Saturday, August 20, 2016


 Recently, it seems that we , in the Fairways have had an abnormal loss in numbers of residents by their passing. We would request that all of us watch over the recently vacated homes. 
 It was a well established fact ,by 22 burglaries last year,that we have the possibilities of theft losses from furnished,and uninhabited houses.
 It would be foolish to give out the referenced decadents homes addresses. Most of our good neighbors, in the neighborhoods, know which of the  homes are unoccupied.
 Lets all be good neighbors and guardians for the homes left behind. If anyone suspects unknown people, around a vacant home---call the law enforcement number of 407 836 4357, for a security check.
We have received complaints from renters of the RV storage compound. These good people pay at an average price of $60--$70 per-month for parking space at the enclosed compound. Recently--the gates have been left open, sometimes by residents & other times by the Maint. people. The renters are demanding what they are paying for!
 i asked for their complaints be given to our homeowners representative, Randy Muehl.


Anonymous said...

The logical answer is the people that bought there homes here in the 1980's are now aging into there 90's. Although some have kicked the bucket too soon.
The RV storage should have a gate like the front of the park. Oh what am I saying then it would be open or broken all the time.

Anonymous said...

The section of the storage that is straight ahead is just a storage area, not secured and it is cheaper rent than the section to the right, that is a secured section and I never see that section left unlocked. If you are wanting a secure area, pay the extra money and put your vehicle in the secure area. That is what I did.

Anonymous said...

The unsecured section is used as "THE FAIRWAYS DUMPING GROUNDS THAT IS WHAT IT IS" no other way to put it and Spyglass is the road to that DUMP!!!!


I will address this with Priscilla. Thanks