Pictured are two young walk ins, with their own pool toys, on their way to the Greenbrier pool! Several weeks ago HTA put up new signs at all pool entrances, and all pool gates.---- TO NO AVAIL!--- No one has any jurisdiction at the pools except HTA paid employees. Many non resident outsiders,regard our pools as their own private swim club.
Not only do we have ''walk ins'', but there are also some ''drive ins''--One of the ''drive ins'' has a very big,black, conspicuous automobile. This particular car and driver has generated many comments and Emails to Fairways Watch.I have even got an Email from a women s club member, saying that this ''drive in mooch'' sits at the pool and has ogled her club members.----WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON?----
We, the legal residents are the ones paying and paying--NOT THE DAMN FREE LOADERS!
I advise, all women,s groups that use the pool areas --- to do this---IF-- THERE IS A SITUATION AT ANY OF THE POOLS THAT CAN BE CONCEIVED TO BE UNUSUAL OR A THREAT IN ANY WAY---CALL 911 !
Several of the referenced Emails and comments,[ some with license plate numbers] have been copied, without senders names, and forwarded to the Orange County Sheriff,s Office !
I have a suggestion for HTA. Maybe one of their staff could work weekends, maybe rotating, and give them time off during the week. as it seems most of these walk ins take place on weekends and holidays. I really dont see them checking pool tags during the week, so I guess this suggestion is pretty much mute huh.
RE ANON 3;02
You make a very good and valid point, that I neglected. YES ,so many of these ''free loaders'' come in when the office is closed---because THEY KNOW, that we can do nothing.
Furthermore ,we as residents can NOT sign a Sheriff s NO TRESPASS ORDER!---BUT an HTA employee can---- if there are ''uninvited guests'' in our pools!
The guy you are referring to in the big black car is a big
fat-slob. YUK! He is also one of fairways roving pharmacy.
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