Wednesday, September 10, 2014


  Gone--- are the large painted rule signs that have been at the pools for some time. The large signs have been replaced by the smaller 18'' x 24'' porcelain type signs.The only real problem with the  older signs was the fact--that the rules on them were not enforced.--- THERE ARE NO POOL MONITORS !

  Please note that there are no longer any time restrictions for children. Apparently the kids are welcome at all the pools, at any hour of the day.
 It would seem that some of the new ''printed sign'' rules are uncalled for!
MY GOD FOLKS,---WHATEVER HAPPENED TO COMMON SENSE? It appears that we are all being judged as TOTAL IDIOTS, in a condescending manor
  To the ''LEGAL RESIDENT''  pool users ,--I suggest that you direct your comments,[ pro or con ] in writing, to the front office and our HOA, Director Of Home Owners!


Anonymous said...

if they do not enforce the rules this was a waste of time and money.sorry to see young ones can come in at any time it was nice to have a quite time you could count on

Anonymous said...

I object to kids being allowed anytime any pool. I go for the peace and quiet, don't need a lot of screaming kids. THAT IS WHY I MOVED HERE!

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was an oversight on Hometowns part. I would think that they would have discussed with someone that the restricted pool hours have been changed. Has anyone called the front office to verify?

Randy Muehl said...

front office says diaper rule and hours remain the same as the old rules. Problem is we can't tell people that because there is nothing written to back us up. So, kids and poopy's gonna be a long summer!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone found out if the new pool guy (which is a park worker)has a license to use the chemical s necessary to maintain a bacteria free pool?not legal other wise. I will call health dept unless I'm told otherwise. What say you Pricilla ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:02 Kids are allowed in the pools at the posted hours. I bring mine here all the time and other families with children live here and are allowed to use the pool. That is why we pay lot rent. Let me know which pool you go to and I will bring my kids there everyday and I will have them jump in the pool and violate every rule just to watch you grab your walker and say listen here sonny! LOL and THAT IS WHY I MOVED HERE!

Anonymous said...

Problem is, there are NO longer posted hours

Anonymous said...

Re 6:29. Your one of the reasons we can't seem to find peace in our world. It's people like you that think your the only one that matters. I'd say you have tunnel vision.

Anonymous said...

Florida Code
514.011 Definitions.

514.011 Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

(1) "Department" means the Department of Health.

(2) "Public swimming pool" or "public pool" means a watertight structure of concrete, masonry, or other approved materials which is located either indoors or outdoors, used for bathing or swimming by humans, and filled with a filtered and disinfected water supply, together with buildings, appurtenances, and equipment used in connection therewith. A public swimming pool or public pool shall mean a conventional pool, spa-type pool, wading pool, special purpose pool, or water recreation attraction, to which admission may be gained with or without payment of a fee and includes, but is not limited to, pools operated by or serving camps, churches, cities, counties, day care centers, group home facilities for eight or more clients, health spas, institutions, parks, state agencies, schools, subdivisions, or the cooperative living-type projects of five or more living units, such as apartments, boardinghouses, hotels, mobile home parks, motels, recreational vehicle parks, and townhouses.

(3) "Private pool" means a facility used only by an individual, family, or living unit members and their guests which does not serve any type of cooperative housing or joint tenancy of five or more living units.

Unknown said...

RE ANON 10;49
This comment is a classic example of why our HOA and residents ,need a reliable source of legal advice and input.---Anon 10:46 attempts to make the point that OUR pools are classified as PUBLIC pools by Florida state statutes.----SO WHAT___where does the ''cut --copy--and paste'' comment say that even PUBLIC POOLS can not be regulated and have, common sense restrictions posted by the legal, private property owners?
A ''story'' is being passed around the park, that the current sign change flap was caused by the State of Florida .--The new pool signs, do not even have proper grammar or verbiage WHO WROTE THE POOL RULE LANGUAGE ON THE NEW SIGNS?---Did the State of Florida design our new signs?----I do not think so!
Would it not be nice for our Director of Homeowners,to have a source of legal advice in matters such as this. It is a sure thing that HTA has a source, and they use it regularly.
The old signs,and rules would be fine, if they were enforced
It is like the old mechanic said---IF IT AIN'T BROKE,--DON'T FIX IT !

Anonymous said...

I heard that a HTA maintenance worker was pouring bleach into the westchester pool and spa a few weeks back, the pool and spa pump was not working properly. Have these pumps been fixed? My wife and I moved into this park 4 years ago, little by little we have seen our amenities taken away. One of the reasons we moved here, we were told that the community had a restaurant, private pools, gated community....HA....those amenities have been taken away. The sales people here need to shake their heads and ask themselves why are we lying to these people, and then live with them in the same community. Shame on you Priscilla....

you wanted it the way it was said...

hes quoting states statutes however CHAPTER 64E-9 PUBLIC SWIMMING POOLS AND BATHING PLACES gives the rules governing pools and this is where part of the singage came from.

Keep in mind one can be MORE restrictive in rules but not less. Seems HTA took the low road and left out all the other pool rules for fairways. Another example of the fhaoi doing nothing but being on the payroll of HTA

Anonymous said...

To 12:02 You bring your kids there all the time? There are not suppose to be any families living here with kids..... I hope you mean grandchildren. When has this a Park changed to a family park not a 55 park. Maybe some law suits against HTA for false advertising???

Anonymous said...

7:15am This park is advertised 55+ but by law 20% of the homes are open to anyone. so lets say 1000 homes 200 are for anyone. They do not tell you that either when you move in. They tried to talk us out of it but when you show them the regulations ( which they know) They change their mind and they need the money anyway.

Anonymous said...

Little by Little we are becoming a Bithlo community . If you have not been to Bithlo just go out the front turn left and you will see what a Bithlo trailer park is. And some of you payed as much as 100 grand and more for your homes.try and get that now. You think there going to sell these new homes? I don't think so. We looked at that one on carnoutie court what a nightmare that place is. It looks like an army Barack . Dark as nite even during the day.they must buy the factory mistakes .what a joke this place is.And it will only get bad the borns took all our legal acct .now we can't even afford legal advice.

Anonymous said...

no bulliton board at the weschester someone took it down

Anonymous said...

One of the HTA workers is licensed. End of that discussion

Anonymous said...

Licensed to put bleach in the pools? Right,I'll believe that when I see the license .

Anonymous said...

This blog used to have good people making comments and suggestions on how to improve fairways, not just complain. If yiu want to dee the license, ask, that simple. I have seen it

Anonymous said...

The bulletin Board was removed temporarily to power wash and paint.

Anonymous said...

to 4:22===read the law that is NOT wht the 20% is intended for.

Randy Muehl said...

FYI- Last night at 8:15 we saw a couple at the Wesch. pool that we didn't recognize. We came onto the deck and just sat down. They immediately got up and left. We followed them to see if they lived or belonged here. They drove thru the park and out the front gate. So, if you think that this doesn't happen,your wrong. Had I approached them and an altercation happened,it would have been bad and someone may not have been found until morning. We had nobody to call,and no recourse. We need night patrols for our pools and property by someone with authority. We are just defensless.

Anonymous said...

Your 100 percent right randy. Could not have said it better my self. I guess HTA will wait till someone is seriously hurt or worse.

Anonymous said...

sooo kids under 18 do not have to be in any way SUPERVISED ....i.e. they don't have to be accompanied by a FAIRWAYS homeowner?...This sounds like a good way to cause a lot of people a lot of headaches...the reason for a nice warm snooze by the pool is a nice quiet time...i guess those days might be over...i wonder what rules a professionally run outfit like the VILLAGES enforce?...hummmm ...

Anonymous said...

Another way to look at that Anon5:37 is the liabilities factor. If one gets hurt or just makes acclaim and HTA say anyone is free to go to pool who's responsible ? I see lots of lawsuits in the horizon .

Anonymous said...

Knowing first hand about the license laws in Florida on Swimming pools, to maintain a commercial pool you must have a CPC State license, not a CPO license, which is for residential pools only. A CPC license is very hard to get, a CPO license anyone can get. Trust me when I say, DBPR and the Health Department is already checking Fairways for the proper license to take care of the pools.

one who knows said...

anon 5:57 you may be mistaken

Per current law in Florida, you must have a contractor’s license to do any work on a swimming pool beyond water treatment, cleaning and normal service, i.e. filter changes. (FS489.105(i)

we dont have commercial pools as there is no fee charged to use them it is included as an amenity and HTA pays

Also no licences seem to be needed to just "clean and treat" a pool.

This is from the State statutes

"In addition, a license is not required for the cleaning of the pool or spa in a way that does not affect the structural integrity of the pool or spa or its associated equipment."

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart 5:57.You saved me a phone call.

Unknown said...

I was advised this AM by HTA personnel, Rich and Debbie,--that the original pool signs, will be RE-INSTALLED at the pools!

Randy Muehl said...

This goes to show you that by enough people making calls to the office about a legitimate concern does get results. WE, along with other "pool" people,called and questioned the missing rules we felt were important,and the results are now apparent. Imagine if as a group we tackled some other important issues, what we MAY be able to accomplish...time to circle the wagons!