Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Our 2016 HOA board is working with ways to improve communications within the community.
 Below you will find photo's of one new avenue.

The purpose of these ''alert'' boards are to be used for several important purposes--such as special meetings--[as above]--or situations like ''BOIL WATER''
Shortly our new information FHAOI web site will be on line
A special word about the sign above with the meeting notice.
This resident HOA meeting will be extremely important to every homeowner. Since a filing of a court case by our FHAOI, against HTA,-- there has been all forms of information dispersed out into the community. Much of this information was here-say and some of it was inaccurate. In order to BEST inform the residents,--our attorney, Daniel Perry,--will be appearing in person to talk and respond and answer the questions posed by you the residents.---''NO HOLDS BARRED'' !
 Advance questions written and given to our Randy Muehl,--will be given preference!-- We would expect good manners and courtesy extended to Attorney Perry.
Folks---this is the type of meeting that should be-- EVERYTHING--UP FRONT--NO UN-ANNOUNCED CLANDESTINE MEETINGS''
 I as a board member, can only speak for myself,--no other member.---BUT-- I will never attend an un advertised ''private'' HOA meeting.--Some may argue that there are technical legal reasons permitting such meetings--but in my humble, personal opinion I find closed meetings improper.

Another important item on the agenda is our old beloved Bingo game!
There are funds needed to bring back our LEGAL form of Bingo.The amount is said to be $2500-- All details will be explained by residents that are well informed on the Bingo situation.


Randy Muehl said...

I agree Bill, and don't think we will be having any closed meetings, especially since Attorney Perry will be answering everyone's questions in person. I already have some to ask him, and some of them are tough but appropriate. This years Board seems to be fairly well united in wanting to do the right thing, and keeping residents informed is the main thing. Like you, I will do my best to represent everyone to the best of my abilities and keep their best interests in mind in all of our decision making.

Anonymous said...

Seeing Miss Priss caused this added expense for bingo is she not going help with the expense to replace it ??????????

Anonymous said...

We are ready to say the bingo lost was because Miss Priss did not know the local rules concerning bingo whoa maybe she did!!!!! After all she has taken away this could have been done on purpose. Do not count that out. She is very capable of doing that. Another feather in her cap do rid residents of something they enjoy.

Fred said...

some added info to check out before thurs meeting https://fairwaysfl.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=23603060

Anonymous said...

Well said Fred, I personally do not believe that Mr Pris as you call her, had nothing to do with this. The method of Bingo that was installed in the Masters, has not been deemed unlawful at this time. There has been no decision by the Florida courts whether is it legal or illegal. This was just FHAOI attorney, stating we should not proceed with our Bingo as we know it. I hope this board is right about not having private meetings, because after reading the last post on the Court Doc, it appears to me as a resident, HTA did everything correctly according to the Prospectus and the bylaws and the FHAOI Board of last year, did everything wrong.
Just saying..... I was impressed when Mr Perry spoke at the Board Meeting but not so much anymore. As far as I am concerned we have wasted $5000.00 of FHAOI monies. and possibly someone. not me, could be responbsible for paying HTAs legal fees. Just sayin' and NO I do not work for HTA. I just have a level head and look at all aspects of this mess.

Fred said...

anon @12:27 partially right. The installed bingo in the masters now which is the computerizied one is legal, IF, there is NO MONEY PRIZES and that is where the catch is. To have money prizes, Stata statutes dictates there MUST be a bingo machine with the balls that drop!

Concerning the law suit, the best thing theyt should do is to drop it, cut their losses and move on IMHO!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree, cut our losses and move forward. And learn from earler boards mistakes

Anonymous said...

We disagree with the above comments. We must stop the bully. Look at all we have lost in the last 3-4 years. If we just set by the wayside we will lose more. We may lose a few dollars to get our point across but do it now the bully has to stop. we pay for a security gate is that not lost money? We pay for our lawns to be mowed since the first of the year that is also lost money on our part. Everyone put a sign in their yards "house for sale", if someone wants to buy it for 90 thousand, sell otherwise all you have lost is the price of the sign. If you get 90 thou go across the road buy one for 35 thou stick the balance in your pocket, now you can drive over here use the same swimming pools, washer and dryers,tennis courts,sauna,etc and not pay for it. The bully has to stop and if we lose a dollar it has to be done. Just to set by and not care is just as bad. Stop our bully!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

TO ANON 8 48
Many residents probably share your thoughts. Why not express yourself at the meeting this evening ?

Anonymous said...

I think if we were to survey the area, in Orlando, and outlying areas close to us, you would find that we get a great deal for the money we spend to live at the fairways. That is why people continue to buy here. We have a lot of things that most people don't have that move into other communities. I don't think that we have officially lost anything yet. Bingo is probably something in the works. People just seem to be quick to jump to conclusions. The gates have been an ongoing issue since back in the 80s when the park opened. Management has no control over residents who fail to stop in time and hit the gates, or speed in or tailgate in just as we don't. The gates by the way as time as gone by have improved. The library isn't gone. It exists just in a different location, is that the issue, that it has been moved??? Not sure a lot of folks understand that and why we spent $5000 to prove what point? the library is still here. That was not taken away from the residents. The pools are greatly improved as well as the masters. I for one think a lot of positive material things have happened. I think where we are lacking in are some the people who seem to live here now that don't quite fit the criteria that has always existed in the fairways. So maybe instead of looking at your glass half empty, look at the half that is still full. And NO, I don't nor have I ever worked for management.

Anonymous said...

Oh,excuse me we have not lost anything?????? Where is the restaurant?????? That hot dog machine????? Does everything at the "new " masters work including the fire pit???? Why are the lights at the masters swimming pool burn all day????? Your are right there are positive things but the list of lost and negative things sure is a lot longer.

Anonymous said...

You are correct .. and as far as the library moving... great. We now have lost a room. The Greenbriar room was used for events (FOR RESIDENTS), cards, parties, etc. Now, you cannot reserve that room as it is a library and it cannot be private. So if you wanted to have a anniversary party, you better be quiet as some people maybe be reading or looking for books. The library should be a separate room. The lights by the way, are not on at dark, neither is a light inside the pool for night swimming. but yes, lights burn during daylight. Gates continually not working. Bingo may return, but at the expensive of the residence, no restaurant, non-working firepit, and it goes on. The only upgrade is lot rent.

Anonymous said...

That is not a centrally located library as advertised in fact it is not a library it is a meeting area for residents with books all around.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Anon 7:48AM - I agree with you, I am happy with the amenities here and I am happy to be living here.

Anon 10:26AM - We gained three meeting rooms and a game room at the new Masters. When the library was at the Masters there were times that you could not access it due to other events such as parties or large club meetings. I don't see why that should be different now and I think this is something that we should discuss at the next board meeting. You CAN reserve the Greenbrier, see the new HOA website: http://www.fairwayshoaorlando.com/#!blank/eqn29. Bingo was voted on last night and will hopefully be up and running in a couple of weeks. It was expensive but sooner or later we were going to have to bring our equipment into the 21st century. I see it as money well spent and hope that it will serve us well for the rest of my lifetime.

Anonymous said...

That is true ..so basically it is not a "library" and it has eliminated the uses for events, cards etc., because even if you reserve the room, it is still an "open library and any resident can come in an brows around. We all lose...
The management cares less.........

Anonymous said...

April 8, 2016 at 7:48 AM

Well said, at least I know I am not the only resident in the park who feels we are getting a good deal here. Bingo is back, the library has not been closed, only moved.
It seems to me it is always the same few people complaining about EVERYTHING. Tell them its blue, they would say Oh No, it's Priscillas fault and its gray.
The attorneys response to our questions last night was a big joke. 723 supersedes any by laws. what crap.

Anonymous said...

Well said Charley Kudos to the residents who are speaking up that are happy here

Anonymous said...

Hey, Randy maybe you can check out the rumor everybody's lawn will not get mowed each time the office will decide which lawns get mowed and which will not get mowed. Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry I don't trust this attorney. what he says doesn't line up with what state laws say?

Randy Muehl said...

Lawns are mowed on a 32 week schedule. There is no favoritism going on there, although they sure do miss alot of weeks...