As most residents know ,--after the renovation of the masters,our old BINGO system was not usable with the new electronics installed by Hometown.
Although HTA offered a new digital bingo system, it was ruled illegal by Florida law.
SO---back to the drawing boards!--Mike and Lynn Englehart, spent a lot of time and energy to work with a Tampa gaming company, in order to reconfigure part of our old equipment.
Everything was done in the PROPER way---a cost of $2500 was required to modify some of the older salvaged equipment.
The needed money was properly explained to all residents in detail and a advertised vote was scheduled for our HOA meeting, April 7.
The appropriation for the expenditure was passed by a vote of 128 for and 10 against!
A special thanks to Mike and lynn---these folks put in endless hours for our Eagle---and now brought back an old institution.
Watch for the announcement of the first bingo Wednesday under the new system. There may be some time needed for learning how to use this great improvement.
Thanks to all who donated their time and efforts to make this work. So, again, this was never lost just needed some TLC and here we go. So, give things a little time around here and you will be surprised with all the results and how much we as residents have actually gained with all the new and improved services and improvements. No, I don't work here. I just like living here.
A HUGE tank you to Mike, Lynn and everyone else that worked so hard to get Bingo back. I think those that play will be very pleased with the upgraded system.
Im pleased that it is back because I know a lot of the long-time residents looked forward to getting out on WED evening for bingo. However, I don't think it should have been at the expense of HOA since it should have been in Priscilla's budget when she was renovating the masters. It costs us one way or the other. Hope all enjoy the new and improved BINGO EVENTS....
Ditto...... I don't think it should have been at the expense of HOA since it should have been in Priscilla's budget when she was renovating the masters
Good Job team. just go to show we can ALL work together when we want and need to. No complaints here. It was time to rehab our ancient equipment anyway. GOOD JOB Thank you
Thank you Mike and Lynn for all the time and effort you put in to get Bingo up and running for your fellow residents. :)
Miss Priss would like to send the hoa belly up so every chance she can get to charge the hoa she will aka bingo,cable,score boards and so on.
Great post, Bill. As a Board we had no argument at all about spending the money. You wanted it and we let you decide how you wanted us to spend your money. That's what it's all about this year. I'm sure through the rest of the year you will find more of the same sound decision making that was promised. Thanks for your support...we really are trying.
The vast majority of residents are sick and tired of the deceptive actions of last years HOA board.There is no defense or legitimate reason for having secret backyard meetings.The way the residents responded to the bingo vote is proof that the people understand ,right from wrong and the needs of OUR community!
A big thank you goes out to all the residents who attended the general meeting. We need this response every month so that the Board can function as intended.
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