On April 20 of this year, a 911 call was made by a elderly female resident in regards to a threatened domestic violence situation. Two OCSO units were dispatched to the lower Warwick Hills area.When the first unit arrived on the scene,-- A veteran female deputy was confronted by the alleged suspect [guest resident] hiding in a neighbors yard.---- In a brief summary ---the suspect attempted an assault on the deputy, with a sharp landscapers tool. Even with the deputy threatning with an electronic weapon,--the suspect refused to obey the officer. It was only after the second officer arrived that the suspect was restrained and placed under arrest.
The male suspect was charged with a second degree felony--''ASSAULT ON A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WITH A DEADLY WEAPON''.
After a 90+ day stay in jail,--The suspect was adjudicated guilty of the second degree felony ,----but was released under a PLEA deal arrangement.
On July 22 the twice convicted felon, returned to live once again. again in the lower Warwick Hills area.
We have complete documentation of all the actions involved in this case. The lady deputies arrest report is fascinating reading. Her report is almost like it was taken from a script of the ''COPS'' TV show.
Part of the sentence requires a 2 year probation program,---for what ever that may be worth.
After an open discussion with residents at last nights meeting,--the following will be done---Rick Harris,[director of home owners] --will take, a complete, documented ,indisputable copy of my file regarding this event to our community manager.
If immediate action is not taken to rectify this obvious threat to our community----This same packet of information and detailing letter will be sent by registered mail to Steve Braun.
If the described individual,should harm another resident----YOU BETTER BELIEVE HOMETOWN WOULD BE IN ''DEEP DOO-DOO''
The male suspect was charged with a second degree felony--''ASSAULT ON A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER WITH A DEADLY WEAPON''.
After a 90+ day stay in jail,--The suspect was adjudicated guilty of the second degree felony ,----but was released under a PLEA deal arrangement.
On July 22 the twice convicted felon, returned to live once again. again in the lower Warwick Hills area.
We have complete documentation of all the actions involved in this case. The lady deputies arrest report is fascinating reading. Her report is almost like it was taken from a script of the ''COPS'' TV show.
Part of the sentence requires a 2 year probation program,---for what ever that may be worth.
After an open discussion with residents at last nights meeting,--the following will be done---Rick Harris,[director of home owners] --will take, a complete, documented ,indisputable copy of my file regarding this event to our community manager.
If immediate action is not taken to rectify this obvious threat to our community----This same packet of information and detailing letter will be sent by registered mail to Steve Braun.
If the described individual,should harm another resident----YOU BETTER BELIEVE HOMETOWN WOULD BE IN ''DEEP DOO-DOO''
Do you know if this son was ordered to getting philological help?
so you can be a fellon and live in fairways? looks like he would not be allowed bsck in
We have a couple known and self admitted felons that live in the fairways. One of them in particular is registered at the office. Now, truly how does that happen? He has lived here for a couple of years now again, with his mom... But different than the one that Mr. Heldreth is referring to. But this one that Mr. Heldreth is referring to is a repeat offender... Yes and visible in the park if you live near warwick hills. He walks routinely out of the park every single day to purchase his refreshments. Something should honestly be done, if nothing else to protect others here in the park. We can't say that he is harmless, because history with this person has repeated it self more than once that he has a violent history.
What's the deal with the guy that parks at the gate and goes across the street a few times a day?
I believe that is another gentlemen that lives with "Mommy"
But if he's not a law breaker he has done nothing to earn your snide remark.
There are way to many people here living with mommy in here. And im not just talking about kids, im talking full blown adults. Get a job and get your won house.
I would hope if and when I need help my child could live with me insteed of going to a home
don't be fooled. they are here because it is free not to take care of them.
Re: 8-7 at 8:01 are you forgetting we have a manager from 5-9 M-F she does not care if fellons live in here. We have had this problem for the last 3-4 years and she is not going to investigate these problems sweep under the rug unless someone has a fit. The old saying same manager same procedures and you expect different results forgetaboutit. If was not for the great job Bill does we would have a great deal more problems.
I cant believe that people think a manager living here will make any difference at all. Come on people. Use you're heads.
Well, I would like to say that not only are the kids, but grand kids living here... for a long time (ex. Spyglass). It was reported about a grandson, living with Grandma, months ago, during all the break-ins. He is 18 or under...and he is still living here..... because I see him driving Grandmas car with all his buddies in it.
I believe he was confronted by one resident, at night, because he was roaming around with his "buddies" Nothing done... Is he here to help Grandma??? Well, he doesnt go to school, doesnt work, has no car (other than Grandma)..... so I agree with Anonymous at 12:00PM
The felon living on warwick hills has been reported to management by Mr. Heldreth and that is how we found out that he is a "registered" person in the park. apparently they do not do back round checks on household members. That is the only explanation I can come up with. In no way, are we saying that Bill doesn't do a good job. This reflects on management. It makes me wonder how many others there are in the park that we don't even know about.
For people who live in a mobile home park, collecting government checks and healthcare, some of us sure are uppity. What makes you so entitled, 10:44 a.m., to pass judgement on other people. Tend your own business and as long as the child is legal a vetted, be thankful that the world is better off because mom still takes her family in. Oh, and give up your atheism and come back to merciful Christianity.
I for one ... are collecting NOTHING.. except a paycheck, which I work hard for each day.. and there is no free healthcare in my world.
Honestly, have no idea what you are even talking about.. atheism ... christianity.... think this topic is "lost in space"................... Bill, dont you think should move on to the REAL issues at hand..
To 3:49PM What makes you so entitled we who are collecting social security and or retirement checks have done ours and we are entitled to reside in our mobile home community where there are no known felons or other law breakers sneaking in and freeloading here, we are entitled to live in a safe community where we are not looking over our shoulder all the time I see no atheism or lack of merciful christianity at all in fact I see you as a BIGOT!
In reference to the remark about a free ride with mom/ dad and not taking care of them. Maybe some but I came here when my dad was sick.Mom didnt drive , then she would get sick. They fell , had numerous health problems not to mention needed financial help. And help taking care of the house and yard. It went on and on. I would of never left them alone as they never left me when i was growing up. Theyre both gone now.
Not all of us are freeloaders. You dont know situations to judge.
WOW - I can't believe are the comments here, majority of them not pertaining to what Bill actually posted. I'm thinking these remarks are childish, and they say this is an adult park....well YOU adults really should "put your brain in gear before putting your mouth (in this case, typing...) in motion. GROW UP, we have more problems to deal with - GEEZ!!!
Attend the meeting and get answers.
I fell on tough times and back working now and cant make the meetings. Whats the best way for my input to be herd?
Arent we supposed to be adults, not children? some of these comments are just uncalled for....people, let's be mature. If these nasty, name calling comments continue, I for one will not be reading this blog, and i have been a daily reader and comment writer for over three years. Lets stick to comments about Fairways issues.....
Re: 8-11 12:57 good comment about a resident manager we should talk to more people like you because all the residents we talk to day in and day out 100% want to try out a resident manager. Someone who has to live like the rest of us 24-7. We really need someone to give this place a sense of unity something we have not had for the last 2-3 years. So lets try a resident manager just to see if it improves things. One thing a felon would get checked out a whole lot faster than it does now. Maybe it would lessen the weight on Bill's shoulders.
Why do you think that 1 person is responsible for the unity of this community? Your kidding right? Don't you think that falls on the residents?
I just wish we could get Hometown to improve our quality way of living with security of our community. Where are the cameras, even if not operating, I didn't see them.
Maybe they don't want us to see them????? Hahaha.
Can anyone confirm that the pro shop has cameras? I've hear it through the rumor mill but I refuse to go in there since the caspar group took our beloved restaurant. Why do they get them but not the residents?
It's 9:30 pm and parents who we believe are visiting
Are in the Westchester pool with their very young children and their large float toys
Having a very loud time
And who's here to watch this
Certainly not a pool monitor are a park manager!
Oh well
Same song ..
Same verse
Gonna get better? ?
Nope ... it will get worse!
Re: aug. 5:03 comment we can guess with great accuracy where that comment came from.
3:13 AMEN
Hey you are right about the residents making for unity and they have started, everyone agrees we need a live-in manager!!!!!!! and now everyone agreed we needed a lawyer!!!!!! so some unity has started with the residents hope more will follow.
Speaking about the Zen of unity, what's with the FHAOI lawsuit against HTA? A board member said it was filed two weeks ago, but it has yet to show up on the Orange County Clerk of Courts online database. The Clerk's office says they put the civil cases online about 48 hours after documents are filed at the courthouse.
This is another example of why a huge step toward comm(unity) would be a homeowners' association website. According to the taunts of a new Fairways blog (which will remain unnamed out of respect for Bill's great blog) it only takes about three minutes to set up a free site that can even be password protected for residents' only. I think it takes more like 10 minutes, but you get the point.
And, from what I know, and to which Bill can attest, the a FHAOI site could be set up without a comments feature so it would just be news and update. After all, as we know, there are other outlets on which we can vent our spleens when we are in the temporary throes of dis(comm)unity.
Andy, when we questioned about the free web site without comments, the residents were told by a board member that there was a monthly fee. Is it possible to set it uo free, then why dont we have it already?
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