Wednesday, June 8, 2016


YEP--THOSE DAMNABLE GATES ARE STILL                                     OPEN!
For the past several months our ''GATED COMMUNITY'' has been continually ''UN-GATED!''
There seems to be all kinds of excuses---from grass cutters ripping out the gate & post---high winds --malfunctioning actuators--and now the current one--bad gears.
No matter what the reason might be---there are indicators and evidence that we have unwanted visitors  coming in at night!

Concerned observant residents have 3 times found evidence of contraband, in the front ''triangle'' area of Inverary and Pebble Beach.
 It is speculated by an OCSO officer that the syringes were discarded after the use of the number one favorite drug--heroin.
 The only evidence and value these syringes have to law enforcement is when they are on a person.
 The other photo of the envelope was a tested sample of ''crystal meth''---found in the same general area.
 We certainly give the OCSO, narcotics people credit--as noted last week ,three agents visited a residence on Warwick Hills Dr. 
 Our past experience is ---THEY WILL BE BACK!
I guarantee that the working gates wont stop all the bad activity---BUT---it might stop just one dealer on their way to or from Bithlo!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Bill for addressing this AGAIN. I have been reading that management said they were waiting on a part (that was the last excuse) which is weeks ago. They just refuse to fix our gates. We do not live in a Gated Community. Yes, the gates are nice show, but they DONT WORK.... we pay for this amenity. What does it take to resolve this? I just don't think management cares .. we can call, complain, write letters and still NOTHING.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's take the Donald's lead and BUILD A WALL....!

WHY NOT? said...

I think the gate is open by design---THEY WANT THE GATES OPEN for their well advertised ''OPEN HOUSE!'They need to sell their overpriced houses that are on their over priced lots.
They might help their selves, if they hired a temporary greeter at the gate to welcome prospects in to the sales office.
Sooner or later any would be buyer,with a brain, is going to SEE ONE of the biggest problems in here and that is HTA is lying ---THIS IS NO GATED COMMUNITY!

Anonymous said...

As long as we have a 9to5 , five day a week manager who does not care about residents this is the way it will always be but you have to admit a gear is a new excuse we have not heard before. Can hardly wait for the next one.

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to put a FOR SALE sign in their yard. This will help get our complaint to the front of the pack. When people pay for something promised and it is not delivered is that not called a "SCAM" ?????????

Anonymous said...

This is true, but they are open at nighttime. I don't think prospective buyers are going to inquiry at night. They just don't WORK and they DONT OR WONT fix them. I cant remember the last time the gates (both direction) were working. I have lived here almost 10 years and it never was like this, even when we had the old wooden gate thaT went up and down, it was in working order most of the time. And if they broke it was fixed promptly.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, around 7PM when I went to the store (gates open) a man with a paper bag in his hand was walking down Pebble Beach, near entrance. I never saw him before and when I came back, he was still walking, heading further down pebble beach. Its obvious he just walked in and who knows where he went. Maybe swimming, since our pools are open to all now too!!!!

Unknown said...

did you get a picture of him. There was a gentleman early in the day, around 11:00 that was asking people going out for a ride down 50. Kind of tall, gray hair medium built.

Anonymous said...

with a public gulf course anyone can come in at any time . the law says that the gate has to be open at all times for the public to enter to play gulf if it is advertised as being public you can not keep anyone out so why complain you cant do anything about it

Anonymous said...

No, didnt have cell phone, however, he was a thin, tall, black man around 50. Kinda hard to tell age.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that the GATES MUST BE OPEN AT ALL TIMES.... THAT is news to me... thanks for the info.....
However, if the golf office is closed ... I think the gates should be too... Like nighttime!!!

Anonymous said...

anyone know how much each tenant pays for the gates if they have to be left open why do we pay for a gated community

Long time resident said...

I don't believe the gates must be open for "THE PUBLIC GOLF COURSE" if you call for a tee time you should be given the code for the pro shop so you can call and they will let you in THIS IS A GATED COMMUNITY PERIOD !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What law are you talking about that the gates must be open PLEASE QUOTE THAT LAW OR STATUTE ?

Anonymous said...

The gate has not worked for months, the masters was down for months, the lawns do not get mowed and we can not use the swimming pools on weekends without a big quarrel so with hta being the great company it is and with the great manager we have surely we can expect a rebate at the end of the first six months of this year.

Anonymous said...

Why would anonymous say that "its the law that all public golf course have to have gates open"?... If you don't have the correct facts ..why do you print it.., this is how crazy rumors get started.

Fred said...

Time to start emailing Stephen braun and gena paugh in order to get any results here!

Anonymous said...

Our course is not a "PUBLIC golf course" it's semi-private which By definition means "BOTH members and public" which has nothing to do with the gates. Being inquisitive by nature I have found out that gates stopped working the second that someone ran into them. I have seen them work but then less then a week later I see physical damage resulting in them staying open. I DONT see many solutions but I DO know I voted YES to having a guard FULL TIME. The issue here is that the gates can't stay operational unless someone is guarding them. If we all pledge $5 a month then we'll never have to deal with a broken gate again!!!!! $60 a year is well worth it to me, how about everyone else?? Lets take the CONTROL into our own hands and force some action from HTA. Instead of spending the fhaoa money on frivolous lawsuits...I.e. The library... Lets put that money towards a full time gate attendant and work towards making the community better instead of trying to tear it apart. SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA TO ME! Maybe I'm in the minority but id rather see my money be used on me than to see it thrown away........

Anonymous said...

Sure you pay five dollars a month now but is that a 10 year contract it will be a dollar more next year etc. same as when she took over cable you can not get a year end bonus by not sticking the residents.

Anonymous said...

We should not have to pay a guard when we are paying for operational gates. Yes, a guard would be ideal, but I think we are paying plenty now and our gates should be WORKING...... its that simple.....

Anonymous said...

And the mention of cable, we have got more increases in the last 2 years, since Hometown took over, then in any other time I remember. I have been here 10 years........ so I see a pattern.

Most people living here are on a fixed income of SS and even a 1% increase is very little. So increase in rent, cable and then a guard, can be very difficult to meet.

Anonymous said...

if the gate was repaired each time it was broken within 1 week think how much would be spent . then it would be less expense to have a gate attendant , so by drawing it out between repairs they save money with no gate attendant, there should be a law that the gates can not be broken no longer than 2 weeks parts can be stocked or ordered next day air

Anonymous said...

That is why a guard at the gate will never pass she can not be trusted what you get told today just will not hold up the story will change in the next hour.

Anonymous said...

my understanding is it would not be a guard but a employee that would open the gate to let people in no pictures just there to open the gate it most likely take 6 employees to do this one job 24 hours

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Super! Yahoo!

darrell said...

Entrance Gate broke again ? Was wide open mon tues