Friday, May 8, 2015


  We need to help each other and our community.
Fairways Watch depends on the eyes and ears of the good residents. YES---we have a printed list of named block captains, however,as in any group of volunteers some are very active--some never were! The folks that were ''captains'' in name only ---are supplemented by a sizable group of, un-listed, caring, resident owners.
  Fairways Watch communicates with some of the listed Captains and the unlisted spotters on a daily basis.
  With the current ''RAT CRISIS'',  we would like to expand our program. We have left some simple forms for block captain applications at the Greenbrier and Masters. Interested residents may also apply on this site,by doing this:----go to comments, submit anonymously, [marked not for publication]--give us your name,--address,--phone,-- and Email address.
  Please submit, only if you want-to be an active captain.
 At a later date, we can have an ''up-dated'' captains meeting, with a deputy from OCSO.
  Printed below are some excerpts from a watch manual.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH The best crime prevention device ever invented is a good neighbor. The security steps you and your neighbors take as a group are just as important as the things you do individually. This joint effort is called Neighborhood Watch. Neighborhood Watch should include an effort to inform everyone of good home security techniques, marking and listing your property, and neighborhood participation. In addition, it should include watching out for and reporting suspicious or unusual activities in your neighborhood.

BLOCK CAPTAINS Volunteers are needed to serve as block captains.  The block captain’s duties are varied but essential to the success of your Neighborhood Watch. These tasks include welcoming new neighbors and encouraging their participation in the program; compiling a list of names of all persons on their block who wish to participate; serving as a liaison between citizens and law enforcement.

                TOGETHER--- WE CAN!


Anonymous said...
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Bob Moccia said...

Bill you know that I will continue doing what I do I hope that people will just use common sense and say something there is nothing more important than reporting something they feel is not right they just have to realize that they are not crying wolf but that they actually may be key to putting some of these problems to rest.

Anonymous said...

Well the very first thing you wrote " welcoming new neighbors" never happened. I found out who my block captain was before he even knew I moved in. I was here 2 months then I introduced myself to him and he did not have a clue. And he lives just a few houses away from me. No wonder we get all these burglaries. Need to get rid of that old list of block captains and get ones that will stand up and do the job.

Anonymous said...

My suggestion would be to start with a new list of block captains, as several on the current list have moved or unable tp perform that job, or never were really instructed what was expected of them. Have a meeting, new volunteers, get the proper info for each home, which he welcome committee could obtain and pass on.just my thought, as the old neighborhood watch block captain list is so outdated. Most neighbors in here will do anything to help. Watch for the rat burglar trying to sign up

Anonymous said...

RE:7:35 PM & 8:13 PM You seem to have all of the answers but I don't see where you both are rushing out to help I think you both are a part of HTA because you sound just like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

not for publication
Hey Bill, this is Howard Cottrell....I forgot to give you my email address....

Anonymous said...

Seems to me that since the board meeting people have grown silent what happened did everyone cave to HTA

Randy Muehl said...

Oh no...we're evn more fired up! New security measures (Our own in-house patrols), The Neighborhood Watch rejuvination, and more people taking their heads out of the sand are happening as we speak. We can't depend on our Board or HTA to act in our best interests so we'll do it ourselves. After all, we're all we have.

Dixie L said...

I'd be willing to be a block captain or help in any other way I can!