Monday, May 4, 2015



On Monday May 4 ,another ''RAT' burglary was discovered on Firestone Circle--14900 block.We are not certain of the actual date of the break in. A rental home was entered in the same manner as 6 others before. Although there were big TV screens, in the home ,--they were not touched. Some storage drawers were left open---no losses noted.. The main financial loss was in the extensive damage done to the heating--cooling system. The connecting hardware of the return duct was literally destroyed. .
 OCSO was called and a report was filed.No fingerprints, could be ''lifted''
Protective suggestions will be forthcoming in a future post.


Anonymous said...

This is really beyond ridiculous.
I guess we need to stay awake all night so we can catch these hoodlums. If they show up under my house, I'll turn there head into a canoe, with a shotgun blast straight thru there forehead.

Anonymous said...

This is beyond ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

THIS SICKENING B.S. .....why cant we have first class camera surveillance in this 'PREMIERE' park....what a crock...time for a list of demands signed by EVERYONE! THIS IS AMERICA. Older citizens should NOT and MUST not be required to live in fear of their personal safety! I'm a trained psychologist and believe me any older person whose residence has been broken into lives in fear of a repeat violation of the their safety AND the fear lives with them FOREVER this dread effects their lives from day one after their violation...WE HAVE GOT TO PUT AN END TO THIS! Lets get the sign up sheet circulated! HOA....GET TO WORK!

Yankee Gal said...

This place is a joke.

Anonymous said...

I thnk in the case here, we all need to be proactive and not reactive. We need to think. We need to try to be one step ahead of these people and we are not doing that because we are all "reacting." Our park is very wide spread so it is nearly impossible to cover all the perimeters. Many of the homes face the woods and these seem to be the targets. WE also need to think about endangering our residents by patroling on our own at night. So yes, we need to work as a group. We need to think about what we need to do and stop reacting irrationally. I went to the board meeting and was shocked at the way some of the people were acting and comments that were being passed. Honestly, we are all there for a common cause so lets form a front of one and elect leadership and let them speak for the group and speak intelligently which I didn't see at the meeting last night.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I'm very grateful to have the only reliable website to read the facts. You are very important to our community. Keep up the good work.
I'm patiently waiting for your protective suggestions post.

To 7:03am - intelligence, is the key

Anonymous said...

we need a guard at the gate!

Long time resident said...

To the "RAT"S come on to my house my house come on am a wait for you with a big a surprise come on.

Anonymous said...

A guard isn't going to help if this is an inside job. If HTA would look at Bill's security gates and proposal again that could solve a lot of undesirable living in here. First of all each car would have a bar code sticker to open the gate. The stickers would have to be obtained from the office and you would need to prove it with a drivers license and tag. If you have guest, they have to have a special sticker just valid for a certain amount of time. There would be cameras coming in and going out, and you would talk to a human on the other side of the 24 hour camera. There could be two way cameras at each pool and people can be asked to show their pool pass or the police are called. It is a great system and costs very little. Needs to be reintroduced to the board and to HTA.

Anonymous said...

So sad

Anonymous said...

It's worse than sad it's PITTYFUL what Mrs. Priss has done to our community she needs to GO.

Anonymous said...

Does palm harbor have same situation? A vote on increasing lot rent won't pass on a community vote for security.

Unknown said...

I can't believe what all of you are saying!!! The people who are doing this live in here!!! Who brought them in here??? Stop blaming Hometown and see the truth of the matter!!!

Anonymous said...

HTA did allow them in here they are not doing the background checks that is allowing them to be here so believe what we are saying HTA is the DESTROYER of our community END OF STORY they also do not follow up on any info they are given just collect their pay checks and laugh at us all PERIOD

Anonymous said...

The board needs to get off their asses and retain an attorney to show HTA who is entitled to what for the rents we pay for our "GATED PREMIER COMMUNITY" and knock the queen of her throne.

Anonymous said...

The only throne she sits on is in a little room with a roll of paper in it.

Anonymous said...

2 comments, the fhaoi is doing what they can, they are hardly sitting on their asses. We do nit have the assets or an actual eeason to obtain a lawyer. We could try the mediation board that fmo has. But again one thing at a time. Instead of just complaining and calling names, and stating which throne ms p is about offering a solution or two.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with anonymous 2:04 - I feel the best thing for the residents to pursue right now would be to get our Neighborhood Watch up and running again. Ask for volunteers, one from each block or maybe two or three for streets such as Pebble Beach. They could keep their eyes out during the scheduled time, if anyone on that block was going to be gone for a few days or weeks, let the block captain know, and special consideration would be given to that home. Also, they could check on the shutins at their assigned streets. Kind of like a police well check. This would cost the residents zero dollars, and would certainly be an improvement over what we have now. When I first moved here the neighborhood watch was in effect and it seemed to work well. The Block Captains were published on Bills old web site, and things were going smoothly. Not sure how we got away from that, hope it wasnt because of personality conflicts. We all need to suck it up, and act as one voice. Let's get that watch going, I for one would sign up to be a block captain, or whatever you want to call them. Anyone else have suggestions, let's her 'em

Anonymous said...

Suggestion get rid of Mrs. Priss. Answer PROBLEM SOLVED.

Anonymous said...

All the negative comments are non-productive and certainley don't accomplish anything. You think removing Priscilla will solve everything? Think again. Ever hear of the old saying, " careful what you wish for"?
She is merely a puppet in the grand scheme of things.

Randy Muehl said...

It's hard to be a block captain and remain "annonymous". I don't understand why you are all afraid to step up and be counted. You can't be invisible and make a presence. I WANT people to know who I am, that I care, and will do whatever to make my home community as safe as possible.

Anonymous said...

why can ms. P use channel 732 to inform all residents of spring cleaning on their homes but cannot use the same to inform all residents of the current break-ins?

Randy Muehl said...

I must clear my mind on this...the Meeting Thurs. was abruptly closed before I could ask these questions- 1. Why has HTA had no contact with the Police about our recent rash of burlaries? Is it because they don't care or think in time it will die down?
2. What pressure, if any, has the Board put on Pricilla/HTA to come up with some type of plan to work together to at least address the problem? After all, they are supposed to be the "voice" of the people..
3. The reason for the great turnout was because we are concerned about our safety and security, not the free donuts and coffee.
Inquiring minds want to know.
None of this was mentioned at either meeting. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with what you said Randy they have had no contact with the Police because none of them care at all from Mrs. P. down to all of the workers in her the nose in the air attitude is really getting OLDER by the day, if I want coffee and doughnuts I will go and buy some.

Bob Moccia said...

I have lived on Spyglass since 1999 and I am not afraid to let people know that I always watch what goes on in the RV compound and the surrounding area of my home and all of my neighbors know that I am on the look out for activity that seems to be shady and that I will always confront some one I see who does not belong I am not saying that I am a tough guy but I care about my and my neighbors property and I have and will always contact the office or Bill when something goes on thats just the way it is and I will continue to do the same.

Randy Muehl said...

Thank you, Bob. We need many more like you!

Bob Moccia said...

Back at ya Randy thanks.