Wednesday, October 2, 2013
This photo was taken Monday, October 2, at the corner of Troon and Pebble Beach. Fortunately it was only a sign,--but it could have been you! The black object laying in the background is a ''fender well'' torn out of the perpetrators automobile. The evidence seems to suggest that the car was exceeding our posted 20 MPH speed limit.
The Fairways is one of very few communities that can still offer a safe haven for walkers, bike riders and golf carts.We all need to protect this rare luxury.
One of the security concerns that is growing,is the reckless, careless driving, in to and around our neighbor hood.
The situation at our entrance gate, continues to be come more and more bizarre. During the mid day hours, the scramble to legally and illegally enter the Fairways ,resembles an old ''ROMAN CHARIOT RACE!''
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He wasn't speeding he was trying to avoid the speed bumps and was possibly drunk.
There is a black sports car driven by a twenty something male who has almost hit me in my golf cart. Drives very very fast, he lives in his parents home until it is sold on Pebble Beach. Several times people have yelled at him to slow down. Why is he allowed to stay here when his parents moved?
In reference to anonymous 1:ii
Thank you for your very observant comment.On an added note I would like to say that I too have observed the same car ,exceeding our posted 20 MPH limit.In addition I will say that this car fits the description , of one of 3 cars escorted, by the sheriff from the Westchester pool,This occurred at 3AM one morning less than a year ago.
As to why the young man, is living here alone---only HTA can answer that.
1. Was the person in picture one caught? If yes, did he/she live here? Were they driving drunk?
2. The tracks in picture two were caused mostly by golf carts driven by people that live here in the park (I've seen them!).
3. I was told the people stealing the VFW recycling on Tuesday were also people who live in the park.
If we can't trust home owners to "do the right thing", how can we be asked to PAY MORE RENT to keep outsiders out? Maybe it's not outsiders after all!
In ref to anonymous 4:30 PM---No the person ,running over the sign has not been identified.---Yes-- there is a distinct possibility that they may have been ''OVER SERVED"" somewhere There had to be a loud noise in the car when the wheel well was ripped out.
Anyone having knowledge of VFW paper theft should notify the VFW directly. This type of theft has happened before.
It is for sure, that we do not live in a perfect world. ---BUT---The past arrest records for Fairways theft have been mostly from surrounding neighbor hoods--only a few crimes involved LEGITIMATE Fairways residents.
Better gate security is a must!
From anonymous October 5th 4:30
Ref. Number 3. I was not aware of any current VFW theft. I was talking about a few months ago when we were asked to move our Tuesday recycling off of the curb and to mark it for the VFW to keep people from taking it. Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you for addressing my concerns.
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