The phone for Fairways Watch started ringing this morning at 5:29 AM. One of our trusted watchers, called to report an entire concrete street light pole down---but still burning.
At the scene, we met Ed Dow at which time Duke energy was called to report the accident and to cut power to the downed pole.
As we were scratching our heads as to what kind of vehicle did the damage,--an important ''CLUE'' surfaced as the sun came up.
Leading away from the scene was a distinct trail of anti freeze and transmission oil!
Folks--it did not take a"Sherlock Holmes'' to follow the trail.We followed the fluid track--out to Pebble Beach--on down to the 14300 block of. Forrest Oak
In a driveway sat the heavily damaged Toyota Corolla,--with the air bags deployed!
Out of concern for an injured resident, we called 911 and requested a law enforcement ''wellness check''
While on the phone with 911,---a young lady came out of the house. She did not appear to be injured or impaired in any way.At that point, we were transferred to FHP dispatch. We were questioned by FHP dispatch as to tag numbers and etc. FHP advised that they would dispatch a unit to Forrest Oak.
The young resident told us that she was driving home and ''went to sleep'' at the wheel.The residency status of the young female is unknown except for the address on Forrest Oak.
Within minutes 2 FHP units came into the park. The two young polite troopers , first went o the accident scene and then on down to the damaged car.
The legal activities beyond that point are unknown at this time.
On Monday information will be sent to the office as to the question of proper residency of the young resident.
Thanks Bill for the update... I was wondering what was going on as I saw the Duke Energy truck and then FHP traveling down Forest Oaks.. Curiousity got the best of me, was wondering why FHP answered the call instead of OCSO... just wondering.
Good detective work??
re anon
In the state of Florida--only the FHP can investigate traffic accidents. When 911 is called the dispatcher will automatically transfer the call to FHP after it is determined WHETHER OR NOT fire rescue is needed.
My guess is that no citation was given in this case---due to our private roads. I wonder--if the pole had been a human, walking--and was left as a ''hit& run''---Would it still be a private road issue?---I THINK NOT!
Must have really stepped on the gas to do that much damage after stopping at the stop sign.
That car held up pretty good considering the impact that it took. That pole was completely pulled out of the ground, lying on it's side, with the light still burning. The concrete used to hold the pole in place was above the ground. Guess we should all buy Toyotas. LOL... But in all seriousness, if this person, indeed fell asleep while driving, there could have been fatality, and thank goodness this time there wasn't.. And this was due to a person that probably shouldn't even be living in the fairways.
Like to see what adjuster and body shop figure damage to car. Could be thousands. That kind damage could be extensive.
And who's actual job is it to investigate and find out if she is? Does the office check this out or are we supposed to? It seems people claim to know about illegals and felons living in here, but no word from anyone if they had been reported, checked out,etc.
I have a felon who lives on my street. This felon has been reported to the office more than once, and as of today still lives on my street. I think that we share responsibility for reporting things to management. In the case of the above, it was reported to management on Monday when the office reopened after the holidays.
If you also let Bill H. or myself know the specifics we will follow up on these reports. As Dir. of Neighborhood Watch and Dir. of Homeowners, it is our job to make sure your concerns are followed up on. This goes for any concerns you, as residents,have. My e mail is Phone 863-944-7231 and can be found for private messages at fairwaysfl.nextdoor web site.
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