Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Orange County Sheriff's Office 
Crime Prevention Unit
Doing your last minute shopping?  Keep drapes closed and avoid leaving wrapped presents in plain view.

Heading out of town?  Be sure your home appears occupied.  Place lights on timers, and ask a neighbor to park in your driveway and pick up mail.  Request a free "House Check" to have a deputy do regular checks on your home while you are away. Call 407-254-4800 between the hours of 9am-4pm to schedule this service - we provide it all year round.

Don't broadcast your upcoming travel plans on social media sites and don't "check in" at locations when you're away from home. 

After the holidays, place empty boxes from TVs, electronics, and other new purchases inside garbage bags.  Leaving them by the curb could tip crooks off to the fact that pricey items are inside the home.

Car parked outside or on the street?  Lock it, remove all valuables, and don't leave the garage door opener inside the vehicle.

Does someone or something look out of place?
Report suspicious activity immediately to 407-836-4357 (non-emergency) or 911 (if you feel it is an emergency).


DFC Melissa Belmont 

Orange County Sheriff's Office
Crime Prevention Unit
Sector Two
Office:  407-254-4838

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