Sunday, May 1, 2016


  A young Sheriff Deputy, spent sometime Saturday evening,--writing two burglary reports for the 14500 block of Firestone. The 14500 block is close to the Pebble Beach intersection.
 There were similarities to both crimes.Both entries were to unlocked storage sheds and both losses were primarily tools.  The exact date of one of the losses is unknown,--the other was believed to be April 30.
  The Fairways would have celebrated our one year, anniversary of a ''no lost property'' report year, next month.
 At our sheriffs security meeting Thursday evening, --the C.I.D.[criminal investigation division] sector 2 officer presented an excellent presentation on burglaries and the relation of such to narcotic use.
 It is believed that at least 80% of thefts are tied directly to ''dopers''.
 We spent a good bit of time last evening with Deputy Snavely. This deputy was one of the officers hired to patrol the Fairways, back during our burglary crisis last year. This officer only works our sector 2 and knows  our 22A area well.
  Our security program was held last Thursday afternoon and evening. Deputy Conner said that the number of visitors afternoon exhibit trailer tour was the best he had ever had!
 However the evening attendance should have been better. The program was announced for over 2 months in advance, in every media available in the Fairways.
 It is almost ironical that all facets of these thefts were discussed at our meeting---even right down to the possible ''pawn shop'' factors!
 The tennis courts have been REWORKED again, for ''pickle ball''--who no one Knows how to play---[bringing in teachers]----would not the funds be better spent on GATE SECURITY?


Anonymous said...

I went to the sheriff meeting. It was very informative. The officers were some of the nicest men,that I have ever met. Please thank them again.

Anonymous said...

I'am like you Bill I don't understand why the gate remains open. I hope this
matter comes up at the pre board meeting on Monday nite.

Anonymous said...

You know the excuse will be our repair people are working to get the matter done. You can bet the delay has nothing to do with how hta handled things if fact somehow the residents will be at fault. Was there a couple instances this weekend where a live in manager would have been a blessing???????? We know be careful what you ask for but we along with almost everyone in here would like to have a live in manager Pleeeeaaase let us try a different direction!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

with all of the people living in here that are not even registered with the office I am surprised that we made it that long I know of people that live with homeowners for a place to stay 7 in one home

Anonymous said...

I agree 4:59. We were at the Masters pool Saturday and had to leave.There was a group of drunks under the overhang very loud and extreamly obscene. We tried to move away but they were so loud it carried all the way to the other end of the pool. We had to leave as we didn't know who to complain to, and others left with us. Can't we have some type of attendant for these things? I believe last year there were the same complaints. I left a message on the office phone but got no response.

Anonymous said...

The masters pool on the weekend had turned in to a mess. I witnessed cars pulling into the parking lot and people getting out with over 5 kids and all of their floating toys. I don't believe that these people live here. They drove up in VANS and multiple vans, had all their clothes and coolers etc.. I feel like the residents who pay for these ammentities are not able to enjoy them now because of visitors or intruders, maybe one in the same. I have a grandchild and yes I bring her occasionally to use the pool but bringing that many kids in doesn't seem fair to the rest of us who live here. I don't know what the answer is anymore. But it seems to be for many different reasons and on many different levels no one available to make sure that the rules are being followed. Not just the pool situation but also the living issues. There are multiple households now that have multiple families living in them. Unless the rules have changed, I didn't think that this was allowed.

Anonymous said...

the pol saturday was a complete disaster.why cant the fairways drunks stay home.its a small group of people who think they own the pool, the language used and conversations they ware having was horrible. i decided to remove my grandchild from that scene and left. and who gives people the right to tell other homeowners in the park that kids wearing swimmers are not allowed? maybe we should be telling these drunk, disorderly pople they are not allowed. i called the office and complained about this bunch of inconsiderate people.

Anonymous said...

This is what a Gate Broken for Months contributes to not including the inept Management of Rules and Regulations to STOP Complaints and possible Squatters in this Community. HTA needs to be called out on what the Hell's going on here and if they don't Comply I suggest putting your Complaints on their Face Book Page where Everybody will see it especially Corporate.

Anonymous said...

I also see cars pull up at the pool and several kids jump out and they all go swimming. I do not see any grandparents or pool passes (Not that anyone uses them anyway).. Also, the Green briar, where kids should NOT be swimming after 1PM are ALWAYS THERE. Who do you call, IDK, not sure if anyone in Management even cares..... and Summer has not even BEGUN .........

Anonymous said...

well you should ask them politely if they can watch their language instead of just being brave and complaining here. also its not swimmers that's the issue with kids its IF they are TOILET TRAINED so as to keep the county from closing the pool

Anonymous said...

The next time anyone goes to the pool, and the drunken crowd is there and acting as they do, take out your cell phone and record them. That is going to be my plan. Just an idea. A picture is worth a thousand words. Just saying. We can use technology to state our case.


RE 12;10 AND 12;14
You both make good points.
Last year the Orange County health inspector, cited a female resident for violation of county regulations regarding alcohol close to the pools. The belligerent,profane response of the resident was witnessed by numerous other residents.
This was all reported and filed by the inspector at the office with Priscilla. The inspector threatened to shut down our pools. At a board meeting this event was reported to residents at the meeting.
It is now said that last Saturday the same residents were making asses of their selves again. ONE SOLUTION WOULD BE TO CALL ORANGE COUNTY Health Dept AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!

Anonymous said...

I mustve fell asleep at the pool I missed all this or is just some don't like certain people and like to complain

Anonymous said...

anon 12:10; have a polite conversation with that group of people?
anon 12:14; i will do that.

Anonymous said...

the pool at the masters is controlled by Casper and anyone who paid for golf can use it , we were told

Anonymous said...

With the gate broken for should not hta have hired people to guard the gate until it was fixed????? After all we residents are paying for it we were not given a 90 day notice it would not be fixed. Even the party that broke the gate should have been charged thru their insurance to supply a guard until the gate was repaired. It is always the residents who end paying for all the mistakes made by our manager

Anonymous said...

With the summer just starting it is going to get worse much worse but with a manager here 9 to 5 mon thru fri no weekends or holidays or a trouble line to call with no response from anyone get ready for a loooooonnnnggg summer. If we do not do Miss Prisses job for her do not look for it to get done.

Anonymous said...

control of the masters pool is an issue our board best take up as it is an amenity for residents and NOT outside golfers!!!!!

Randy Muehl said...

It's been handled. That is a false roomer that Casper controls the pool. Your Neighborhood Watch now has authority to question,ask to leave, and call police if necessary for any non residents or guests. This also goes for enforcing the rules and handling any other disturbing issues that come up.. It's now official that we have a "Monitoring" system in place. So on weekends and after 5, call Bill H. During the week, call the office first. More to come on this soon...

Anonymous said...

I can see this becoming a huge headache for Bill H. this summer. He may never get any sleep. I hope the neighborhood watch "team" as it were, will also be patrolling the pools all weekend so that "the team" can control what looks like a potential problem before it becomes a problem
The sooner HTA puts in place the "key card" pool entry system, the better.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy and Bill. I think that we as residents need to take a little responsibility ourselves and not continue to think that management is responsible for everything because they have this crazy idea that everything is paid for because of our lot rent. As I have said before, the gates have been an ongoing issue since the 80s. They have greatly improved but as in any neighborhood, their will always be trouble with the gates. I am not saying they shouldn't be fixed, but these gates are only a deterant. So instead of complaining and always having a problem, try to find a solution for these problems. Try to solve them ourselves. Try to help people like Randy and Bill who are here for us and look out for us.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all this information. I did not know that the Neighborhood Watch should be informed about illegal guests enjoying our pools. This is very good to know, especially on weekends, when office is closed. Someone is telling golfers that their family is entitled to all amenities (pools). Hopefully, after a few inquiries, the word will get out that pool is for residence and their guests only.

Randy Muehl said...

Thanks! As for Bill having his hands full, he will. He is the ONLY person authorized by HTA to take action on our behalf. It's still up to us to watch our own actions as well as those of others. I have been as guilty as others at pool functions in the past...I'm no Saint. But respecting the others at the pool and acting like we would if our own children or grandchildren were there is a good start. As the slogan says, "IF YOU SEE (or hear)SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING". Lets make it better for all! (at least for those that should be here)

Anonymous said...

If Bill is ok with this so are we. However this is how Miss Priss gets awards for doing more with less pass it on to the residents. Why can not a hta employee be the one to be called? Why can not Miss Priss have her home phone available to be called? That number in the eagle is a "resident pacifier" leave all the messages you want no action not even a call back!!!

Anonymous said...

Why all the complaints about the front gate ???? Seriously folks if a car pulls up to the call box and you are entering with your remote can anyone tell me what that car at the box is about to do ? My guess is it will come in right behind you , I still believe that if we had a horizontal closing gate it would work much better , i would not hesitate to stop after my car has cleared and let it close ....

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a update as to the "proposed" new rules and or regulations in which we had a 90 day window?? What has happened to this??

Anonymous said...

Randy you and Bill deserve alot of credit for all you do but if a problem develops in a Ford motor plant they do not call a person off the assembly line they call the plant manager. If a major problem develops in a locker room they do not call the batboy they call the team manager. That should be the same here for problems we should call the park manager if not available get one in here that is available!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the proposed new rules and regulations and prospectus changes went into effect after the 90 day window as stated in the letter

Anonymous said...

They had no problem hiring a "activity director".... like we need this? Too bad they couldn't hire someone for security/pool monitor ...especially on the weekend when all the problems seem to arise. I do commend both Bill and Randy for taking on this role, but it really should be management. But again, applaud your willingness to do it. Talk it cheap, you guys DO IT

Anonymous said...

Why all the complaints about the front gate ???? Seriously folks if a car pulls up to the call box and you are entering with your remote can anyone tell me what that car at the box is about to do ? My guess is it will come in right behind you , I still believe that if we had a horizontal closing gate it would work much better , i would not hesitate to stop after my car has cleared and let it close ....

Anonymous said...

All I know, is this morning, AGAIN, the gates were open (both entering and exiting). I have never seen a gated community, that 90% of the time, the gate is not working. We complain, but still it continues...... I cant help but wonder if the other hometown communities are like this and accept it....

Anonymous said...

No, they are not like this. because they don't have Priscilla Herrick as a community manager. I know they say careful what you wish for, but anyone and I mean anyone has got to be better than that woman. As long as she gets her yearly bonuses (at the cost of everyone here) there will be no stopping her.

Anonymous said...

Well, anyone that buys in this place and thinks it is a "gated community" getting scammed... Wish I knew the actual number of days, in a year, that the gates worked properly. At best the enter gate works but the exit is always open..or visa versa... Jokers...