This photo is a good example of several things, in our community. First it shows the type of people ,entering our park, unchecked. Secondly it is a great example of what an observant, caring resident can do to help improve security for us all,---thank you very much!
Thirdly, it once again illustrates, how much we need a form of security monitoring at our entrance
At the last residents home owners meeting, the director of the homeowners committee said that she told HTA, ''there was no way that the residents would support any funding for gate security'' The directer ,went on to say that there had already been two ballot elections, and both times the residents voted it down . What the director , did not say was that THE ELECTIONS WERE HELD AROUND TWENTY YEARS AGO !
Folks---it is a reasonable statement to say that a great number of those voters from twenty years ago are no longer with us, voting on anything.The population of our community has naturally changed and also possibly the opinion on the security issue,REST ASSURED THAT AT SOME POINT ALL OF THE RESIDENTS WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE AGAIN !
This is so well said Bill. Every part of this Post explains very carefully why the residents living here now should have a right to vote on this very important issue. And, I might add, the voting should be done by all residents not just registered FHAOI members and not just by several loud speaking residents. Every resident will be faced with paying for a security system and therefore every resident has a right to know what the system will look like and a right to vote for or against it!
Good job observant resident!
20 yrs ago, good grief! I hope we don't have to deal with that type of mentality year after year...
Good heavens it is no wonder that we can not get anything done, Its like we are living in a 20 year time warp. No question about it ,it is time to elect a new director of homeowners--- Lets do it !!!
can we axcess the the pictures being taken at the gate and the pool?
While I don't like to see the gates standing open, you have to remember, our golf course is open to the public, the Tavern is open to the public and if we have special events here such as the community garage sale, it is open to the public. You can't have it both ways. The solution? Yes, a guard at the gate to let these people in for the purpose they came for. I for one would pay to have a guard.
RE ANON 9;36
The only ones that have access to those cameras is local HTA management. ---BUT---- here is something to think about. With some of the monitor options that we have presented to HTA,--it would be possible to adapt the proposed camera system, so that any resident with a PC or smart phone would have access to cameras, covering the gate area and possibly the pools.---It is possible !think about it.
I am thinking that the gates were open this past weekend since the sales office is now open on the weekend for potential buyers. However, there should be a better way of letting potential buyers in without keeping the gates open, after all part of their sales pitch (at least to us) was how safe it is to live at Fairways, which we know now with the muggings that is not true. Hey sales office, how about giving this blog address to your potential clients, maybe they could negotiate something with HTA before they purchase one of their new homes. If the new buyer knew all the facts about our community before they bought here, like the known criminals, the break-ins, the many homeless people roaming the park at night, and no manager on site,they might think twice about purchasing a home(not the lot).
More trouble again in the park - when will this ever end. How bout we form a picket line in front of HTA's office during working hours stating it isn't safe to live here, and HTA doesn't do squat to help matters - hell, they don't live here...sign me up, I'll walk the line.
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