We are on track for the first Fairways national night out.
October 6 is the date ,at the Westchester clubhouse. Hopefully this first attempt will lead on to a growing annual affair for our community.
Per the suggestion of Deputy Mellisa Belmont,--the event will start around 6 PM. We plan on having refreshments, security information available, along with some door prizes from nearby vendors and businesses.One of the featured door prizes will be a Midland weather alert radio.
The one negative factor that we are dealing with, is the lack of an enclosed area to stage this first event. Hopefully, next year we can have a ''real'' night out at the new Masters clubhouse.
There will be follow up promotions before the event.
hope the masters is compleat nezt year and we can still use it
I'm convinced it's now just going to be exclusive for Casper Corps use.
335pm Ihope you are wrong, but it seems that way
We may be getting a little off subject---BUT--it is related
I too share your concerns of HTA placing more restrictions on the RESIDENTS access and use of OUR central meeting place--the Masters. Only time will tell.
I personally commend our HOA board for standing up and hiring Attorney Perry to strike back on our behalf, for the latest takeaway--the library issue.
Hopefully this may send a message to HTA,--that we are sick and tired of their greedy takeaway crap!
What makes any of you think that the Masters will be controlled by Billy Casper Corp? What would be the purpose? I hope that when it is finished, you folks that comment that it is a Billy Casper controlled building at least come in here and admit you are wrong and try and help bring our community back together. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Give me one fact that leads you to believe that they will control it at all. I heard people say that there are showers and locker rooms being built for them, do you really think that is true? REALLY? You probabley don't think we landed on the moon either. GET A GRIP.
Is perry going to go after Casper group? That seems to be where the problem is.
The only way Casper could take over the Masters is if they took over mgmt. of the whole park. Remember, many thought we couldn't make it to the moon, but we did. Put Casper in that scenario and ponder.......
ref 956pm
It is hard to understand why anyone would question legitimate suspicions of concerned residents. With all of the lies, misdeeds, and misinformation put forth by the current management, THERE IS NO TRUST!
well they took oveer our breakfast,lunch and dinner and as far as I know they are not management
More like mismanagement.
Billy Casper taking over the Fairways is the lamest conspiracy theory ever!
HTA killed the snack bar. Yes, Casper ran it and the food was aawwwfulll!!! and HTA didn't care.
But, when HTA found out about the tens of thousands of dollars they needed to spend to bring the place up to building, safety and health codes, they killed it.
And pardon me Mr. Muehl, we're you ever in the masters except when you used it your for profit business - or are we supposed to ignore that that could be the source of your anger.
does anyone think they can pin point the comments at 9:24 and 9:56 as to where they came from????? boy we think we can!!!!!!!!
I am the one that made the comment at 9:56. Why is it that any resident that wants to see a happier community is accused of being an employee of the park? If I believe everything that I read in here, I couldn't be an employee because some of you think none of the employees care about us. Again, please tell me what Billy Casper Corp would use the Masters for. Maybe if they have a golf tournament, they will use it, oh wait, they did that before and every golf tournament that I ever seen included the residents. Come on folks, some of you talk about the lies told by management and I am not trying to defend them because I don't like that either but when you spread wild, unsupported rumors, I think you are just as bad. Stop it. Let's work together to improve our community, stop the conspiracy theories and think positive.Just try it, I dare you.
O.K. 9:24 Let me address your lack of insight to all you said. First,my Catering business is a sideline ( I have a retirement) and is for profit like any business. I do business at the Masters as well as events outside the park. My anger comes as a resident losing amenities, not a cash cow as you seem to think the Masters is to me. The biggest joke is that you obviously don't know me. If you did, you'd know that my wife and I utilize the Masters every time something is going on. Rock and Roll Club dances, New York Club, Karaeoke, HOA functions including membership meetings,Member of Men's and Ladies Golf Assoc. that has meetings there, Weddings and Funerals,Health Fair, and occasionally the Library. So, unless your track record can beat that, leave me out of your ignorant comments. No wonder you post as "Anonymous"......
I'm not sure what any of these comments have to do with making the "Night Out" a success and what all is planned for that evening!!!
The trouble is it is a whole lot easier to believe the rumors than the falsehoods coming from management. But mostly there is not anything from the front that one can believe the truth is never told the nasty things just happen without a word and than is when the cover up starts.
ok then..I am starting a rumor that Billy Casper Corp will have nothing do do with the scheduling or running of the Masters....now believe it and pass it on....lol.
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