Several weeks ago, your Fairways Watch coordinator received a personal phone call from Captain Brett Meade, commander of our Sector 2 Sheriff,s office.The captain was calling to tell me that he was retiring from O.C.S.O. The captain went on to say that he had been offered a ranking position with UCF security and law enforcement. He will be the Deputy Chief at the university
. .For a past number of years, one of the main objectives of Fairways Watch has been to develop a close working relationship, with the command staff of our local law enforcement.As we all know, the officers and deputies of the Sector 2 Sheriff,s office are our first line of defense,against those that would steal from us and do harm to the community.
The 911 system is a wonderful tool that saves many lives, every day.However sometimes there are situations, when calls to an unseen, unknown dispatcher can not answer a question or solve an unusual problem.---BUT---advice and answers from a well trained law enforcement officer, can better handle a specific situation.
The relationship with Captain Meade and his staff has been that of a rewarding one. Brett Meade truly cared about the Fairways. He went beyond the call of duty for us. Toward the end of our phone call ,the Captain assured me that he would introduce me to his successor, so that we could continue the good relationship between OCSO and our community.
I recently met with Captain Meade and the new commander, a Captain Stephen Garrison.---- Captain Garrison , comes to us from Sector 4.[The notorious, lower Orange Blossom Trail area] Captain Garrison is a 22 year veteran of OCSO. The new Captain is eager to work with us. The one thing that I was glad to hear was that our Special Projects Officer, Jason Murrill, will retain his important position.Jason has done so many good, ''behind the scene'' things for the Fairways residents.
On Friday September 12, I was honored to have been invited to Captain Meade,s retirement party [Picture below]
Brett Meade is the only ''cop'' I know of that greeted his acquaintances , with a firm handshake and a ''shoulder hug''
Brett my friend, you will be missed !
1 comment:
When Gov. Scott wins re-election this guy would make a fine member, OR perhaps President of the governor's Law Enforcement Advisory Board...!
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