Thursday, November 5, 2015


Around 4PM Wednesday afternoon,--The street and stop sign at the corner of Inverary and Port Marnock,--was literally ''OBLITERATED''. 
  From all appearances it seems that the signs were hit by an east bound vehicle, at a high rate of speed!
 The remains of the vinyl post and street marker is best described as being a ''debris field'' The post and signs were ripped into small pieces. 
  Thankfully, there were no residents or golfers in this populous area at the time of impact.
If you notice a vehicle, in the park, with front end damage--or broken windshield--- you may want to notify the front office!
 The photo above indicates the shear force of the impact.----HOW MUCH LONGER CAN OUR''LUCK'' HOLD OUT?

 We have been informed by 2 different sources that this situation was caused by a GOLF CART.!
 In view of the damage,--this first seems unlikely---BUT--there are reportedly witnesses.
 QUESTION---WHAT THE HELL DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?----If a resident ,had been walking in that same area,---the results would have been terrible!
  There are so many occurences in this community that are hard to understand


Jack Hough said...

In June 2013, Steve Braun offered the Fairways residents a 90 day FREE trial offer for 24/7 security at the front gate which was never taken....maybe the board should look into having Steve possibly putting it back up and taking up that offer from him this time!

Anonymous said...

What if a car backed into the sign, shouldn't we be inspecting rear ends too.

Unknown said...

It's possible person may have been someone outside our community; that's why we need cameras at the gates.

Anonymous said...

I think we're forgetting the demographic who live in here. Don't think you need to be drunk or nuts. Plenty of crashes from people who shouldn't be behind the wheel anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:33pm
The demographic I believe your referring to is the majority is over 80. However, there are more young people in here then there ever were before. And if you haven't noticed young people drive recklessly, carelessly and too fast

Anonymous said...

The damage was caused by a golfer in the Doty group on Wednesday afternoon. He was golfing and the rain started, he was in a hurry to try and finish and ran into the sign. All he had to do was tell the office so they could put the stop sign back up so no body went through it and caused an accident. His type is the problem, please don't blame it on the older people because that is not the case here.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone in the Doty group drinks while they play.

Anonymous said...

No one said he was drinking, just in a hurry to get out of the rain

Unknown said...

i'm not a fan of "big brother", but some camera surveillance could do some good in identification of people who don't own up to their actions. sometimes an "i'm sorry, i did this" goes a long way. especially in a community of neighbors. just sayin'....