Tuesday, December 23, 2014


It seems like just a short time ago that we were celebrating the new year--2014---.GUESS WHAT?--its almost 2015!--- Fairways Watch would like to take this opportunity to express appreciation to all the good residents that supported the watch program. As always there were some ''bumps'' in our road of Fairways life, but nothing that the residents couldn't handle with grace.
   I would also take this year end  to praise our local safety forces.----- Our law enforcement and fire rescue are the BEST--bar none--no where are there any better!--Example--last week we had a minor fire on Augusta Rd. Within moments there were 3 engines, --the battalion chief-- and EMS on the scene. The engines were our own #80--the #83 from Waterford lakes and the #66 all the way from Golden Rod road! The fireman and dispatchers know, how fragile our mobile homes are. God bless them all.
  Shortly we will be served by a new HOA board. I would ask all  to come to the resident meetings and support the board.If there are new ideas out there, lets talk about it--share your thoughts and ideas ,while at the same time,listening with courtesy to the new officers. We need to strengthen the organization ---Our HOA is like a ''gun with no bullets'' It seems that Hometown America has absolutely no respect for the association or we the homeowners. 
  In the coming year Fairways Watch with your help, will continue to monitor all security issues and maintain a close working relationship with the Orange County Sheriff's Office.It is imperative that we have a'' tight nit'' line of communication with the Sector 2 command staff. These officers are a wonderful group of folks to work with.
 Next year we are planning on slightly expanding our field of ''intelligence gathering'' for this blog site. An example is demonstrated in the 2 previous posts. From time to time, there are outside developments that directly affect YOU the residents.--- As the name implies ''FAIRWAYS WATCH"" means just that .We will watch out for our residents---NO HEARSAY---NO RUMOR---AS ALWAYS ---JUST VERIFIABLE  FACTS AND TRUTH! There are other blogs that due a great job of covering the social events and parties,---that is not our cup of tea!
  In closing , Wishing you all  ---a Joyous season---Happy Holidays---and lastly a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Anonymous said...

And a very Merry Christmas to you as well Bill. Look forward to your expanded coverage of Fairways news in the New Year.

Tony and Camille Tota said...


May the true meaning of CHRISTmas fill your life with joy and may peace, hope and love be with you and yours today, tomorrow and always. BLESSED CHRISTMAS

Love Tony and Camille

Cathy Underwood said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family Bill. Thanks for being our local reporter of the happenings here in Fairways You do a fantastic job and I really appreciate it. Thank you for your support of the board, I wish all good luck in the coming year.

Unknown said...

Christmas is not for counting the things that you have lost, but for counting the blessings you still have. Keep a warm heart and spread the joy around you. MERRY CHRISTMAS ALL