Tuesday, January 7, 2014


                                          YOU ALL COME ON IN!

Your Fairways Watch coordinator would like to share an example of a risk created by the inviting ''public'' sign ,shown above.
  It was on Sunday afternoon, January 5, about 1pm. I was entering the park in my truck, when I saw 2 young ,white males, aimlessly, riding their bikes in a circle near the outside of the inbound gate.
  Being of a suspicious nature, I pulled into the office parking lot and waited. Sure enough, they ''tailgated'' a car and came down Pebble Beach. 
  I very politely stopped them and asked their intentions. They replied in broken English that they were coming in to ''play golf'' [no clubs] I played along and asked if they had a T time.They asked what was a T time ? At that point I asked them to leave. The 2 went back out the gate. I knew that they would return. Later I was advised that they re entered the park, and went down Inverary.
  Was this ''profiling''?--you betcha--with good reason. 
  Abiding by the rules of neighborhood watch, there was nothing more that could be done. If this would have happened at night, with the golf course closed, --yes-- 911 would have been called for ''suspicious persons''
 In view of the criminal activity in our community, over the past few months, we have every right to be extra observant of all non residents.
  The above narrative is a classic example of why we need a reliable security system at the gate. The system offered by HTA does not even meet the basic requirements.
 Fairways Watch submitted a sensible gate security system to Hometown. The counter offer was an employee, standing at the gate with a ''clicker'' with a monthly price tag, higher than the cost of the plan we submitted.----''AND THE BEAT GOES ON''



Fed Up said...

very good info and another reason I think there are so many homes for sale in here. Its time "We The Residents" band together and take this fight to Chicago. Its unlikely that the HOA will be able to accomplish much,,but there is power in numbers!!

Anonymous said...

I think 937 is on the right track

Anonymous said...

Yes, time for some action. That system is the one we need. Lots of eyes around the park seeing who is coming and going. Why are they so dead set against it? Wasn't it on Steve Braun's desk? Doesn't his mother-in-law live in here? Can we get her support, she certainly should have a way to reason with him. Heard they were all here from Chicago, just a rumor I heard. We need to do something before we all lose.

Anonymous said...

Steve Braun is not paying us a bit of attention. I tell ya, we need to go above him!

Anonymous said...

Who is above Steve Braun or can we get an advocate group to support us.

Pat Dudley said...

Getting really fed up with the tailgating at the main gate. This needs to be bumped up on someones desk before there are any residents injured.

Anonymous said...

while entering this am I was cut off by someone waiting on the left side at the gate almost hit my car followed them and they went to the taveren parking lot. stuiped people