Sunday, February 2, 2014


There has been a daring ,daylight home burglary in the Fairways.
Around 9AM Sunday morning 2 residents,living on a court, in the front area of the park, left for church. the couple, returned around 1PM. To the dismay of the residents, they found that their well kept,beautiful home had been broken into.
  The entry was made through the front door, by forcing the ''dead bolt'' with a pry bar. Once inside the thief went to the bedroom and stole an undetermined amount of jewelry.  All though there were valuable electronics inside, no attempt was made to take them.
 The thief [or thieves] exited through the sliding back door.
 OCSO was called and a complete investigation was made ,including taking of finger prints.
  On a special positive note,---a very observant resident saw a suspicious car ,parked  at the corner of Kingsmill and Inverary. The car is descibed as follows.---Older green pontiac, damage to front area, one mismatching wheel, last 3 digits of plate, believed to be 6SN
 Driver was a young white male, wearing a bandanna on his head. He was accompanied by a young white female.
  A complete description of this car and its reported location was given to the investigating officers by Fairways Watch.



Anonymous said...

I'm the person whose home was broken into yesterday, I can't tell you how awful it is to come home from church and find your home vandalized and robbed, I will never feel safe leaving my home or even living in it. Where is the security that when we bought our home we were promised "a safe and guarded community"? There are people in and out of here 24-7 that do not belong, and nothing can stop them! We need help! HELP US!

Paul Horvat said...

Our hearts go out to you and any others that have become victims of crime committed here in Fairway's. It is understandable that you fear living in your home after such a violation of your life. Hometown owes it to the residents to do all they can to make this the safe community they promised. How about it Hometown? Throw us a bone.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you, it just makes me physically ill to hear of all these rotten people stealing from our own.

We had an alarm system installed on our home when we moved in. We were met with opposition by the office folks, saying that it wasn't necessary to waste our money on such a system.
I can't tell you how safe we feel now that we are hearing about all the crime in our community.
Of course it doesn't stop anyone from trying to get in, and there is a response time for the police to show up. But it's a loud startling alarm that would hopefully scare the Burglar away and notify our neighbors. Plus we have a 24 hr live operator that can monitor the sounds in our home when alarm is tripped.

It's less than $15 dollars a month and for a few bucks more they can install cameras to monitor your home 24/7/365 if you wish. also you will be able to "check in" via your smartphone or tablet.

I wouldn't count on any sympathy from the office, they are all about the all mighty dollar and won't provide security at their expense. At an average of $600 per a home and over 1100 homes in here, you would think they could afford to put a guard at the gate. They are just corporate greed mongers and are caught up in taking advantage of as many people as they possibly can.

Off topic just a bit....I also want to say, do not support the Billy Casper pro-shop/ 7-11. $4.25 for a QUART of milk is pure unadulterated greed! The container better be made of gold for that ridiculous price. Talk about price gouging, we are on fixed incomes and can't afford that kind of luxury! I REPEAT, DO NOT SUPPORT BILLY CASPER

Anonymous said...

It is ok for a person living in Fairways to sue the Homeowners association because HTA had good attorney's....but with our security issues why can't there be a class action suite against HTA with all the people that have been victimized while living here? We also were sold on the idea that this is a safe community by the salesperson. Someone should be accountable.

eye see said...

With the lack of H.T.A.'s concern or careing about this community or who resides here, the burglar/burglars could very well be a resident or a guest.
They seem to let anyone in these days if they bother to go through the office at all. ....well never know.

Anonymous said...

public invited in that is what you get, if we are public should there be life guards at all the pools,heven forbid if someone drowns who gets seued homeonwers or hta? this is realy getting out of hand why cant it be a privet gulf corse with membership dues and keep the public out.

Anonymous said...

to Anonymous - February 4, 2014 at 9:58 AM.

I get your point thru all the hieroglyphics. Spell check is a nice feature....ha, ha!

The problem is HTA has raised the annual membership fees to ridiculous prices and there isn't enough interest (in golf) from the "younger" crowd thats moving in now. That is why they are going outside to the public for help to sustain the golf course. But you are correct, with one comes the other.
If they are going to allow the public to use our pools and other amenities, HTA MUST provide life guards, security of some fashion so they don't sue them (HTA) or worse us, (the homeowners association).

Anonymous said...

if the gulf corse is public the roads must be also and you can not gate a public road

Anonymous said...

Do you know if there has been any progress in finding out who did the burglary?