Thursday, January 9, 2014






Fairways Watch has been working on our annual security and crime prevention seminar for several months.We are pleased to announce that tentative arrangements have been completed with the Orange County Sheriffs Office to fly in one of their helicopters for display, in the ''cart barn'' parking lot. It is planned that the air crew will fly an approach from the south, over pebble beach, for a touch down in the parking lot in front of the washer and dryer room.The arrival is planned around 4 pm January 30. The air crew will be available to talk to residents and answer questions.It is planned that the aircraft will depart at dusk.
  The OCSO fleet of aircraft is kept in a well secured facility at Orlando executive airport. This facility is not open to the public. Please plan to see this ''bird'' on the ground---it is truly a rare opportunity.
  our inside program, will start at 7 pm,at the masters. There will be an educational ''power point'' program, presented by officers from the aviation department as well as a crime prevention program, presented by Captain Brett Meade and his team of supporting officers.
  Over the past several months the Fairways has expierenced an 
increase in criminal activity. This your opportunity to listen, learn, and ask questions of people who have answers.
  The wonderful folks at OCSO are here for us 24/7 --365 days a year ----SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THEM!

    ALSO last but not least --COFFEE AND DONUTS!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW I cant wait to see the copter ! ! !