The title of this post is an old saying, which simply means,---''DO SOMETHING OR GET OUT OF THE WAY !''
We are all aware of the TV news story that came out over the weekend.There may be some that do not agree, as to all of the subject matter in the news story.----BUT--- The story pinpointed the main weakness in the Fairways security system, and it is the FRONT GATE !
There has been a lot of conversation lately as to how to catch the perpetrators of the crimes, after they enter our community. A much better solution to our problems is to keep them from entering our neighbor hood. We hear things like---''they are coming out of the woods''---maybe in isolated instances that is true,--BUT-- THE VAST MAJORITY OF OUR PROBLEMS, COME RIGHT THROUGH THE FRONT MAIN GATE --AND--THE NON LOCKING,PEDESTRIAN GATE !
There is indisputable proof that non residents have been entering our park, on bicycles between 1am and 2am ---through the unsecured pedestrian gate !----who are they, where do they go ?
It seems logical to assume that the last two burglaries, were NOT committed by people on bicycles or ''walking, woods people'' I can not imagine, someone ,on a bicycle or a person walking, going down the street, carrying a big flat screen TV.!----NO--they came in to our park, through the ''easy to penetrate'' front gate system, in cars or trucks!
I would ask readers to scroll back through my posts, to one titled--''time for a new beginning''. Please read the details of the proposed options.--- NO --The options would not guarantee total success, in keeping the bad guys out, but it sure would improve our overall security.
The proper approach to improving our security, should be themed,---TOGETHER WE CAN!.---the residents, and the board need to reach out to Hometown America and attempt to get the gate security that is urgently needed. ----TOGETHER--- not only means the residents ,side of the coin, but HTA as well!
Lets start with a clean slate, and forget what may have been voted on 20 years ago.-----2014 ---is right around the corner.
In recent days, I have communicated several times with Captain Meade, the commander of sector 2. We can ask for no more than what this officer, is doing for us, and has done for our community. The captain has assigned extra uniformed patrols to the Fairways, and other forms of surveillance.. Yesterday in a phone conversation the Captain said, and I quote--''I will do everything I can, but I can not put a deputy at the Fairways gate 24 hours a day.'' ---It is the responsibility of all of us to put a guard system at the gate---not the Captains.
When Fairways Watch sent the 13 page packet of gate security options to Chicago, we sent a cover letter with the information. We closed the letter on a positive note, saying ''TOGETHER WE CAN''---We still firmly believe in that statement !