Friday, June 26, 2015


  As most residents know, HTA has hired off duty Orange county deputies to patrol the Fairways at odd, rotating hours. Almost immediately at the inception of this program---the burglaries and known criminal activity STOPPED.
  HOW MUCH DO THE DEPUTIES COST ?  [Information from OCSO web site]----A uniformed,fully equipped officer, with marked patrol car--$38.00 per hour,-4 hour minimum.
 HTA could continue to hire the officers on a rotating basis, for each day--different hours-- providing great security for less money than a ''Barney Fife'' attendant!
  The deputies could continue to work indefinitely, on random night shifts,spending time around the entrance, as well as patrolling through the park.---This is the method that has brought our ''crime wave'' to a screeching halt.
  With the ever increasing lot rents,--HTA should cover this modest cost out of their pocket!
The vague, non descriptive proposal HTA sent out on the gate attendant issue,--raises more questions than it answers.----We know what the deputies can do and how they are doing it. ----WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT BARNEY FIFE?
  A nice sized custom made sign, with the sheriff star, mounted at the gate, with a warning to all , would be a strong deterrent.
 Folks----this is a classic example of why we need expert legal advice and mediation services.


Randy Muehl said...

There will be golf course maintenence done tonite (Sat. 6/27) after 8:30pm so if you see cart lights, it's ok.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I say lets go with the off duty OCPD. It sound like it would also be cheaper .Am iright in assuming that BILL? Thanks for the infoBill.Once again you have spent your time and energy to help the citizen s of Fairways.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you do, I'm not paying Hometown another dime for anything. They get enough money from me as it is. I have my own security and a gun, I don't need there version of security at the front gate. If by a miracle the residents approve it, I will subtract it from my bill!

Unknown said...

RE 11;41
I suggest that you go back and reread my statement, about the paid deputies. I believe, that with the proper guidance and legal mediation,--HTA could be persuaded into doing the right thing and provide the security at their expense! We all have a problem--the difference is that the residents admit that there is a problem, while HTA pretends that there is no problems in here and hides behind billboards and ''Las Vegas'' signs.
You can bet your ''sweet bippy'' on one thing ---HTA DOES NOT WANT TO SEE CHANNEL 9 BACK IN HERE !

Unknown said...

would Mario do a follow-up?

Randy Muehl said...

Yes, if I asked AND it was for a worthwhile purpose.

Anonymous said...

Do you know is there anyone checking the pools now, as we saw a couple getting out of their truck at the Greenbrier Sunday, & I do not believe that truck is from our community. There seemed to be several people at the pool at that time, not sure if they were all meeting there together. The same with the laundry mat, I saw a lady coming from the laundry & driving out to Deerwood. I did report that incident to the office, but they did not have much to say about it!

Anonymous said...

I was at the pool yesterday and it was so crowded with kids and people I have never seen. The Westchester was so bad, kids with pools and water guns, I was getting a headache. So I went to the Masters pool, and again, it was so packed, mainly with family and children (under 8). I was actually sitting on the chair when a water pistol shot my way. I realize its summer and there will be more children, but I don't believe they are visitors, I did not see any grandparents. What is the protocol now about non-residence and up-supervised children in the pool? I don't see any pool monitors asking if they are visiting relatives. Should I call the office? Are they dropped off, while their Dad plays golf? Who should be contacted about this? If this is going to be all Summer, residence will not enjoy the small amenities left.

Unknown said...

RE 8;45
THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION IS NO!---HTA says that they can not pay for pool monitors!----BUT---They buy ''beautiful works of art'' such as the aluminum goose'' by the Greenbrier pool, along with that ridiculous ''dog bed'' under it.
NOW it looks like they are going to be planting shrubs around the pool fence. ---BUT---no pool checkers!
As for the washer room and Deerwood customers---HTA makes a few bucks there --so that is ''good to go''

Unknown said...

Why can't HTA put locks on the pool gates, entrance to laundry mat, etc. and issue residence a scan pass to open when trying to enter these places? We had this pass when living in condo in Virginia Beach, VA community.

Anonymous said...

I will tell you that years ago (probably 10 yrs) you needed to have a pass visible at all times in the pool. It was a small plastic pass you could pin to your bathing suit or on your towel, bag, etc.
When the pool monitor would walk in the pool and check, If you did not have a pass, even if visiting, she would ask you to leave....
This is no longer required or inforced. AND I WITNESS IT... SHE WOULD make you leave...............

Cathy Underwood said...

Several summers ago, I VOLUNTEERED to be a Pool Monitor. Priscilla was all excited and ordered me a name badge. HTA found out about it and said NO, I could not be a pool monitor as it was a liability. In case I got hurt or something. I thought it was really ridiculous, I was willing to give them my time for FREE, and nope, they didn't want it and didn't want to pay for someone. Thus the pool is out of control and will continue to be over the summer. Yes, golfers do drop off their family to swim, it has been seen. Priscilla said to call the office when we witness things as their workers are supposed to be checking people at the pool. This problem won't be solved unless residents are willing to ask people themselves if they have a pass, and not many residents are willing to take the chance, for fear of being confronted. I can only hope things will improve, but with the ways things are now, I don't see much changing.

Anonymous said...

Management is not here evenings, weekends, or holidays so they could care less about the pools. Does not HTA already pay a liability insurance? Ask any worker if they are to monitor the pools we have workers and a main. super riding down the roads all day long not one stops to monitor the pools. This is how awards are given out "doing more with less", let the residents do it at no cost same as neighborhood watch. Hopefully the new residents on Spyglass construction workers at the Masters have passed a background check and we do not have the same problem we had with the "lift" station.

Randy Muehl said...

We have fought for and even volunteered to Monitor pools to no avail for years. It gets worse every year and nothing has ever been addressed regardless of how much we complain. A resident should accompany all guests, pass or not at all times. Do you not realize the contols of amenities we have lost the past 2 years? Wait until the Masters is done!! Then you will really see the losses. No Library, a "relaxation" room?,etc. Are we going to also lose card games, Bingo, Food service access,new restrictions on Clubs and dances, VFW, more venues open to the public rather than residents? Even our golf events must be open to the public! There is nothing much left for residents except for more spankings. An Attorney could at least advise us on some of these challenges but our HOA Pres. seems reluctent to pull that trigger, openly confront Pricilla, or go over her head to Chicago. What are they afraid of? We haven't a lot left to lose so let's pull out ALL the stops to protect what we do have before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

So basically there is no pool monitors... The two woman that come in during the day to push the chairs back and pick up some liter are not responsible to ask?
Residents should not be asked to check ID on suspicious swimmers. We do not pay upscale rent to be security guards. Furthermore, most of this happens on the weekends when there is no one in the office to even call. Just seems to me that hometown doesn't want to do anything for residence. I blame the Manager..... I guess our pool is going to become the local public pool.

Anonymous said...

So what should we do? Calling office is out since most of the offenders are on the weekends and office is closed. Asking residence to confront suspicious people is not really how it should be addressed. Contact HOA President?
I have been here 9 years and I have never seen the pool so crowded with kids and young people that do not live or are not visiting.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the pool: We were told at a board meeting by Mrs P that if you see someone who doesnt belong, call the office. It was a weekday, there were kids, and non residents swimming. I called the office, and also went into the Pro Shop and advised them. NOTHING was done...... WHY ? ? ? I am normally pretty neutral when it comes to blaming Prescilla for everything, but not in this case. This is an EVERY SUMMER issue. Mrs P did say, they were looking into sliding card readers at the pool, but we all know how things go when she says, looking into it. AND, what's the deal with moving the library to the Greenbrier? ? ? This is a new one........That was not in the original blueprints. No library, no bingo, WHAT NEXT! ! ! Does anyone else wonder if HTA is really aware of what is going on ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Anonymous said...

HTA Knows what's going on. It's the residents who have their heads in the sand and then act suprised.

Unknown said...

Like I stated above, they need to get residence scan passes-cards for the pool, with new lock gadgets to read the card. Randy I agree with you! Mc

Anonymous said...

Workers we have talked to have not been told to check on the pool. Maybe there are workers some place in hiding that have been told that or Miss P can give out the names of those that were told to do it.

Unknown said...

i have witnessed confronations of people about pool passes. they start off as polite conversation and sometimes turn into shouting matches. one time, the people threatened to come back with their pool pass... they didn't, at least for the couple of hours i was there... i am afraid to even ask people about it. the scan card is a GREAT idea!!!