Tuesday, July 7, 2015


  I believe that most residents would agree----- that among the Fairways nicest amenities [THAT WE HAVE LEFT!]---is our 3 very nice pools!
 It is truly a shame,the manner in which these pools are abused.---Most of the abuse and misuse of the pools comes from the outside of our gates.--- IF SOMETHING IS DONE ON GATE SECURITY--IT WOULD GO A LONG WAY IN HELPING THE POOL ISSUE.
  Beyond the main gate security there remains other issues around the pool.---It is possible that a severely handicapped person, could be ''imprisoned'' within any one of the pool enclosures. With the present type pool latches, a person in a wheel chair can not reach the latch to open the pool enclosures. This is also an issue of residents of small stature.
 A security card key system [as shown above] would go a long way to HELP solve these problems.
 Two years ago Fairways Watch, submitted a 13 page gate study and proposal to HTA. In this main gate proposal there was also information on a pool card lock system for the pools. 
  The answer to most requests for security and other issues is --''no money in budget this year''.

 I will bet that there was no money in budget for hiring off duty deputies either.----BUT---after 20 burglaries, and a negative TV story the money was found!

  YES---the deputies are still in here!

  As for money already spent around the pools--- Just take a look at the ''ALUMINUM STONEHENGE GAZEBO'' and the yellow ''dog bed'' under it, at the Greenbrier!----$$$$$$$$$
  The construction costs of that ''stupid ass'' structure alone,---could have put card locks on all of the pools!

  It now appears that they are planting more shrubs around the Greenbrier.---That will sure help,---everything is COSMETIC!

 In the past .--Several times Fairways Watch ,has been involved with pool issues when security and resident safety was involved. We do not hesitate to call 911 when there is a possible crime statute involved. However most pool problems are of a civil violation nature.---


Randy Muehl said...

And what happens when HTA doesn't address the issues? We open ourselves up to a whole new set of problems by taking action into our own hands. Our pools have a fair share of non residents on a regular basis, especially on weekends. Every year there are numerous verbal confrontations when we ask people if they live or are visiting here. It is right around the corner when a physical confrontation happens (and I'm sure it will) and then what? Who is responsible if a non resident gets injured while using our pool areas illegally? Maybe our Board will get some of these answers before we end up in yet another legal squabble. Key pads, monitors, pool passes,etc. are all a step in the right direction. Maybe this time around with a little pressure on HTA like we did with the security issues, we can get some results and head off more problems this summer. Fingers crossed....

Unknown said...

I was told by Boone, channel 9 action news that pools are required to be locked at all times. We definitely need scan lock passes for the pools. I have noticed that the fans are sh......, wobbly and dirty at Westminster pool.

Anonymous said...

Not true....latched but not locked. Take the maintenance up with maintenance...not their priority

Anonymous said...

let us hope that they will start cleaning them better also the bottom of weschestor pool is turning black on the bottom sides from not cleaning the pool bottom

Anonymous said...

If you are not here after 5, weekends or holidays why do you care what happens. Go ahead call main. about problems see what kind of nickle and dime repair happens. When a person gets a share of the year end bonus what should we expect for a repair job???????

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill anything near common sense or a solution that help residents just is not going to take place not with Miss P in charge. She would rather taketha away than to givetha.

Anonymous said...

It seems like this is becoming another "complaint" blog. Let's keep this one on track concerning security and neighborhood Watch concerns and leave the other stuff elsewhere.

Unknown said...

RE 2;21
I really do not know where you are coming from!
This current post is a positive suggestion to help with a serious security and safety issue. If all types of security issues are not addressed here----then where??

Folks----sometimes we get comments that almost seem to be sent in ANONYMOUSLY by HTA!

Anonymous said...

Re 2:21. You must work for prissy. If you don't like the way this blog is handled then don't read it.

Anonymous said...

Re 2:21 I gather your idea of elsewhere is hidden under the carpet.

Anonymous said...

FHAOI Board meeting tomorrow night at private home, public is excluded, according to hand-written notice a mailboxes. Is a closed meeting legal in Florida? If it has a quorum doesn't the board have have an open meeting and keep minutes then make those minutes public?
Why the secrets?

Anonymous said...

The minutes do need to made public...

Just because we do not always agree, it does not mean that we work for HTA. I have sent in several comments in opposition to some of the other bloggers views, I do not work for HTA, but they certainly were not published.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a cost to get and up keep these locks. What is the cost for new cards. Maybe we can find another way around HTA paying for them up front. Just questions.

Anonymous said...

I've never had to pay for locks and cards anywhere I've ever lived and I'm sure as hell not going to start now.HTAs job is to make sure that thing like pool gates are taken care of at there expense .maybe you would like to add to prissys bonus,but I sure don't

Anonymous said...

Are the minutes from the private meeting at the home on Firestone Circle on July 8th going to be read at the next FHAOI MEETING IN August? I sure hope so, we as residents need to be kept informed.

Jack Hough said...

Here is a question for you Bill: At 830 tonight July 8th two college age kids were playing golf on number 16 hole, took the cart off the cart path between the retention pond fence and the homes looking for a ball that was hit off the house...the pro shop employee left at 530 in his truck as I was getting the mail at the mailbox and there was no vehicles in the lot....how did they pay to play if there was no one in the shop! Who took the money for round and who gave them a cart? Would you please look maybe into that thanks

Unknown said...

Thats a good question. Maybe someone from the golfing community can come up with an answer. I see numerous young people out with course owned carts,--long after the ''hot dog wheel is turned off''
I also see young folks, driving far off the cart paths---what about the ''ninety degree'' rule?
Any golfers got answers?

Anonymous said...

It happens all the time young people go by our house early evening playing golf riding the carts wherever they want to. We pay for a ranger but if you watch he never, ever will stop anyone he just rides right by. Wes has the course in good shape but the pro shop sure leaves something or someone to shore up the use of carts. The big problem seems to be the age group working is not going to disappoint their peers. Without the carts locked up they just keep the key from last week and go at any time.

Anonymous said...

Miss Priss hope you read and digest the front page article in thur. orlando sentinel. More could and would be done if we had a live in manager instead of one always missing in action. The same could be said for the operator of our pro shop area.

Anonymous said...

It's not only outsiders who are using the golf course for free after hours, I know of a few residents that always go golfing at 6PM, and then brag that they golfed for free. Not very fair for the ones that follow the rules.

Anonymous said...

What exactly is in the front page article of the Sentinel? Tried to find on line but was unable to

Anonymous said...

The orlando sen. states commit a crime and be evicted. Read the article and see if we do not have some of the very same type people living in here?

Anonymous said...

RE: Billy Casper pro shop. I thought the snack bar was supposed to be open until sunset. These kids go home between 5 and 5:30 p.m. during the longest days of the year.

Anonymous said...

To: July 7, 7:44 - It's Bill's blog, so he has the right to deny comments with which he disagrees, or which he feels are counter to his purpose of making the Fairways safer.

If it makes you feel better, I am likely the world record holder for posts Bill has not published.

-- Andy Carpenter

Anonymous said...

Have any of you tried calling the proshop??? If they are closed then call them the next day! I've been a member here for over 10 years and this group is doing very good compared to many in the past. We all know they are understaffed but if you call and inform them then they will take care of it!!! (407)282-7535 is their number, use it!

Anonymous said...

get the Casper group out of here just like Venetian Bay did...let us go back to running our own course...there are people in here that can do it and for a lot less money and problems!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Andy, I'm right up there with you. Probably tied for first place

Anonymous said...

I have called the pro shop the following day, and as of yesterday, this reaident was still playing for free after hours

Anonymous said...

Pool Gate locks, What a great idea you say. It will be just like the main gate. They will wait in line until someone opens the gate. But this time it will be at the pool. They will wait in line until someone walks up and swipes their card to get in, then they will all walk in. Or one will get in and open it from the inside for all his/her friends. Just like the front gate code to let friends in. My neighbor moved 2 years ago and he still comes in to visit me and uses his code. Still works.

Anonymous said...

just got back from the weschestor pool, 5 people the live herere said they did not

Unknown said...

the Elks club (at least the one in winter park) changes their key card locks once a year. they have FAR fewer than 1100+ members whose dues are(if i remember correctly) $112 PER YEAR. surely there is enough money in HTA's coffers for something as simple as that, whereas the Elks club is a non-profit organization... they make most of their money from bingo once a week!!!! yet they still make sure their members have security. hmmm.

Anonymous said...

With today's technology a bar code on you or car window will open the front gate and with a matching bar code on a plastic card will open the gate to the pool. If hometown would look at Bills earlier remittance for security these people remotely would monitor the front gate and the pool area. They can remotely see day. And night who are in the pools and ask them remotely to show their gate card to the camera or the police would be called. What needs to be done again is bring a security person in to give a presentation so all of Fairway residences can see what it is capable of doing. You lose your card you must pay for a new card and new sticker for your car, so you can't just give it away.

Unknown said...

All I know is that solutions need to be established. Apparently these situations have gone on way too long. Getting better scan locks on pools and pool attendants will decrease outside visitors. Security really stinks here. Thank god for the watch patrol.

Unknown said...

That's a good idea. But with this system, would someone still be able to follow resident through the front gate? Maybe shortening the time the gate stays open!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anything that Bill or another resident comes up with is right out the window !!!!!! Do not think for one minute Miss P wants to admit that maybe there are people in here as smart or smarter than she is. It is either her way or no way. The more we residents suggest something the more it goes out the window, Bill and others have given her a lot of good ideas and suggestions only to be denied with one of hta many bag of excuses. Which all have heard so many times we know now them as half truths !!!!!

Anonymous said...

to anonymous who has been a member for the last 10 years....they are not understaffed because Billy Casper pays them....many golf management companies are in it for the money alone because what do they do...why doesn't all the HTA golf courses have a management company in to run their courses like Scotish Highlands...by the way who was the last 2 pros here that ran the course?

Anonymous said...

What we need to start doing is taking pictures. As you know pics are worth 1000 words. Priscilla isn't here on the weekends to see in the influx of outside guests at our pools. We need proof in the pudding. Same for the front gates. I can't tell you how many times over the years that I have been followed through and the people are in such a hurry that they almost rear end you. She might be surprised or maybe not. I think that she keeps a blind eye to certain things that happen here. Maybe the same for the for the golf course. Jack, if you see people playing repetitively after hours get your phone out and take some pics, that way we have something tangible to take to the pro shop. Whatever. Take pics...

Unknown said...

yes, documentation is the only thing that holds up in court! unfortunately, WE have to "prove it".

Anonymous said...

Believe the last two pros to run the golf course were John New and Don Beach. And our last managers were Tom Hamick (sp) with Paul Ray, Evone and Lenny Egbert, Judy and Larry Mack, the spelling of the names could be wrong. But bring back the good ole days as all the managers were residents and having to have a lawyer was not something that had to be done. They took care of most problems in house!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the masters pool last night. In walked some man with 2 pre-teens. They were jumping and splashing all around. I asked them who lives here (CLEARLY THEY DIDNT) Kid said he was visiting "Grandma". We asked what street does she live on ..his reply "I don't know".. we said you are suppose to be with relative and have pass.. They totally ignored us. So what do you do?? This was around 7PM....

Anonymous said...

1:47 I have been told that many times at all of the pools

Anonymous said...

Call the police they are trespassing

Anonymous said...

If they do not live in the community/pay lot rent then they are trespassing!!!! Call the police ASAP!!!! The only way will eliminate this behavior is by being proactive and calling the proper authorities! I just got back from the masters pool where I witnessed two young men enter and as soon as I threatened and then called the police they ran for the hills!!!! Don't just say it guys, actually follow through!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think the police had jurisdiction over our pools. its considered private property so how do they enforce our rules? just a question....

also, when we had young kids driving around golf carts, the police were called and didn't have any say so as this is private roads...

Anonymous said...

it is not our property , I was told the the owner or caretaker was the only one that could do this

Anonymous said...

I was also told that the police will not come to a private community because of swimmers that don't live here. Can you call 911? Not considered an emergency.. I don't think police will enforce pool rules. If I am wrong, please let me know...

Unknown said...

Just witnessed a gentleman drive up past 10th hole and hit a ball at the fairways. He was shirtless and in the 55+ age. Only had one club with him. haha My phone doesn't take close pictures. Don't think he told the golf office he was practicing.

Anonymous said...

wasnt Jack Hough a pro here?

Unknown said...

one item that i have heard of in the past- the police want to know the address of the POOLs in the event they are called. does anyone know of that? or the addresses of the individual pools? i didn't see it posted. forgive me if i just missed it.

Anonymous said...

broken gates again!

The gate kiosk looks like shit and now the gates are broken. Does this place want to attract the criminal element or what?

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't understand how HTA is selling these new homes for almost $90,000 to $100,000 dollars. They must be giving them some deal... FREE LOT RENT for a years or something...because just driving in with the broke kiosk and gates it would not attract me to purchase here.



Jack Hough said...

to anonymous who asked if Jack Hough was a pro here....no I was never the pro here but I am a pro...was head pro in Maryland at two courses and one in Ft. Myers and one in Pa.....have now retired and playing every place but here ....and the person who said John and Don they were right...there has not been a pro here since John .....thanks....Jack Hough

Anonymous said...

Thanks jack for answering a question that no one commented on. when did this blog become the community trivia? can we PLEASE keep on topic and only try to post solutions? as far as pools go, I do think a key fob would be a great idea! plenty of other communities have one and it seems to work well for them. might not stop everyone but it sure would cut down on the outsiders ILLEGALLY using out facility

Anonymous said...

How can anyone pay 90 thousand for a house in here which will only be worth 30 thousand the day after????????? Talk about losing money fast, better odds at the casino. Hope all future buyers know they are throwing money down the drain!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Jack Houh should run the course. Enough of these. kids. Didn't he play in the U.S. Open last year? Let's get a real golfer here.

Anonymous said...

finally the key pad kiosk is getting repaired and it looks like the took the gates to get fixed as well

Anonymous said...

This is a blog concerning security issues, and not who should be running the golf program. Really.................. I personally think that the young people in the pro shop are pleasant, and very helpful. Seems like the person bringing up a problem on the golf course in previous blogs might be tooting his own horn.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous July13 2:00PM I bought here for 33,000 and after 4 years, $10,000 and alot of hard work to make it look nice I sold it for 62,000 So what you say is not true for everyone.

Anonymous said...


July 14, 2015 at 4:31 PM

It's that big white contraption at the Greenbrier pool.

Anonymous said...

I think the ''ALUMINUM STONEHENGE GAZEBO'' looks very nice.

Anonymous said...

Well, all I can say, if you bought for $33,000 4 years ago and were able to sell if for $62,000 ..you were extremely lucky and the buyer was not.....

Most of us, will not double what we paid...

Anonymous said...

Do people not understand that a manufactured home is a poor investment while going through the buying process? I thought it was common knowledge that they depreciate. I didn't by mine with the intention of getting rich.

Anonymous said...

where are the front gates ?

Anonymous said...

The gates are getting re-finished.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the majority of people moving in here are doing so because they have money to spend....it is cheap and we surprisingly get a lot for what we pay....has anyone else shopped around lately? The prices and the amenities here aren't anything I can scoff at....stop complaining and move out if you want more....

Anonymous said...

re: 4:56 Was that written by a current resident, a former resident or by someone at hta office????????

Anonymous said...

NOTICE !!!!!!! Be sure to pick up your resident directory at the office and when you read thru it make sure you notice there is no section about the library as in the past directories !!!!!! What happened to our library? It joined our restaurant ? Ms. Priss and hta YOU DID IT TO US AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This site is becoming more like a gossip site just like NEXT DOOR come on Bill REEL IN THESE COMMENTS lets get back on topic and that is NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH.
Thanks Bill.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:37..... it's no longer cheap to move/live here. The lot rent on the new house they just put in on Augusta is $850/month

Anonymous said...

836 so why didn't they take all of them now when they get the out gates all will be open also

Anonymous said...

They are raising the price of rent and homes so people with more money move in.

Fred said...

to anonymous 7-16 8:35 that said--->This site is becoming more like a gossip site just like NEXT DOOR <---evidently you just don't understand what Nextdoor is and how it is of benefit. Id address you by name but you seem content to blast away behind anonymous and just stirring the pot. Oh Well

Fred said...

Maybe check out this to see how Nextdoor helps neighborhood watch

Anonymous said...

Bill, our club completely is against 835. If you do not want to read the comments DO NOT. We enjoy reading these. You have a great hold on things. DO NOT change. It helps get the problems out into the open for all to see. PLEASE people keep the comments coming showing how you feel and showing the problems at hand. Bill, you do a great job and you have a very, very good handle on all things. Please readers keep the comments on the blog. IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT YOU READ GO WATCH TV.