Thursday, July 16, 2015


We continue with the updating and re-formatting of the neighborhood monitoring program.
 As previously announced ,we have divided the Fairways map into eight different security zones.
The street map of the Fairways resembles a ''plate of spaghetti''.
  The conventional ''block'' terminology, does not fit well.---At our watch meeting, we asked for volunteers to be monitors and officers for each mapped out zone. We are now matching the volunteers to the zones in which they live. Some of the zones seem to have ample volunteers, while others are lacking. 
  When the assignment task is complete, we will have another watch meeting to implement the system, and advise residents of their neighborhood contacts. 

  Also of note is the volunteer''patrol''----We have some ''stick on suction cup'' signs for cars and a light bar to be loaned out for a golf cart.---Anyone interested in helping with the ''patrol'',--please contact Fairways Watch, and we will deliver one of the signs to you.

Planning for our first annual,--''NATIONAL NIGHT OUT''---party continues. After discussions with residents, it is believed that the October 6 date, best fit's the Fairways community. We factored in the cooler weather, fewer thunderstorms, and returning snow birds. We want this event to be something for ALL ages and interests. We have had some volunteers step forward ,--with more needed. We will keep the community informed as to our progress and needs.
There is also some good news to report on the ''crime fighting front''. June 1 was the date of the last filed sheriff lost property report! The hiring and patrolling of the extra deputies certainly seemed to make a difference. It seems that we got the ''cream of the crop''of deputies that got our extra duty assignments. Fairways Watch had the opportunity to talk to a number of the assigned officers. Without exception those folks were thoughtful and very pleasant.

Early this past Sunday afternoon ,--our in-bound gates were hit and badly damaged. Both the right and left ,bottom beams of the gates were bent about 20 degree's.out of line. From all appearances the gates were hit very hard by a fast moving large vehicle! As of Monday afternoon the ''culprit'' had not yet been determined. The gates were removed and sent to the weld shop for repair and then reinstalled Thursday morning. 
  Also of note---The entry kiosk,--[damaged several months ago]--- is finally under repair--with scheduled completion---???

 The election results are probably covered under the infamous ''Fairways privacy law''


Anonymous said...

Priscilla stated at the last Board Meeting, she would have the results of the vote at the next board meeting.

Anonymous said...

I overheard Our president (I believe) told someone at the mailbox that gate attended did not pass...I can't believe that YOUR not aware of that Bill...If that's true, they certainly should have informed you..terrible

Unknown said...

Well if the president is telling certain people, then he should have sent the news out to the residence first. Not good representation to us.

Anonymous said...

Gates wide open again this AM come on in and help yourself to what we have left, come in one come in all, is it any wonder we are targeted.

Anonymous said...

Bill, twice in the last 3 days there has been a dog in the pool area at the Westchester. Tonight the dog's owner left the dog in the bathroom "because apparently the dog is not allowed in the pool area and it was cooler and she didn't want to leave her car running with the a/c on." I told her it was inappropriate to leave her dog on the restroom. She was rather rude. What should I do about this, if anything?

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder who damaged the gates? Anyone in here the damage to the vehicle would be noticiable and what happen to the cameras they have to take these pictures to catch them? I say there is no camera's and the person is an outsider wanting access whenever since he doesn't belong here in the first place.

Unknown said...

Why didn't the lady leave her dog at home? Maybe because she doesn't live here! Now that covered cushion thing at the Greenbrier is for pets, is that right? I was told that by someone at the pool.

Anonymous said...

Yes, she stated she lives across town, was visiting friends, and it is none of my business.

I did not know that about the Greenbrier. Perhaps we should put a sign by the gate so all those who don't live here will know where to takes their pets.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I would like to thank Bill H for the thousands of hours he has spent trying to keep this park safe. He patrols each morning ( and evening) using his own vehicle to look for suspicious activity. He has spent countless hours talking with law enforcement officers trying to get more help for our residents. He has been doing this voluntary work for many years! The residents here owe Bill a huge THANK YOU as well as their help. Bill's famous words.... If you see something than say something. DO IT PLEASE!!!!! Jim Wood

Anonymous said...

Being a pet owner and having lived her for a long time, there are no pools designated for pets. Pets are off limits in the pool areas.

Anonymous said...

On Saturday, I received an updated paragraph in our lease. I am not sure that I understand it completely. Are they changing the age limit to 40? Or do you still have to be 55? Or does it mean that the 80/20% rule will allow anyone 40 or over to live here as long as within the 20%? I am just not sure and if call office, I don't trust or even know if the staff can explain it clearly. Can anyone explain this change? Thanks

Anonymous said...

we need a lawyer ,we are about to get screwed again . who sent the letter? not on a letter head and not signed !!!

Long time resident said...

The letter says from community owner not signed by anyone and no letter head but mailed from 32826 zip code, and you are right WE ARE ABOUT TO GET SCREWED AGAIN AND WITHOUT A KISS COME ON HOA LAWYER UP!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know where it came from, my question, can anyone explain it? I admit, that I don't completely understand the change...
What is the point of a lease, if HOA, can arbitrarily, change it without consent from present tenants.

Unknown said...

This was an unprofessional letter from Community Owner-Hometown! I read into to letter that 80% occupancy have to be 55+ and 20% must be 40+, except for grandfathered in before November 1, 2015 one time basis.

Randy Muehl said...

If I'm not mistaken, it is quite simple to understand the change in verbage. You still must be 55 to own or lease here. (less the 20%) The only change is ALL tenants(with the exception of a handicapped blood relative to the owner or leaseholder)must be at least 40. No more young teens or CFU student relatives can reside here over 30 days. At that point, (if reported)they must leave. (so it says). It's now even more important to tell your HOA rep. the office, or Bill H. and the Neighborhood Watch if you know for a FACT that there is a violation. That way we can follow up to protect what we have left. That is also where "age restricted" as opposed to just "over 55" comes into play. I believe this is a positive move that needs to be monitored by the HOA, rather than a negative one. Unfortunately,the ones already here are grandfathered in.

Unknown said...

I agree that this new detailed change, COULD be a positive move,---IF FAIRLY AND HONESTLY ENFORCED!
The main problem with the existing rule and regulation,--was simple,--HTA did not abide by it's own rules ---There was no uniform enforcement. The result was sex offenders---convicted felons---and career criminals--, renting and living in our community.
It seems that with the new regulation, ----HTA is the only one that can rent homes---. Maybe someone can clarify that point.
On some of the newer, updated HTA web pages---The Fairways is referred to as a''RESTRICTED AGE COMMUNITY'' rather than an ''OVER 55 COMMUNITY''

Anonymous said...

So, if a family member is handicapped, they can no longer be cared for by family, that is under 40... that seems to be the change that you state.... because I do know, that some residence have family (Under 40), living with them, claiming need for them to be cared for. If they are not registered, by Nov 1, then bye, bye....! thank you for clearing it up... Yes, sounds like a positive change......

Anonymous said...

I definitely think that this is a positive thing because now all residents have been informed. They can no longer say that "They didn't know" They can no longer get away with having people living here that should not be. The office considers us all warned at this point. I also would have to say that clears up all the rumors about the park not being over 55 or the new politically correct way of saying it, "Restricted Age Community." As far as pets, pets have never been allowed at any of the pools. So there is no pet friendly pools in the fairways. So the little seat at the greenbriar does not smell because of a pet on it. Maybe because it sits out in the heat and rain, but not because of a dog.

Anonymous said...

This comment sounds like it was written by the office as an I told you so. Ref7/21 @9: 35 AM.

Anonymous said...

Comments are just that..... I think the challenge here is, will the rules be ENFORCED. That is ultimately what matters.

Anonymous said...

0935 if not the office. I am a 20 year resident.

Andrew Carpenter said...

Does HTA have to advertise the 40 y/o change... or just hope that the mailer was read by a majority of its owner/residents?


Did taking down the 55+ letters, off of the front wall have anything to do with changing us to a ''RESTRICTED AGE COMMUNITY''?

Unknown said...

that's what i got out of the letter, too, Bill.... that HTA is the only one who can rent homes, even if they are "owned" by an individual!

(and there are some words, and some other words, and then some other words and numbers and distractions about age restrictions, which are already in place)

Am i mistaken?

Fred said...

Basically the letter states that no on under 40 can be here and if a home is owned by a resident to be a rental property, that occupant/ tenant, must be approved by the office. Those under 40 that are here now and before Nov 1, 2015, 90 days, are all approved.

If anyone under 40, not approved by the office after Nov 1, 2015 probably will be evicted, we hope. Therefore, if there are folks under 40 here you best get approved by the office

Anonymous said...

How does this impact the so-called "SNOW BIRDS" that have been renting homes for three or more months a year? Will the home owners have to have the regular RETURN "Snow Birds" registered and cleared by the office?

Good for the Goose said...

Yep, it would appear that way. Can't wait to listen to them squawk.

Anonymous said...

In answer to Good for the Goose.......

I sure hope as a homeowner you are not always a negative person.

The homeowners I know who let folks use their homes for the winter are good people who follow the rules. As for the SNOW BIRDS, they seem to be a nice addition to THE FAIRWAYS during the winter months and THEY DO their share of volunteering, join in activities, as well as follow the rules.

I doubt very much you will hear any squawking.

Think positive.

Anonymous said...

I've reported to the office that there are kids under the age of 14 living at 1997 Warwick Hills, and have been for a long period of time. I understand the homeowner has passed away, but the home is still occupied.

Anonymous said...

I can back up 1002. I have seen these children who range in age for a long while now. And... there are multiple children there and it has definitely been over 30 days.

Anonymous said...

hey Just Wondering at 5:22 am....yes the wind did blow those letters off the front wall...everyone in the office and HTA stood there blew them off with their hot air

Unknown said...

That's funny 5:22pm. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

How long did it take you to come up with such a good joke?

Anonymous said...

How come golfers get no attention here? It goes to everything except the course and members.

Anonymous said...

If you have comments that are valid and pertain to Bill's site agenda I am sure he will publish them.

Andrew Carpenter said...

@4:29 p.m.
Except for driving under the influence, I am not sure we have public safety issues on the golf course. And, it seems that public safety is the purpose of Bill's blog.

If you want to make drunken driving on the golf course a public safety concern, I am sure Bill would oblige. Particularly when we can agree that no one from the Fairways drunken drives on the golf course four or five days a week -- nope, as usual the only offenders 'round these parts are those pesky outsiders.

Anonymous said...

Just got my new Eagle ATTENTION RESIDENTS THE ROAD WORK FOR 2015 IS COMPLETE? Really my street looks like a dirt farm road this place is becoming a bigger joke every day.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the Eagle for once took a stance and told it like it is concerning HTA. Kudo's to you! If only we had a strong FHAOI to grab this ball and run with it,maybe we could accomplish something.

Anonymous said...

We know some people feel the "Term Neighborhood Watch" is for "Security" only. However, we think the term should mean a group of people looking out for & sticking up for our neighbors no matter what the cause, but with an emphasis on security. We know this somewhat crosses lines with HOC, but the more people we have helping each other the better off we all will be. Besides this "Blog" helps everyone voice their concerns about all things.

Anonymous said...

Re: articles in the Eagle on amenities, (a lie is a lie is certainly correct)! When we bought in here we were shown & told about all of these things now they are gone! How can these sales people, people we see all the time look us in the eye after they lied to us! We had to pass a background check, maybe it is time for all office employees to do the same. To prove to us they are not helping out with a scam & pushing falsehoods!

Anonymous said...

As long as the people in charge don't live in here, who cares about water leaks! Go ahead and drink the nasty water, get sick the office will let you know in a couple days, while you see black stuff in your tub and this is the reason you are sick.

Unknown said...

Yes, we would like to know what road work was done for 2015. Besides the paving on Warwick Hills. Roads are awful!! Communications really bad here in the community, except for Bill Heldreth!!!!!! I guess the front entrance won't be upgraded for improved safety of our community, since the yes votes weren't enough. No security! Priscilla, no detailed information was given before hand, other than a guard at the gate and the cost per home, that I remember. You need to attend the Thursday meetings to discuss and/or inform residence of the happenings. Thanks Priscilla for the information in the Eagle, but this is after the fact. Not a happy camper right now.

Anonymous said...

For the library, why not buy a shell home, put it on an empty lot, put the Eagle office in it, the FHAOI office and meeting area, (not the general meeting), and the library. Right across from the Greenbrier would be good, because of parking area.

Anonymous said...

We know that the Masters will certainly be done by the Holidays. One reason we know is because the last week of August the crew only worked 3 days, so they must be ahead of schedule! Also, it is the first time we have ever seen plywood put on for a roof, (over the storage area) and not be covered. When it rained on it almost everyday for at least 2 wks. and not covered with felt paper, shingles or even a blue tarp. How good a shape is that plywood now or will it be in the future? Who from HTA is supervising this very, very expensive remodeling?????

Anonymous said...

On the 1st of August we read where the Greenbrier has been re-sided, are we not looking at the right club house? The road work for 2015 has been completed, we sure are glad of that, because we now know all these pot holes are here to stay! Come on, how many votes were turned in, how many were yes, how many were no! No way are we voting for anything without seeing a copy of the signed contract that would show the amount of increase each year.

We do have a suggestion on the library with the rumor about a new sales office, let the rest of the main office go to the Greenbrier than put the FHAOI, the Eagle and the library in the (now) main office. We would have more parking an easier to get in and out of the door-gate.

Anonymous said...

Wow 12:31, a dirt farm road, Inverary looks like a constant river flowing....

Unknown said...

Ok, sorry if you didn't like my post, since it is not printed here. Just a concerned resident. Thanks Bill H for all you do.

Anonymous said...

there is a limit on how many people can be in a building , does hta have to supply a building large enough to meet our demands? what if a building is licensed for 35 people and 80 show up what now ? we need a lawyer before we lose more like the pools etc.

Anonymous said...

ROAD WORK DONE!!!! From the 14700 block of Spyglass St. to the RV compound is the original street since 1981 from the pond down to the RV compound has only had 1 I repeat 1 top coat applied since new in 1981 IS IT BECAUSE IT'S THE ROAD TO THE DUMP would you like your street looking like that MRS. PRISS. I think NOT!!!!!!!!!!! and that top coat was done more than 20 years ago CHEW ON THAT, WHAT IS THE EXCUSE OH, WE WILL WRITE A WORK ORDER I THINK NOT.

Anonymous said...

Love the new Eagle TRUTH on top of front page LIES on bottom of same page, this place is getting worse by the day OH SALES ARE HOT, HOT, HOT. We need some truth in this community if it can still be called that.

Long time frustrated resident said...

Maybe next year we'll have more people with spines and common sense to run for the Board, who know the rules and laws, and not afraid of HTA to confront them. There should be a better way to communicate with us what is really going on, in a more timely manor. I just hope some of these people who seem to have good ideas get off their duffs and really try to address the needs of us residents by running for office, sober and precise.

Anonymous said...

The current board appears to be trying to fix things. but if they don't get any cooperation from the residents which is what happens every year. Then nothing will ever change in here. If you want to see things change then go to the meetings and support the board instead of complaining on social media websites.
that is all....

over and out

Anonymous said...

doesn't seem to matter if you go to the meetings or not--they don't seem to be listening when you DO get the chance to speak.....theyre just doing what they want without regard to rules or laws it seems.............sober and precise------good one

Anonymous said...

My post on 7/31 6:09 PM I meant from the 148000 block on Spyglass from the round about to the RV compound 1981 original pave more than 20 years ago 1 top coat, AND THE ROAD WORK IS DONE!!!!!!!