Tuesday, December 15, 2015


It seems that on a regular basis--''catch phrases'' are added to our vocabularies.--The latest one that we picked up on is ''PORCH PIRATES''.
 The term makes references to thieves that follow UPS,--FedX--and USPS trucks. After a parcel is delivered to a residents porch, the theives simply run up and steal the package. During this time of year, business is very good for this type of low life.
 If you are expecting any deliveries, keep close tabs on your porch and retrieve any parcel as soon as possible. The longer a ''target'' is exposed,--the greater the risk of theft.--A camera is a big help!
Another reoccurring problem that has resurfaced in our community is unlicensed,--uninsured,--over priced contractors. OH YES--they claim to be ''licensed and insured''---BUT---are they?--you can check by clicking on to the link at the right of this page.--Why guess-- Know for sure.
  There is an abundance of good ,honest dependable residents that do ''handy man'' jobs. A true handy man requires no contractor license.
 Do this----If you need a home pressure washed or painted---ask for references!.---Then talk to the referenced neighbor in regards to fair pricing and overall satisfaction.
 We have heard of differences in pressure washing jobs of over several hundred dollars.


Anonymous said...

I understand that an established pressure washer, usually charges less than $100 for a normal home.I also hear there is a not so established washer guy trying to charge upwards of $400. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON ?
wake up people its your money!

Anonymous said...

I asked for a quote from several in the park, they ranged from $75-$250.
The one that wanted $250 tried to tell me that my house needed to be painted and he would pressure wash it for free if we agreed to hire him to paint it. Needless to say, I didn't listen to him. Hired a guy from the middle of that range. Bleach is all it took to make my house look like new again.
Just a warning folks, even our "supposed" resident handy people are out to make a buck off your retirement funds. Get a 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th quote before you commit to anything.

Anonymous said...

A guy advertising pressure washing in the Eagle gave my brother a quote of $600.00!!
I guess he looks around and checks out how new the home is and what kind of cars are in the driveway and charges what he thinks they can afford!! Luckily my brother figured he was being taken!!

Anonymous said...

You realize that bleach is terrible for your housing, correct? Hopefully you don't have any screws anywhere because it will eat right through any metal on your house. Just realize that you get what you pay for and the cheapest ones will do the cheapest work, not necessarily the best work.

Anonymous said...

The bleach was cut and it wasn't left on my house long. It was used on one section of a wooden area that the TSP was not working on. so please mind your own business. thanks

Anonymous said...

9:14. I've been painting houses in the fairways for over 20 years.ive never known any one to have to pay the outrageous amounts of money to do power wash,and othe handyman jobs. You people who are ripping off our residents need to be aware of the fact that we will in time make it very hard for you do do business in our park. Be aware.

Anonymous said...

I believe that what we have here is''NEWBIES'' screwing ''NEWBIES''
Most established residents know the fair price of pressure washing and the honest handy men that do it.
HOWEVER--Lately we have gotten some new resident handy men that are charging their ''UP-NORTH'' prices!
Frankly gentlemen we dont care about what you charged up north.
We all love our Eagle newspaper, but an add in there carries no guarantee of honesty

Long time resident said...

If you want your house cleaned and done RIGHT always call Fred Oettel a park icon who has been doing it for years like the ad in the eagle says CALL FRED he is the BEST.

Anonymous said...

I'll never hire a resident handy man or pressure washer. I'll hire real business' that are accountable for their work and pay taxes for the money they receive. Not these people who do under the table cash only deals that don't do the work promised regardless of their anonymous referrals on this blog.

Anonymous said...

There is a man that drives a big white van that is charging up North prices. His work may be good but so is the guy that charges half his price.

Anonymous said...

Fred Oettel is very good. A reliable and competent neighbor.