Saturday, June 13, 2015


The ''NATIONAL NIGHT OUT'' program is a national, growing, event that the Fairways has never participated in.
A brief description of the ''National Night Out'', is communities,all across this great country coming together, on the first Tuesday of August. The case in point is to take a strong, unanimous position against crime. This is done in conjunction with our law enforcement agencies. Typically, a meeting point [such as the Greenbrier or the Westchester parking lot] is chosen and all residents are asked and encouraged to come out for just ''an old fashioned, get together''. 
Some communities,turn the affair into a party with refreshments. One of the largest celebrations,in central Florida is the Avalon Park area. Last year I believe they won the local award from the Sheriff's office.
 During the evening, the meetings are visited by law enforcement officers, and even the Sheriff himself is out and around.
For an event like this to be successful, --it will take help and planning from some residents that KNOW how to plan FUN events.
 We would have about a month and a half to plan and pull this off. Planning and assistance help is available from the sheriff's office. I will be more than happy to contact the responsible officers, ---IF WE HAVE INTEREST___WHAT SAY YOU?

UPDATE----Since this posting was made,--there has been interest shown both here and the ''neighbor next door '' blog.
 I have contacted Deputy Belmont for detailed information. This program requires registration with Orange County.---I have also spoken to our HOA president Gary Doscher. Gary seemed interested. I understand that in most communities, their HOA takes the lead position, supported by other resident groups. This needs to be something of interest to ALL ages of our community,---From the ''BABY BOOMERS'' right up through ''THE GREATEST GENERATION'' The possibilities are unlimited--IF this community comes together on this.
Some suggestions include--''party food''-- and a raffle to benefit our legal fund.---The suggestion of using the Westchester parking lot and rest room facilities, seems to have merit--with it's unlimited space. 
FOLKS---our troubled community needs something like this.----Contact our HOA president and board--keep sending suggestions



sam said...

I will be there and help when I can

Anonymous said...

How about our FHAOI doing this? It's not like they have anything else planned.

Anonymous said...

Great Idea, maybe the clubs could all get together and participate, as it seems we do nothing as a neigborhood. Maybe the New York Club, Rock and Roll, Kareoke, Sewing, Crafters, and the ones I forget, could get together and take that first place away from Avalon Park. LET'S DO IT ! ! ! !

Fred said...

we would volunteer our time and equipment for music if that is needed...let us know

Anonymous said...

Maybe each club or group could donate a couple raffle items?

Anonymous said...

Proceeds from the raffle could go to the legal fund, just a thought

Unknown said...

Hey Bill- I think that's a great idea! although I just looked it up, and it's actually the FIRST Tuesday in august!... Tuesday, august 4 this year.

Anonymous said...

I"m in, I think this is a great idea. We need to start planning.

Anonymous said...

A few suggestions I ran across while searching on the internet. Some sound like real ice breakers and FUN, FUN....

simple refreshments

Bring your favorite snack

Coffee, tea, and dessert

Cookie exchange

Fruit and cheese plates

Hot dogs and brats

Ice cream cones/make your
own sundaes

Lemonade and cookies

Mini-donut stand



Pretzels and pop

Root beer floats


Group conversations/

“Neighbor of the year”

Block e-mail list

Block history stories

Find block leader volunteers

Have an ice breaker

Interview politicians running
for office

Neighbor trivia game
w/prizes for right answers

Photos from past block
parties and activities

Share ideas and accomplish-
ments on the block

Skill swap

Talk about area crime
concerns and keeping an eye
on each other’s houses

Update block list for people
and pets

Update block contact list

Welcome new residents

All-ages activities

Book exchange

Book swap

Build a milk carton boat for

Cake walk

Celebrate birthdays,
anniversaries, graduations, etc.


Golf Cart beauty contest

Ring toss contest

Live music


Organize a book club

Paint an old car with water


Plant exchange


Races: minnow; cotton ball
on a spoon

Scavenger hunt



Storytelling (truth or fiction)

Street dance

Talent show

Tour the gardens on the block


Water balloon fights

Water balloon toss contest

Welcome new neighbors

White elephant exchange
Contribute to your

Beautify a common area

Collect for a food shelf

Cover graffiti

Nominate a block club or an
individual for a crime
prevention award

Plan a fall clean-up or bulb

Presentation by an arborist
(Dutch elm disease, etc.)

Sign all ages up for library cards

Use e-mail to communicate
more with your block club

Voter registration drive

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea, but doesn't this leave the door wide open for our intruders,once they get wiff of all at the Nite Out? I guess I don't get the whole get together thingy. Please clarify for me. Thanks.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

I will not be able to attend but I am curious as to what the ''neighbor next door '' blog is. Could you please provide a link?

Unknown said...

I THINK, but I'm not sure, that you can get to nextdoor thru this link:
never tried before, but give it a go. it's a good way to keep informed in addition to this site!!!

Randy Muehl said...

We are still working out the details, but this Mon. June 22 we will be having our first Neighborhood Watch and Patrol meeting at 7pm at the Weschester clubhouse. Anyone wishing to be a part of it or learn more is invited.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Thank you Gillian, the link worked fine.