Many of us ''youngsters'' have fond memories of watching the first big TV cops show, Dragnet, on black & white 21'' sets in the 1950's. The main ''bi-line'' of the show was ---''JUST THE FACTS MAM''---- Sgt Joe Friday always needed facts and information to solve crimes. This requirement is more true today than ever. OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS NEED OUR HELP IN ORDER TO PROTECT US!
Quite often, Fairways Watch is asked,---''how can I give the ''cops'' names & things,--without giving my name?-''-I am afraid of certain people''-----There are several ways to communicate anonymously with law enforcement agencies. First, we have the public ''crime-line''. This is a public service that collects crime information STATE WIDE. THIS METHOD TAKES INFORMATION AND DISPERSES IT TO CERTAIN AGENCIES.
Although this system has proven very effective,---it takes some time for information to be filtered down to the intended agency.-- [Crime line number is 1-800-423-8477 ]
There is another way,closer to home---.A resident may send un-audited information through this web site, completely secure and totally anonymous.----Here is how it works.
Use the comments link to this blog!---Go to the comments link,--use the anonymous title heading. After typing in your tip and information---type in ''NOT FOR PUBLICATION''.--hit send
Fairways Watch will then ---cut, copy, and paste, your exact wording to the Fairways Watch Email and address.
Your tip and information will then be forwarded DIRECT to the proper section of OCSO. Most of your secure information will go to the Sector 2 special projects officer. Certain other contents will go to the ''special investigations'' section at the OCSO operations center.
Folks,---I personally guarantee this procedure to be anonymous and bug free. This blog does not collect IP addresses or any other ''tomfoolery'' from our readers.
One last personal word, regarding support for our law enforcement officers all over our great country.--- Recently the news media is full of stories of hate groups, spewing their venom at the ''good guys'' ----I remind you that in this past year our area, Orange County, has lost 2 of our finest. The 2 slain officers were investigating reports of minor crimes.----Shame on the malcontents and misguided groups that condemn all law enforcement officers. ''SPEAK UP AMERICA!
Thanks Bill
Great info
10-4 "Just the facts mam Just the facts"
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