BORN, AUDREAvs.FAIRWAYS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION OF ORLANDO INC et al. At long last the law suit against all of us may be over. This whole damn mess was uncalled for and it wiped out our meager HOA defense fund!-----It seems that it was the good judge that finally dismissed the case by summary judgement! |
Div 39
Kest, John Marshall
CA - Premises Liability - Commercial
Closed - SRS
Glad to hear it Bill, it's unfortunate that we no longer have any legal funds. But we should be grateful we had what we did have to get thru this mess.
To Andrea Born, I hope your reading this. Shame on you for trying to benefit off your friends and neighbors.
To Mrs Born, remember these words while sitting in church next time. WHAT goes around comes around.
Bill , Can you be a little more specific as to the detail s of the final outcome. Just curious ,Understand if you can't .thanks for keeping so informed .
I will try---On March 25, HTA insurance attorney made a settlement offer.--It seems that after negotiations ,--a deal for settlement was agreed to between Born and HTA.--AMOUNT UNKNOWN. Our HOA was left ''twisting in the wind'', until August 22.--On that date ,it looks like Judge Kest ,issued a dismissal for our HOA, using a ""summary judgement'' order. It does not look like the Born attorney gave a ''voluntary dismissal''----CASE WAS CLOSED!
The only info we have is the abbreviated version from the court web site
If some one out there has better knowledge---jump in. TKS
Thanks Bill, We can always count on you. I'm just glad it's over with. Hope they enjoy there 30ps of gold.
Thanks Bill.... this whole thing was sooo stupid anyway. Does anyone know what HTA gave them to settle.
Why is she still allowed to live in here when she may try and do this again.
Re anon4:06. ATA motto is if they pay there rent on time they can Live in Unfairways. Why not are they any worse then sex offenders ? Felons drug dealers and so on and so on.?
I heard thru the grape vine that her old friends won't let her play cards with them any more.Dont know how true it is but I sure wouldn't welcome her to my cards game. Don't forget folks she also tried to sue us,the resident s. Used up our legal fund what a BAD person. Husband just as bad. Like 5:41 said ,what goes around comes around.
You need to cut that old lady a little slack. She's. old and probably a little senile .
Cut her a little slack???? She has a long history of bringing law suits against anything or anybody for everything imagineable, and you want to cut her some slack? Better to get her outta here before we have another suit on our hands. Just a matter of time.
Re 11:56. I understand where you are coming from. I did not mean to give the idea that I condone the goings on by those to. I guess my big question is why did HTA give them anything? We all know she was in the wrong,but you got to ask yourself what kind of lawyer does HT have? They could not see through this whole made up BS store . Can't be very good in my estimation .
sometimes its just easier (cost effective) to settle for a amount and be done with the case. They probably just got enough cover her medical costs and thats the end of it. However, I do think a condition of settlement should have been to relocate out of the Fairways. These people are up to no good, and don't deserve our friendship or kindness any longer. There are some things you just don't do and one of them is You don't sue your friends and neighbors.
I wouldn't wish her any bad luck, but do agree that one of the conditions of the settlement should have been to relocate. She does have a history of frivelous lawsuits, and if she sued once she will most likely sue again.
Still not sure why she ever attempted to sue the homeowners. Just crazy in my opinion
How about the board buying insurance .we had it but someone dropped the ball. Do you think this is not going to happen again?think again ? The board needs to get on the ball.think of what could have happen. We need to defend our selfs against lowlife like the Bourns.
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