Monday, July 7, 2014


History of the phrase; Prior to electronic counter measures, military aircraft would fly beneath the Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR) in order not to be detected by enemy forces. This term started out as a military phrase in the 1950's. 

Pop-Culture definition; generally an insult or can be used as advice. 
1. To not stand-out, to remain quite. 
2. To not drawn any attention to yourself either positively or negatively. 
By not standing out or gaining any positive or negative attention, the person 'flying under the radar

Yes folks we have an ''under the radar ''problem , right here in ''River City'' There are ,unregistered, unapproved residents,felons, sex offenders, pool invaders, and druggies, all coming in to use and enjoy  our community and our  amenities.---HOW DO THEY GET IN HERE?--Its simple, they just come in.
 It seems that their favorite move in and come in time is always after 5 PM-- wonder why ?---answer--that is when the office is closed
  The unregistered residents favorite move in time is Saturday afternoon or early Saturday evening.---They know that there is no one in the office or working out in the park.---and no security at the gate .
  Once these folks get settled in here, it,s tough to get them out!As it has been stated before--- IT TAKES A JUDGES SIGNATURE. The current ongoing information, about HUD  and the 80/20 age violation is another item of note.
  The out of control pool visitors is a serious breach of the legal residents sovereignty. Recently We experienced a confrontation with 3 young people that we believed came from Frank St or Deerwood.They were at the Greenbrier pool ---no pool passes. The three said that they were coming in to ''VISIT GRAND MA"" ---- We followed them to a residents house and a  confrontation occured involving an elder female resident and a very young female resident. YES---pool passes were brought from within the house and thrown into the air.---BUT---Why IN THE HELL, ARE FRANK ST RESIDENTS COMING IN HERE TO USE OUR POOLS ?  Legal guests are supposed to be accompanied by a legal resident.
  A while back, at a board meeting Priscilla asked for residents to advise the office of suspected residency violations.---We need to do just that---call the office-NO-- better yet---take phone pictures and write a hard copy notice and deliver it along with sending a carbon copy to Chicago and Gena.


Tired of saying something and nothing changes... said...

There are quite a few residents allowing all their family members and friends to use our amenities. I think if you are going to allow your entire family and friends in the park then you should at least be in the pool with them.
But more importantly I think there should be a limit as to how many guests are allowed per a resident homeowner.
No matter where they come from; across the street, out of the woods or across town, they're should be a limit as to how many residents, guests are allowed using our pools.

eye see said...

So much information doesnt reach all residents...Unfortunately.
I know the rules etc..and im sure everyone else does as well. I think letters should be mailed out to all residents reminding them of the rules of the pools and such.
Since the office can mail out letters to everyone in reference to the Masters construction schedule , they can certainly mail out a newsletter with important information in ref to residents breaking rules and such !!! get the idea..

Anonymous said...

I happen to know for a fact that one resident has her family here almost everyday. And he is doing more then enjoying our pool. Seems he and some other resident have a nice business going.ill say no more.take an hour of your time and enjoy the water at the masters.

Anonymous said...

To 11:57pm and I'll bet it's not a legal business either

Anonymous said...

To anon 11;57
Would you be referring to the Fairways drug cartel, that meets daily under the overhang at the Masters pool?

Anonymous said...

I guess they have made it so obvious that everyone is aware of the so called Drug Cartel at the Masters pool. If they are actually dealing drugs at the pool, why isn't pro shop or some other HTA official checking into this daily meeting?

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure that I would call it a Drug Cartel. Do these individuals smoke pot? Probably. Are they dealing drugs in the park? Probably not.
Anyone that has observed these individuals or knows anything about them would know that they don't have a lot of money, and probably fit into the category of registered guests, rather than homeowners. Either way, these same individuals have been occupying the same tables at the Masters pool for about the last year and half. They use foul language, smoke cigars and they claim to know it all. Are they gangsters?
I doubt it. They are just a bunch of older men with nothing better to do than to sit around and gab and talk BIG. But don't get me wrong, they are annoying for anyone that visits the Masters. The front office knows who they are and they are not going to do anything about it. As with all other unregistered guests and undesirables at any of the pools. Hometown refuses to do anything about them. All we can do as residents is try to ignore them or go to one of the other pools

Anonymous said...

ref anon 9:38
Please do not be offended, but I think that there are other people that know more about this group than you do.
They are not all older men, also they are not all male.Some do not even live in the Fairways, let alone own a home in here.
As to some other facts--maybe ''ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS""

Anonymous said...

The point I was trying to make is they are far from A Drug Cartel. If they are, then they're at the poor end of that deal...ha, ha

Anonymous said...

Is the sex offender still here? I did not see any thing in the court system, just a lot of evictions.

Unknown said...

The answer to your question is YES!
I encourage all readers to keep informed by using the Orange County Court link, on this site. IT iS EASY---Go to the linked site--click on check records--click on civil case link-- click on business heading---then enter---Fairways spe llc----then you can monitor all legal filings--including the HOA lawsuit.After you get the long list of legal actions up---click on blue case numbers for descriptions of cases.

Anonymous said...

When are we going to get rid of all this scum? I see those same fat a-- every day sitting at the pool Waiting for the phone to ring then off they go to make there delivers .what a bunch a of slime ball losers .i'll bet not a one of those cow dungs work an honest day in there lives. Why don't they go across the street and do there business over in there own trailer park. Most of them come from over there. OH I forgot they have relatives living in the fairways and that give them the right to do any thing they want. Stay in your own park and stop bring your filth over here.

Anonymous said...

To 7:07 let's call them what they are. Scum of the earth.

Anonymous said...

to 8:42 why don't you call the police instead of spouting you hate here!!

eye see said...

Anon 8:42..if the police are called , theres nothing they can do. On the spot that is.They need proof.not just assumption or hearsay.

Anonymous said...

When your at the pool, pictures would be nice. Maybe with some documentation of these people we can get them out. Everyone has a camera on their phones now.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed the cops car is now at the westerchester. Do you people think we won't notice there?its hard to miss a sitting duck.

Anonymous said...

Back to to fairways drug cartel I see the rain does not stop these scumbags.maybe one of these days the cops patient good things come to those who wait.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:36 maybe they think we won't notice the rust on the ground as it rots away .

Anonymous said...

Re anon 4:43 I did not see them today .how did I miss that . I usually check every day.

Anonymous said...

Re anon 4:48 I keep a very good record of there little business .i have dates and times and names s of people that are at the table . I know vehicle lic numbers where they live who owns the house that they live in. I even have names and address 's of the ones that don't live here.i know who there relatives are and there address also.Im thinking the day will come when this info will come in handy.i even know about half of there delivery address . That s all I will say for now.

Unknown said...

I would like to address this comment to those folks that have commented on alleged ,unusual activities at the Masters pool.[especially anon 4:48 ]
I would encourage you to call the direct OCSO tip line at 407 521 2400. This is goes direct to the Orange County special investigations division. You may call anonymously or do as I do--GIVE YOUR NAME AND CONTACT INFORMATION. These are the folks that have the knowledge and authority to handle these types of allegations.
All the ''bravado'', vigilante BS is just that.--Help the good guys help us.There are only about 50 officers in the special investigations,--but believe me they do not play games!

Anonymous said...

OK, I followed the suggestion, I called the special phone number. It was no big deal. I did not leave my name, because I am a widow and live alone.I told them some things that I had seen around the Masters pool and other things. I hope that it helps.

Anonymous said...

Re anon 4:10 Good for you. Now don't expect some thing to happen tomorrow .these things take about the rest of you? Pick up those and help make a difference.sooner or later we'll get rid of the trash. As the saying goes it takes a village.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these are the same people at the Westchester yesterday. two big guys with three children. The children were jumping in and out of the pool screaming. Now these guys were big and mean looking but I did ask if they had a pool pass and they said nothing at first, asked again and he just said yes but when I asked where they lived they ignored me. This looked like the same guy that lived on Pebble Beach with the child living in the house and he would push a stroller every morning. Tow big for me to tangle with them. Hey HTA check your cameras there. Bill I did send you the license no on the car that was hidden in the back.

Anonymous said...

so much for the "signs" at the pool and someone checking them---ha ha ha

Anonymous said...


There is some unusual vehicle activity on Spyglass, (cars that we don't recognize from inside the park) over the last couple weeks. These vehicles are only at the resident house for approx 10 min and then return back up Spyglass. Since I have not been in the position to follow them, I don't know what house they're stopping at. This has all the signs of drug activity.
I have noticed one car in particular as it stands out from all the rest.
It is a white early 80's Toyota Celica with blue antique florida plates with pop up headlights, loud muffler, appears to be misfiring (only firing on 3 cylinders) and Chrome wheels and low profile tires and very dark tinted windows. Can't get the plate number yet. It appears to be going down spyglass past firestone circle between there and the compound gate. If you would rather I contact the Narcotics unit, please post the number. I thought you might know of this already and are currently working on a case with the detectives. Either way, I wanted to do my part.

Unknown said...

To anon 12;31
THANK YOU! This is the kind of information the ''good guys'' need. Once again I will publish the contact number for the SPECIAL INVESTIGATION UNIT. IT is 407 520 2400-- that will take you direct to the proper people. We need more of this type of info.
With your permission I will forward this direct to my contact, in the special investigations office. If you do not want me to do that, simply send request on comment with a''do not publish tag''
thanks again !

Anonymous said...

Yes, Please send it Bill.
Something is going on, on that end of Spyglass and I would like it checked into.

Anonymous said...

The white car just came down spyglass for the 4th time today

Anonymous said...

Could it be the new house?does anyone know those people.?

Anonymous said...

There is also a red car from New York who says they are visiting, have 3 kids, and have been here for over 30 days. Any info, neighbors?

Unknown said...

re anon 3:34
The white car as described has been accounted for--there does not seem to be a problem.

Unknown said...

anon 7:48
I believe that the car, made ref to is parked in a drive ,in the 14500 block of Spyglass. There has also been complaints about this car and occupants from the Westchester pool. Please forward any additional complaints to the office. They have been advised before about these folks.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a family moved in on kings from about the age of 8 months and up .am keeping track of how long they has a for rent sign in front yard. By the way is the sex affender still on Firestone?

Anonymous said...

The family with the three children were at the pool yesterday, NY license plates, red car. I've seen them several times the last couple of months. The kids were jumping and diving in the pool. The office was called and they said someone would be sent down...nothing. Maybe Pricilla will listen when one of these children dive off the side and hit their head...lawsuit.

I also saw all three kids riding their bike and picking up the mail. If you ask mom or dad where they live they say Pebble Beach...not true, it's Spyglass. And why do you think they are at the Westchester Pool? Trying to hide out so no one will ask questions.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you what the procedure is at the front office when a complaint comes in.the first thing that's done is to check there files to see if the lot rent is being payed.if it is then P R COMES BACK AND SAYS ONE OF TWO THINGS. We've contact ed the owner and sent a letter or they've been approved .just like the sex offender on spyglass .try to look up legal filing at Orange County and you'll find that it was never filed.hes hear to stay because the owner of that house pays her rent on time. Tell us home town if that is not the truth.VERY shabby on your part.

Anonymous said...

Bill Heldreth said...
re anon 3:34
The white car as described has been accounted for--there does not seem to be a problem.

July 18, 2014 at 8:29 AM

what do you mean it has been accounted for? That car drives up and down spyglass back and forth back and forth. How can that be normal? The car sounds terrible, its as bad as the guy that drives the motorcycle, he lives at the same house as the guy that drives the white car. How can all those people be living in here legally? they're not 55!

Unknown said...

The car you refer to seems to be a visitor to the house at almost the east end of Spyglass, We have taken pictures of the vehicles associated with this house. The Fl antique plate number of the white car has been noted.When comments and picture were sent to the office----THE REPLY WAS____THEY ARE REGISTERED TO LIVE THERE! --However---there was no mention of their age----55+ ???---I suspicion that the loud white car is a visiting ''boy friend'' The white car does not seem to stay overnight!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, there is no law against driving up and down the street. You can go out and come back home as many times a day as you wish. REALLY, I dont understand why this is a problem. Is there not more serious problems? If they are registered, and approved, then I would believe someone in the house is over the age of 55. As long as they are over 18, and there is a resident over 55, this is legal. I maybe be wrong,but this is how I understand it.

Anonymous said...

I realize that people are allowed to come and go as many times as they wish from their own homes. but this is just annoying because his car is loud! its as loud as the idiot that rides the motorcycle that lives there too. Honestly I don't understand why how they nothing better to do than to drive up and down the street back and forth back and forth. It's like they are picking up and delivering drugs around the park or close by or something. It's just so annoying. I bet if you were trying to watch TV on a quiet Sunday night and loud vehicle drove up and down the street 5-6 times within a couple hours you would be annoyed too!

Anonymous said...

I DO LIVE on your assumption, that I would be annoyed, if I heard it is incorrect. As your statement that they are "delivering or picking up drugs", I wish this would stop. I dont hear loud noises while watching TV and I do not make accusations that someone is delivering drugs without proof. This is just WRONG..and it scares people. I would not want a drug dealer/drug addict on my block but just because they drive a car alot does not equal DRUGS. "The boy who cried wolf".... One day there will really be a dangerous drug activity going on and no one will believe it because it has been used over and over without any proof. Honestly, I dont know these people so I have no alliance to them, I just think it is irresponsible to call people "drug dealers" without any evidence.

Anonymous said...

I said, its LIKE they are delivering or picking up drugs. I didn't say they are doing that. It's all just so weird. I mean what reason would someone have to come and go from their house 5-6 times within a couple of hours? This happens every weekend and a couple days during the week as well. I am trying to understand what reason someone would have to go back and forth and back forth so many times during a short period of time. by the way I am not at home all day long either, so this is probably happening even more times than what I have counted.

Anonymous said...

I will tell you this..on the weekends.. I go out and come back probably six times. I dont delivery nor pick up drugs. So "like or actually" is still making an assumption. I like to shop............and waste gas...

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:46 Honey your living in a dream world if you think there is no drug activity in the fairways. We have had drug runners in this park for over 10 years.where the hell have you been.? Wake up and smell the Coffey .

Anonymous said...

Yes we have..but we cant assume that just because someone comes and goes its drug related.
We need to focus and push for a census in here! That may be a start to get any dirty drug dealers out...or at least they would have to be accounted for.