Sunday, December 22, 2013


  Early Sunday morning Fairways Watch received a call from an alert Spyglass resident. The resident reported the following incident, At approximately 5;30 AM ,she saw a young male in her backyard. She called out to him as to what he was doing. [NOT RECOMMENDED ] ---The subject, replied,''I am taking a short cut''--The  young, very athletic male, climbed the 6 foot fence, with ease and disappeared onto CONGRESS ST.
 The good resident,promptly and properly called 911. Within a very short time a deputy arrived to investigate the strange situation. It was discovered that the young male, had left behind several large electrical cords. [ SEE PHOTO ]
  The deputy left the area and went over to Congress st . It is speculated that the electrical cords were stolen from a resident, in the Spyglass area.
 For those residents, not familiar with the other side of the Spyglass fence, just let me say this---IT IS NOT A NICE AREA. Congress st is home to registered sex offenders, felons, and wanted persons with warrants. On a related matter, directly behind the pictured fence, is a ''HOG PEN'', containing a live ,large pig. This is strong testimony to the class of the Congress st .neighborhood. The pig has been reported to code enforcement.
 Anyone missing the pictured electrical cords, please contact Fairways Watch, for the return of the cords.


Anonymous said...

Maybe need to stp up patrolling this area. Maybe some cameras would be installed. Need to stop them from coming over the fence somehow.

Anonymous said...

There is a gate that leads to the housing tract behind my house on spyglass, the gate doesn't have a lock on it. I've asked a few neighbors about it, apparently someone comes over here to weed eat the ditch behind there house which is actually my backyard. Although I haven't seen anyone ever do that since I've lived here. Criminals could very easily come into our park thru that gate.

Anonymous said...

lock the gate and throw away the key,a fence with a unlocked gate ,is no good

Unknown said...

REF TO FENCE GATE--- YES there is a gate in the Spyglass fence---HOWEVER-- The gate is not on HTA property! This is down around the 14800 block of Spyglass. Some of the fencing on Spyglass, does not belong to HTA!---The gate has a lock --but the residents in the other development have the key.-- GO FIGURE, I CAN NOT.

Anonymous said...

we are not fenced in?

Unknown said...

RE ANON 12-30 10;09
All of the fencing and barriers ,are not owned by Hometown. It would probably take 3 Philadelphia lawyers to decipher the legal ownership of the fencing !