Saturday, February 14, 2015



This attractive resident ID windshield sticker was issued with pride many years ago to all resident HOMEOWNERS.
 Fairways Watch has sent a copy along with a written suggestion to our current HOA board of directors.
We ask the board to consider ,printing up some new, updated,[possibly reflective] of an attractive design, identification decal windshield stickers.
We feel that new stickers could serve as an aid in getting a more accurate home owners list in place.
HTA will not give our HOA a resident list, due to their ''super secret privacy act''---[PURE OLD BULL S*#% ] 
  We suggest this---If a new design is chosen And is produced,--residents could be asked to come to the HOA office, or go to a monthly meeting,--They should--- produce ID--- and be registered to vote in the HOA elections--upon completion of these requirements, the homeowner would be given decals for each vehicle, registered to them. ----Then,on a STRICTLY voluntary basis make a ''free will''contribution to the''meager'' HOA defense fund.
This type of ID could have other, far reaching benefits.Many of us residents ,remember back to ''Hurricane Charley''---Immediately after Charley, the Fairways became an immediate target for ''aluminum scavengers'' The residents banded together and manned the ''not so gated community''---One of the main problems we had was identifying the ''real'' residents!---A good ID decal would have been a blessing.
PLEASE folks---lets give our new board the support they need.---any comments and suggestions to this post will be copied and given to the board before their special,''GET OUT THE VOTE'' meeting on February 18.------PS.-----SOME NEW IDENTIFICATION STICKERS, MAY GIVE US SOMETHING BADLY NEEDED---''PRIDE'' IN OUR COMMUNITY!


Long time resident said...

This decal was a great idea at the time and it did work, it was at a time when residents also volunteered their time and pulled shifts on the gate and were all happy to do it No one complained and there were many residents who were standing in line for their turn, if this program is brought back it would be a good positive step only residents should be issued this not renters or guests

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea. I also suggest that each year, starting jan 1, a new sticker is issued to all registered residents, have a different color per year and have the year printed on each sticker. On each sticker, a number printed, when issued a sticker this number is then recorded to the lot number of the house. I know HTA leases homes in the park, they also should be included. I know there are a number of private leases in the park, and this should show the number of people who are renting and not registered with HTA.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, I have been talking about stickers for the last three years. Not only for purpose of registration, but just so we the residents know who lives gere. If we see a car we are not sure if their a resident or not. I say yes to the stickers!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here, here. GREAT IDEA ! !

Anonymous said...

Let's give our new board our full support and cooperation....this sounds like a great idea, and I for one am all for it.

Anonymous said...

Waste of money. How do you know, and who is going to check to see if a car without a stcker is visiting, robbing,or just a new car? I'd rather see the effort go towards getting the bad guys stopped at the gate. Once they are in the damage is done.

Unknown said...

RE ANON 8;33
The main thought behind the decals is NOT gate security.We see the decal issue as effort to support and grow the enrollment of our HOA.The HOA does not have the authority or money to put anyone at the gate---Only HTA can do that. In the past year HTA has made it very clear that THEY want NO RESTRICTIONS at the gate---THAT MIGHT OFFEND BILLY CASPER!
As I have said before---OUR HOA IS A'' BROKEN GUN, WITH NO BULLETS'
IF WE THE HOMEOWNERS'support our new board,--- build our voting base and general membership,---and build a respectable DEFENSE FUND---WE may be able to repair ""the gun'' and even buy a few bullets. It is not the idea of having our HOA go around ,picking fights---BUT---we should be able and willing to try and defend our community when things, such as the INFAMOUS restaurant shut down occur.
Along with the registration for the decals, would come the help of getting a better homeowner list.---WE WISH THE NEW BOARD ALL THE BEST. The special meeting FEB 18---shows that they are trying!----SO---Instead of sitting at home, sniping and bitching---WHY NOT COME TO THE SPECIAL MEETING??

Anonymous said...

Well said Bill KUDOS to you and what you are trying to get done in this PIT OF HORRORS WE CALL OUR COMMUNITY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

AS a long time resident I remember those day of community togeatherness. It was greatly appreciated by our management team. I would love to see those days have a great idea Bill.i only hope we can make it a reality.

Pat Dudley said...

Well said Mr Heldreth. Thanks to Mr Einstein "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Something needs to be done....

Anonymous said...

To get a sticker you have to show an ID that proves you live in the Fairways. That seems very reasonable and proper. What sounds a bit totalitarian is that you would also have to register to vote and register your vehicles.
Are you going all Democrat Obama anti-privacy on us?

Anonymous said...

To 12:09PM why do you have to get so sarcastic with your post, the office has your vehicle info and you should be proud to have a choice to vote on matters that affect the commumity what's up with the OBAMA remark? there is nothing wrong with this so it must be YOU!!!

Unknown said...

RE ANON 12;09
If you like to use the word TOTALITARIAN---I suggest that you use it against HTA management ,---not Fairways Watch!
The need for HOA voter registration is to help make our HOA a stronger voice to counter the existing TOTALITARIAN control OF HTA.
As for one decal for each vehicle----WHAT WOULD YOU SUGGEST?---We don't want to pass out decals to everyone,s cousins and nephews, that come visiting and park all over our streets, every weekend!
It's not anti privacy--just common sense!

Anonymous said...

Dear 12:09pm

Your an idiot

The rest of the park.

Anonymous said...

Words well chosen 10:27 AM I agree totally with what you said.

Anonymous said...

This is a good idea. But it will go in the same direction that the front plates for cars went. I'll give you a prime example. You all know the lawn maintenance man( Eric)sporting the "Fairways" plate on the front of his red truck. Does he live here? NO! Got it from his Mom who does. So how will you prevent this with decals?

Unknown said...

RE 10;18
You raise a very good question and you give a valid example of wrong doing.
As with any program ,---the decal success effort would depend on the common sense and honesty,of the MAJORITY of the good residents.There is no way to have a fool proof ID system.
Another ridiculous example of a planned ID program,--gone astray,---the resident pool pass program.. We have a resident that admittedly ,gave Fairways pool passes to their relatives that live in DEERWOOD! ----THOSE DEERWOOD FOLKS SURE MAKE GOOD USE OF THE MASTERS POOL!
Suggestions and comments are welcome on this matter.

Andrew Carpenter said...

Bill - I may be an outlier, but while I don't think the totalitarian idiot has much of a valid point - and the vehicle ID idea has merit - who enforces it?
Is this going to be another exercise where HTA leadership gets a belly laugh at our expense because there is nothing we can do to repel HTA's plan to turn the Fairways into a highly profitable ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Im all for keeping outsiders out ,, one thing concerns me though. There's a lot of crazy out there and not so sure about letting nuts know where I live.