Saturday, May 16, 2015


  Earlier today we reported,the first burglary on Warwick Hills.---THEN---about 1 PM ,we got a call from a resident saying that she had found apiece of religious jewelry in her yard.On the way to PICKUP the jewelry, we received a call about a BREAK-IN on Linrick Ct.--sheriff, on the way!
 OCSO quickly responded, but had to wait for 2nd deputy to enter the home. There was a screen''ripped'' out of a front slider, but no entry had been made at that location.The point of entry was the side door, in the carport. THE DEAD BOLTED DOOR WAS RIPPED OPEN AND THE DOOR CASING SHATTERED!
 In this writers humble opinion, it would take a person with the strength of a BULL MOOSE, to shatter the door frame, like it was done!There were no bar marks or other types of damage to the exterior of the door or outside portion of the door frame.

We suspected that the piece of jewelry, found down the street earlier was connected to this break-in. We gave the necklace to the investigating officer. Sure enough---the piece was identified by the victim when interviewed by the deputy,on the phone. Due to the fact that the piece of jewelry, was found on Inverary, down from Linrick,--it may indicate that the ''scummies'' went through back yards, heading toward Warwick Hills.
At this time the losses could not be dertermined,victim is snowbird.
Think about it---does anyone really think that these crimes are being done by outside punks,just driving down Colonial,---committing these acts as crimes of opportunity?
HELL NO--it' some one that knows the highways and by-ways of our community. It could also very well be DRUG DRIVEN!.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Mrs.priss how about that why do you think she doesn't live in here like all past management has it should be a requirement that she live here or get another job the background checks are not being done and there are so many living here that don't belong this is truly DEERWOOD 1 because they don't have the problems we do come on down and we will sell tou a home and promise you the world and give you S#$T in return, time for the news to get in here and report on this and it's time to leave now while your home MAY still be worth something BYE

Anonymous said...

Whoever is addressing Ms Priss - while your observation may be valid it does not address the crime that continues to go on here. I have never been afraid in my own home. This nonsense MUSTbe addressed!! Name calling won't do it. Volunteers or vigilantes might. My $600 a month to stay locked up tighter than a drum is insanity.

Anonymous said...

Do like the Merion Dr group did go right past the front office to he proper authorities. Their problem was resolved. Leave your concerns at the front there is a big green truck that comes in twice a week that gathers all the problems left at the office.

Unknown said...

big green truck? what does that mean? servicepro?

Randy Muehl said...

It's amazing to me how many homes are still so dark at night. In doing out nightly patrols, we go up and down every street. Some are so dark it almost seems like an invitation! PLEASE, when you go to bed and especially if you don't have motion detector lights, put on a porch light or side light to detract these skum bags. We have a bright spotlight we use to see between the homes and really could use your help. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

No it's called WASTE PRO the trash truck, they should load up the office on Tuesday when they make their run.

Anonymous said...

If HTA does try to get gate security and charge us for it they can go and PISS UP A ROPE I will not pay will you? no way we pay enough now . Get the news in here and things will change.

Anonymous said...

we pay for a gated community but the gate is a joke . drop our rent tell the gate is useful

Old time resident said...

I can not help but notice that no one is commenting on the Sheriff's officer saying that there have been a lot of burglaries at other communities, even Gulf Stream Harbor. I keep hearing many say that Gulf Stream Harbor has great gate security 24 hours a day yet they still have burglaries too. Too many of my neighbors are complaining about everything and not willing to help. If you think that $700 per month is too much to spend for what all we have, then go get an apartment and pay $1000 to $1200 per month and see how much fun you have there. Let's all try and work together to make this place better for all of us. I like it here.

Anonymous said...

Re: 12:35 You must have more money than sense we are not talking about another park we are talking about our own, things are not being done as they should here I have been her going on 17 years and never saw anything that compares to the delima we find our selves in now and it gets worse by the day WHY!!!!!!!!!!

Old time resident said...

No use getting angry, I am just saying that Gulfstream Harbor has live guards that are really strict and they have as many burglaries as we do so that may not be the answer. Let's get the neighborhood watch going now.

Randy Muehl said...

To Anonymous 8:47 The reason we CAN'T get the media in here is beause most of the residents who were robbed will NOT go on camera and say anything for fear of something. That's why our "Media" group never got off the ground.

Anonymous said...

I have an aunt and uncle that live in Gulfstream and when I visit I have never had to do anything but drive on in the gate guard was to busy watching tv on an I Pad, besides that look at the area that Gulfstream is located in nice area NOT.

Anonymous said...

i would gladly pay a little extra to have someone at the gate...then we know whos in here...when breakins occur! i guess the one that dont wanna pay also has no lights on either
Randy is right. .no lights looks like a invite.
very sad

Old time resident said...

I would not complain if they charged a little more to have a guard but I don't really know how that would help when we have a public golf course. How would we handle the honest people that just want to play golf? Or should we all pay a lot more and make the golf course private? Also, how would it stop the burglaries that are being done by our residents? Just asking for ideas.

Anonymous said...

"Light up Fairways" it doesnt cost that much to have a few light on ALL night. If we all did it, it would at least hopeful help deter the burglaries. and let's please all work together, this name calling and getting irate with another blogger, not good. We're all working for the result. ZERO ROBBERIES in our community. Turn on them lights........

Anonymous said...

Keep all comments anonymous so you are not pilloried by the redneck residents out for revenge.

Anonymous said...

We pay too much for rent now some of us are on such a low income we can't pay more for a guard think about it, what are we getting for our money NOW.

Anonymous said...

Ref:5/17/15 6:47PM A poet you are not I have always had lights on all night and I always look out for my friends neighbors and family I will NOT pay more lot rent just to have a gate guard for Billy Casper Golf the RAT and associated felons are already here they live in here and are among the undeseribles that HTA allows to live here and pray on us all they need to be weeded out like the scum they are sneaking around at night will get you shot guaranteed it will happen soon watch and see MORE RENT FOR A GATE GUARD HELL NO ! In my opinion more lot rent so say one so say us all it will not work.

Anonymous said...

What happened with the $90,000.00 kick back HTA got from Bright House networks it went to office renovations. Bocci Ball court that no one asked for bleachers that did not pass code tennis court additions that no one uses what happened to our street paving that was promised and this Masters renovation will only be used to bring in more outsiders and be HQ for golf we have no say the masters is a polling place the county already made upgrades to the Masters for a hurricane shelter and the generator is still sitting in a warehouse and has not been installed, does the county know what is being done after they replaced the roof and made the upgrades they did? It is our club house for the residents not a rental for outsiders to come in and pay HTA we will never benefit from it. Think about it. another thing why is there only ONE way out of her in an emergency how else do we get out ther should be an emergency gate somewhere we could use if needed.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane season begins June 1, 2015. The masters was suppose to be a shelter for the residents. But I was told that the the masters will be closed as of May 26th and reopens in December. What about hurricane season? As stated above, I believe that HTA did receive funds for this. What's up with this??? anybody??

Anonymous said...

we got $90,000 from bright house networks??????????????????????????Seriously.....................

Anonymous said...

The Masters was being turned into a hurricane shelter by the county but it was not for residents of Fairways it was for OUTSIDERS not us and that's a FACT.

Anonymous said...

Is there anything else we can offer the public? we use to be such a hidden secret, and that is why I live where I live. But now it has become a public domain. Time to move.

Unknown said...

The last 2 posts have set a record ,for a number of blog viewers and comments. The Google count for the last 3 days is averaging about 500 views per day---THANK YOU!
The residents comments have brought forth ,numerous good suggestions and QUESTIONS,--about our community. These comments VALIDATE the need to enter into an agreement with Attorney Daniel Perry. It was in February when the attorney spent an evening with our HOA board and some concerned residents--In a little over a week it will be June!
There are so many pending issues that we need advice and guidance on. ---Why wait until the second shoe drops? It is not a matter of filing, some kind of an expensive lawsuit, --but one of getting some advice and possibly getting some legal relief through the mediation process.---HOW MUCH LONGER SHOULD WE WAIT?

Anonymous said...

I thnk that the time is now. We need to be proactive and not reactive at this point. We need to go thru the proper sources and get the right things done before soemthing even worse happens and I am afraid of that. Personally, I am now living in fear and things just seem to be getting worse as days go by.

Randy Muehl said...

This should have already been a done deal. Pay the retainer and lets get to work HOA! You've talked enough to know he knows his stuff. Make a move and gain some of our confidence back! You're losing it rather than gaining it because of the lack of action being done in many areas. PULL THE TRIGGER! We are watching....

Anonymous said...

I would pay for a lawyer than a gate guard

Anonymous said...

Randy you just made your best point yet the HOA is sitting on their asses and not caring about us at all they should all be replaced in a special election NOW they don't want to rattle Mrs.P afraid can't Imagine grown people afraid to REPRESENT US and Bill your points are all VALID the HOA just want to run their mouths and do NOTHING afraid !!! No other answer can come to mind. Why don't they just RESIGN PERIOD. Someone is going to wind up DEAD in here these people that are doing these crimes DON'T CARE.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Could someone please explain to me what the attorney could do in mediation at this time, or better yet, what issue would we the residents take to mediation? ? and we certainly CANNOT afford to have an attorney on retainer. I guess Im not getting it. Please someone explain what issues. I thought we were talking about ways to deter burglaries in the Fairways.... this is not the time to be bashing the board. This happens every single year Im here. The Board is elected, with no competition, once they are elected, 2-3 months, a select group of residents, start sreaming for their resignation. Come on neighbors, let's give this board a fair chance. They are not affraid of Priscilla, they just want to have civil talks with her and keep the line of communications open. Please no more HOA bashing. Thank you :-)

Randy Muehl said...

For one thing,as the Attorney said, had he been retained by us, "we would still have a restaurant". Are we in compliance with the 80/20 rule? Pricilla says yes,but in the 10 years my family has lived here there has never been a census taken. If violations,such as felons living here,are not handled when proof has been sent to the office, official letter from an Attorney may get some answers. If there are any questionable actions considering the 723, an Attorney can fight for us with any legal action that may be necessary.Do you remember the lawsuit we just went thru last year on a slip and fall that almost bankrupted our HOA? If something is not right now, HTA knows we have no means to fight it. That's why we're in some of the predicaments we are in now. The Board doesn't seem to put any pressure on Priilla for anything, they just take all that she dishes. I am NOT against the Board at all. I appreciate them volunteering for a thankless job.I would just like to see a little more action and less talk. I have yet to hear a Board member pressure Pricilla like the residents do when addressing our concerns.She defers everything to Chicago, but I don't hear any Board members calling Chicago to get any answers to our questions that she doesn't know. Or if they do, it's not communicated back to us residents. Questioning is not bashing and the truth is the truth. HTA should at least show some interest in the burglaries and help in finding a solution. Their interest was shown by the comments of the Deputy at our last meeting. "HTA has had no contact with the Police Dept." Thats why we are fending for ourselves in all matters,and why the assistance of an Attorney is important in many of our concerns. They are paid to get results.

Anonymous said...

RE: 5/18/15 @7:30 PM Sounds like a board member wrote this one what a cop out, that is not the answer get a life.

Anonymous said...

Randy in the next election RUN FOR PREZ. We need some one like you who will take the office seriously.

Anonymous said...

If the masters is a hurricane shelter made so by tax payers money should not local,state,and federal people be told it is being closed down during hurricane season. Do you think Ms.Priss cares when she does not live in the area, do you think Chicago cares if we have a shelter closed. Did management have an ok to close this shelter. Come on HOA follow up on this very important item NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We agree with the posting at 7:45, do any of the local tv stations know a hurricane shelter on the east side of Orlando is being closed during hurricane season? The office could by the old saying with a modification "The buck stops here only we will not spend it we save it for our year end bonus".

Lost too much already said...

re April 18 7:30 pm
LOSS PREVENTION is a term used by businesses to curtail losses to their companies. The residents of the Fairways also need a loss prevention program. HTA has done nothing but takeaway, amenities, services, programs, control,--and on and on!
In all my time in this community, I have never seen any HOA board that could respond effectively to the HTA legal advisers and policy makers. WHY?-- The main reason being, HTA has a source to go to for advice and direction. Our HOA has never had legal advice except in a dire emergency--then it was TOO LATE!
Just look at just a few of the things taken away --the restaurant--control of our cable and the pricing of it--no control of outsiders at our pools,--no basic input to ''renovations''--we have a complete break down in the 80/20 program--unknown renters moving in, felons among us-- all with NO response from management.-When the rework of the Masters is complete,--will that be just another jewel in Billy Caspers ''crown''?--The list is even longer.
There is information, circulating in the community, that HTA will be notifying all residents of an offer to put an attendant at the gate! POSSIBLY this could be a POSITIVE STEP,--or just another ploy to downplay the charge of lack of security. Maybe HTA would even participate in this new offer. We need to judge everything with an open mind,and some legal advice and--- if need be --MEDIATION to make any offer made acceptable.
I believe all residents would agree that the HOA board has responsibilities that reach far beyond providing social programs.

Anonymous said...

If HTA puts a guard at the gate expect a RENT INCREASE I WILL NOT PAY ONE CENT MORE END OF STORY It will cost just wait and see I know that is what they propose Guaranteed . We pay to much now no matter what they say like the cable they said we would not get an increase but we did WE pay $36.50 what do they actually pay Bright House per home per month?

Anonymous said...

Does the HOA have the funds to keep an attorney on retainer? This could be the reason that we don't use or utilize legal guidance. I don't think that it is the fault of the HOA as they are limited to what they can and can't do. OH, I have lived her going on 21 years.

Anonymous said...

You will get a rent increase with or without a guard at the gate. Every year we get increase and nothing to show for it....actually less

Anonymous said...

Yes, they have the funds and have put them in a "legal" fund. Now if they will only use it!

Anonymous said...


I now keep my outside light on at night.

I have installed the fencing on my air conditioning vent.

I have purchased window locks ($1 ea) for all my windows.

I have ordered battery operated solar motion detectors (no wiring needed, cost 6/$36 on Amazon).

I now lock up my house when I do gardening in my backyard or leave to pick up my mail.

I wear a personal alarm at night when I walk my dog, because these scum bags are clearly bold and desperate.


Anonymous said...

They DO NOT have the funds to have an attorney on retainer, but I recall the night Perry was at the meeting, he stated maybe we could work something out with some sort of flat fee. and the 90000 surplus that was mentioned previously was returned to the residents with fee cable for a couple of months

Say What said...

the HOA has @24k in the bank---how much do you think the retainer is anyway----come on people

Anonymous said...

anonymous 6:14. with you..don't feel safe in our own homes! how pitiful.$ 5.00 extra a month to feel some what safe is well worth it to me!

Anonymous said...

You don't need to pay more I will not HTA needs to get off their asses and do the background checks they were paid to do and STOP RENTING AND ALLOWING MOVE IN HERE THAT ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO BE HERE they are a disgusting group or CLICK call it what you will.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Community needs to get noticed. How about the old way of demonstrating with signs in front of the Park Office ? At the Entrance? Meetings in a Clubhouse are doing nothing but blowing hot air up someone's butt. Maybe Pricilla would prefer us demonstrating in front of her residence! Either way we need to do something and do it quick or this place is going to turn into a ghost town or Ghetto.

????? said...

A "picketing" permit is being looked into. It has to be done right.

Anonymous said...

i have no problem picketing..please announce the details when they're known..

Anonymous said...

how about picking in windemere at Steve Braun also?