Sunday, July 24, 2016


The new traffic pattern at our mail box area, can be a much better arrangement, if all folks abide by the signage and common sense. I do believe that we do have a way to go for complete safety.
 HOWEVER,--there is a new caution to be issued for our mail pickup.
Saturday evening, about 7;30 pm-- Fairways Watch received 3 different calls from concerned residents. The comments were all the same subject.
An older black car was parked in the front area of the mail structure. A young male ,got out of the car, picked up-- and carried some of the ''trashed'' mail from the green refuse box,---and threw the rejected mail into the rear seat of the automobile!!
We were out in the park at the time that the calls were made---but the car had left ,before we arrived. One caller said that 911 was called ,but no dispatch was shown on service calls.
We can only speculate that someone was after discarded coupons,--or,--more important--financial information,such as pre-approved credit card offers with names and addresses!

On the evening of July 20--we received a call from one of our most trusted and active members of Fairways Watch. This person had seen & identified,the young man,pictured,--leaving a home on Inverary Dr.
This young man was picked up by another young ''person of interest''  resident, in an identified car!
 The address was noted .
 Adding to the observance was the fact that a matching golf cart ,in the picture was in the same car port.
The following morning---all this information was sent to Priscilla Herrick.--- Priscilla had been told previously of this young man--his picture,--and the information of 2 previous sheriff dispatches for him!
The address & name of the owner,and cart picture was all sent to the office.
 We got a prompt reply---
''What was I concerned about?''---''What was it about the golf cart that concerns me?''---
  HELLS--BELLS WOMAN,---you are the one that is supposed to know who is living in here!


Long time resident said...

Same old story from this office "I DON'T KNOW" typical as usual they don't want to know JUST PAY YOUR RENT!!!

Andrew Carpenter said...

I think the term "property manager" is a misnomer when it comes to the Fairways.
Until the time comes when the manager actually spends time out on the property...
Until the time comes when the manager doesn't need residents to "snitch" on fellow residents in order to know what's happening on the property...
This person's job title should be changed to "office manager."

I know we're supposed to hate Billy Casper, too.
But give credit to Christian. He is not an 8-to 5er.
He is here on the weekend... Comes back to check on things some evenings.
He spends a lot of time outside of the office staying in touch with what is within the sphere of his responsibility.
He is actually the Golf Course Manager.

Anonymous said...

Who ever is in Control of HomeTown America at Corporate must be Contacted by FOAH with a Certified Letter listing The Problems here ! If They respond in a I don't give a Crap Attitude That Shows how Moronic and uncaring They are I suggest Selling and Getting the Hell out of Here if You're able to. In that case They Need to Change The Name to "Ghetto Ways Community".

Anonymous said...

We really believe everyone needs to put a "house for sale sign" in their yard, this is the only way to get their attention is if they no longer can sell homes when people drive in and see all these who in their right mind will buy !!!!!!!!! Miss Priss is the worst manager we have ever seen and she keeps proving it. BILL do not give as for the rest of us that is just what she wants keep on her every week or more she hopes we give up and go away DO NOT DO IT !!! keep your comments coming to this blog as corp does read these. Come on people flood this blog with your thoughts every day if possible!!!!! SHE is DAMN bad always has been and just gets worst. Do we need to picket??? All of you come up with your ideas so we can hit one that works. How can any human being take all this negative attitude from so many different people and still feel good about herself !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrew Carpenter said...

Let's not forget that local and regional management have very child-like temperaments.
Prevaricate, stonewall, or "who me?" are their default modes, while the angrier we become over their arrogance the more gleeful they seem to become.
They are trying to show us who is the boss... since the lawsuit they have doubled their drive to demonstrate to us who lords over whom...
But, they are so dominated by their silly petulant pique that they are blind to the fact that all they've really done is expose themselves... show us the true nature of who and what they are.

Unknown said...

Mailbox area: I had sent an email to Priscilla concerning the mailbox door. Can't remember who replied, Priscilla or a resident, that it is the Postal Service's responsibility for the door upgrade. Have you all looked at that lately! Not pretty. We tear up and chuck mail in our trash pail that former residents are still getting here. We only put advertisements and coupons in trash can at mailboxes.

Anonymous said...

As you all know Miss Priss is not at fault for any of these things " IT IS CORPORATE". She can not manage without that excuse....

Anonymous said...

Several weeks ago I witness some "gentleman" shaving his head and beard in the hot tub at the greenbria. Well, AGAIN, he was there last night doing his personal hygiene and grooming...... this time I GOT A PICTURE ON MY PHONE... he was not happy... too bad... Disgusting................. and he was combative with other man there... feels like he has lived here for a long time so this entitles him to unsanitary practices...

Anonymous said...

FYI - Sent photo to Manager (Priscilla) ... send back email that she will definitely follow up immediately.... pictures can be worth a Thousand Words....

Anonymous said...

Would you please keep all of us up to date on how all of this plays out ???????? We are at the point where we could start to use some good news. Hope you hear or could follow up with miss priss so it does not get swept under the rug or a head gets stuck in the sand !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shaving in the hot tub?!
Of all the backwoods, redneck hillbilly things to do. What rock did that A-hole climb out from under

Anonymous said...

Not sure, but I have a photo of him doing his personal hygiene and was sent to office manager. I could have sent to Bill for all to see his BALD head and face, however, let's see if management entertains it. If I see again, I will POST. The disturbing thing is, when confronted he had no shame and was actually annoyed that someone would question his habits...... So who knows what rock he crawled out of.

Unknown said...

If Priscilla doesn't take care of it I think it would be good idea to send picture to corporate office.

Anonymous said...

I went to the greenbriar two weeks ago and ended up with an ear infection which the ENT said came from contaminated water. I was asked if I had been in a lake, the answer was no, just the pool at the greenbriar and now this explains it No more pools for me.

Anonymous said...

Not only is that disgusting, it's as bad as crapping in the pool.
I sure hope Priscilla evicts that idiot. That is totally unacceptable

Anonymous said...

well maybe we know where the soap came from ?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone considered calling the Board of Health?

Anonymous said...

I Really Think Anonymous Should Post That Picture because there's more Ways to Skin a SKUNK and He Sounds like ONE .

Concerned said...

Off subject WHAT IS GOING ON ON SPYGLASS & PEBBLE BEACH? are we going to add another pool? Maybe it's THE SPY BEACH POOL!!! was the work not done and did not pass code? CH732 says "We don't See this project taking to long" since Fri. the 29th no work has been done to pave this is really getting bad when you live a few doors down and you have to go all the way around! WHEN WILL IT BE PAVED? will the HOA please look into this matter.

Anonymous said...

I called office and asked when Spyglass will be done and re-opened. The answer I received, was "don't know", they are waiting for company to come pack and pave the road, not sure when that will be.. could be this week or next week.......
I don't understand why a company cannot give a date when will be back... but this is what I was told.. Of course, we will get a lot of rain next week and that should cause delay too........ kinda, like "waiting on parts".... (:

Concerned said...

The Street is paved THANK GOD! I hope that it opens today.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

police, crime schene yellow tape and channel 9 news truck at Warwick Hills?