Monday, January 4, 2016


The  unusual scene below was recorded Sunday evening around 6:30 PM.--- Updated--see below!

A late model Lincoln, was sitting a little ''high and dry'' in the evening rain. Fairways Watch received a call from one of our active spotters, advising us of an unusual situation.
We went to the reported site at the south corner of Inverary and Warwick Hills.
 Sure enough--as we were told --there it was--- a very nice Lincoln ,sitting on top of two large rocks! It seems that these large rocks, and a reflector had been placed at the corner of a property to keep cars out of the yard.
 The car's emergency hazard signals were activated, but no driver was in the area. We speculate that the driver had left to call a tow truck.
 In all probability,--there was damage to the underside of the very nice automobile.
Our concern is simple---Once again---an inanimate object was run over by a careless driver!
 Last week---it was a light pole. A short while before that--- it was a street sign.
 Thank the almighty,----none of these involved a innocent resident being struck!
 If you go out walking after dark, please take along a good flashlight, or other means of recognition!---You don't want to end up in the same position of those rocks!

Fairways Watch has not been able to locate the pictured Lincoln--Probably in the repair shop!

Update Tuesday morning---WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

This  20 mph speed limit sign on Pebble Beach,near Spyglass was hit with such force that it sheared the 4x4'' hard wood post. The impact threw the sign ,over 50 yds from the position shown here! If you look closely, you can see the tire marks of a full sized vehicle.---OH YES--they were headed OUT the gate.
 Looking at the lighter side--maybe the auto manufactures could use the Fairways as a ''AIR BAG TEST CENTER''
SERIOUSLY--Folks this is a DEADLY and critical matter--It's only a matter of time!----


Unknown said...

When Doug and I went driving around looking at Christmas lights, it was so dark in areas of the park. Had trouble seeing some street entrances. The street signs we had difficulty reading in the dark, and lettering too small.

Anonymous said...

In response to the above, this is an issue with drivers being careless. Exceeding speed limits, and literally cutting corners. This same Lincoln was seen by the same spotter the week before going down Warwick Hills Drive at a speed of at least 40- 50 miles per hour. This is an issue. We have residents who walk, we have residents who walk dogs, ride bikes and are in golf carts. There would have been absolutely no way that any of the above mentioned could have gotten out of the path of this car. Just as the rocks were hit. We have a lot of new residents and some of the prior residents who are not respecting the rules in this park. Driving at fast speeds has suddenly become one of them. I am going to suggest to management that a speed bump be placed on Warwick Hills. No, the neighbors would prefer not, but if it comes to placing a speed bump or someone getting injured, we have decided that the speed bump is more feasible. Warwick Hills is now used as a cut thru because there are no speed bumps. In the case of this Lincoln, it was just a matter of time before something happened. Fortunately, it was the rocks that got hit and not a person.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the address of this Lincoln?????? Has anyone reported to the office and have proof of having done so???? We know our manager is a 9to5 person and does not really care but come on residents report to the HOA if you reported it to the office we need to list all these problems not being taken care of so we can get a live-in manager. That will not be the only solution but a step in the right direction. Hopefully with a new board we can keep a list of all problems not being helped and present it each month to the top.

Anonymous said...

The curve on Augusta should be renamed dead man curve. So many build up so much speed that they swing over into oncoming traffic lane. One of days gonna be head on collision Be excellent spot for speed bumps.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment about Augusta being Dead Man's curve. I frequently walk that road and it can be really dangerous. I can't tell you how many times I yell SLOW DOWN to the speeders!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised this comes as a shock to some. Many seniors have trouble behind the wheel. There is an demographic in here that flat out should not be driving anymore. Who to say this person even knew they hit the speed sign?

Anonymous said...

Most of lead foot drivers aren't older folks IMOP!!

Andrew Carpenter said...

A guy speeds down Wingfoot in an SUV at right around 50 mph, almost whacks Lori who is a careful walker, has his wheels in the grass to get around the corner just past the Millers, and then blows through the stop sign at Augusta, just for a trip to the mailboxes. I chase him down and give him hell.

Fast forward #1: Four complaints about this one driver alone is enough to finally convinced HTA it made Wingfoot a drag strip when it moved all the mailboxes to a central spot and then placed speed humps on Augusta and Pebble Beach. As a sidebar, does anyone remember so many speeding complaints when the mailboxes were spread throughout the park?

Fast forward #2: last Wednesday I was slated to play in the scramble with a golfer I had never met - or so I thought. He pulled up, looked at me, and told Fran (who runs the Doty scramble now) that he couldn't play in my group because he'd end up in jail. The goofy implication being that he would kick the crap out of me.

Anyway, I didn't recognize the guy and told him so. Then he said that I was the crazy f***** who chased him down. I said,"well you were doing 50 on Wingfoot, that's what's really crazy.

He said, "I wasn't doing 50. But I was speeding and I'll drive any speed I want in here."

I go, "That make you a lousy neighbor."

He said, "I... will... drive... any... way... any... speed... I... want."

I reiterate, "Well... that... makes... you... a... lousy... neighbor... in a place where you have so many elderly neighbors."

He goes, "I'll drive any way I want."

You get the picture of how this absurd conversation continued to unfold.

I am told the speeder is a public sector, local government, employee. Yeouch! Perhaps as a society it's time to stop celebrating all people engaged in wrongdoing and civil disobedience, because that lawlessness is now spreading down to the very local level.

Anonymous said...

Why is there always a pickup parked on the grass by the office with a HTA logo on the side when we residents get written up for doing the same!!!!!!!!!! Now miss priss write up all or none.

Anonymous said...

Update: The silver Lincoln is back in action. Went flying down warwick hills again yesterday probably around 40-50 mph. Does anyone know where this Lincoln resides? If so please let Mr. Heldreth know. This car has been reported to management but a name, address or anything would be quite helpful. He or she drives too fast for any of us to be able to get a license number. Thanks