are doing a wonderful job keeping us updated with current events and the helpful links are great.

Paul Horvat said...

Keep it up Bill, I especially like your commitment to keeping this site non-confrontational. You're doing an excellent job of serving your community. Very useful and interesting links I might add.

Anonymous said...

Great Job Bill, keeping us informed and really like the helpful links, its so much easier then trying to find them on your own. Thanks again

Anonymous said...

this is a test

Paul said...

This is a test from Paul