Thursday, February 12, 2015


                 CODE 3---LIGHT BARS ON !         

Wednesday evening, around 8 PM--- EMS along with 2 OCSO units, entered the Fairways at a good rate of speed. All units responded to the ''problem residence'', at the corner of Pebble Beach and Torrey Pines CT.
  The OCSO computer dispatch stated ''EMS medical assistance''. This type of dispatch is normally used when there is a POSSIBLE security issue involving EMS personnel.---Fairways Watch went to the scene. All respondents were inside the house. There was ,however a young white male, outside ,pacing back and forth while on a cell phone. There were also several young non resident white females, that appeared to be going in and out of the residence.
  EMS personnel brought out the elder resident on a gurney and transported the individual.
  Afterwards Fairways Watch spoke to the 2 officers. Their comment was that the main issue was one of a medical nature.
  Over the years---This same house and resident has been the subject of many OCSO ''calls for service''
These calls have involved -- a robbery report, stolen vehicle, drunk and disorderly ''guests''--- and on and on. Fairways Watch has recorded several of these events with pictures. As recently as last week----we published a post ,complete with photo,--of one of the''guests''.
 About 2 years ago Fairways Watch found 2 young inebriated females ,crawling across Pebble Beach, trying to get to this house. This incident occurred on a Sunday morning at 7;15 AM---911 was called--both OCSO and EMS responded, ---but the ''young ladies'' had been invited in by the resident and nothing could be legally done.
  All of these events have been reported to management to no avail. HTA states that they have no control over the problem guests---due to the fact that the home owner invites them in. OCSO also sites the same legal reason. 
The current and past events at this residence do not enhance or help elevate our community, to the HTA claimed title of a ''PREMIER COMMUNITY''
  If the Fairways wants to be recognized as a ''PREMIER COMMUNITY'' the title must be earned honestly---not just posted out front on a fancy sign!


Anonymous said...

Seems to me I've seen this residence with "goings on" several times and the owner always "gave approval." Just where is this owner and why is this sort to conduct permitted? It is jeopardizing the safety and well-being of all the permanent residents.

Anonymous said...

This is the type of thing that the FHAOI should be getting involved in instead of worring about how many people are voters and if you have a reflective vest on.

Read the Prospectus, the rules and regulations and State Law, HTA has a duty to provide for the safety of our residents.

Maybe the fhaoi should use some of that "legal" fund money to push this agenda, and then they might get more people involved!!

Anonymous said...

The legal fund is very small. It is not the responsibility of the fhaoi to keep ys safe and secure. Where does it say that at?
Just aking as i am quite familiar with all the dicuments yiu mentioned.

Anonymous said...

to anon--read em good, if hta is not doing their job, the HOC has a duty to push back, otherwise, what good is the fhaoi??

Anonymous said...

I was told that the person that owns the home lives on pine valley