Details are not complete yet---entry made through cut screen and window entry.The theft occured between 6:30 PM and 1:30 AM--- Reportedly ,a gun and some cash were taken The loot was believed to have been carried away in a laptop computer bag. --911 was called at 2 AM---it is believed that thieves left out of the Warwick Hills circle area by way of the cart path in the area of #15 and #14 fairways. ---That path would lead to the Westchester pool parking area area! This would indicate, that once again,that ''the thieves know the Fairways well''
This information is very preliminary. We will update as soon as more information is known.
Additional information---Although the method of entry was different,--there are similarities to the ''rat cases''
In most cases the stolen property, was carried away, in different forms of cloth containers. ---Valuable electronics were left untouched,--entries were made through small openings---only small valuables were taken--- items that could be carried on a golf cart,bicycle, or by a person on foot. It is a consistent fact that the thieves seem to have an exceptional knowledge of the Fairways Country CLUB and it's residents.
Has Orange County sheriff a profile developed? Or is there a reward offered? Some night this person or persons will hit wrong resident and end up on wrong end of a speeding bullet.
The ante has been upped and your narrative choices on this story are expanding, Bill.
1.) The Rat Burglar is now armed!
2.) A criminal Fairways insider, unaffiliated with the Rat, is now armed!
3.) Someone who lives in the Fairways was careless enough to store weapon in an unsecured place where a criminal had easy access to it.
4.) Because it was not securely stored while the resident wasn't home, the gun will be sold on the street and end up in the hands of a violent Eastside gang banger. One day it will be aimed at police.
Was the weapon actually stolen or not? ? ?
its not the residents fault that the home was burglarized and a gun was taken..we shouldnt have to lock up a weapon when we leave our homes
Now school is about out things are only going to get worse in here. The pools will be more crowded, bikes will disappear, golf carts will be gone etc. Stay on your toes we have nobody at the front gate to stop this.
Now school is about out things are only going to get worse in here. The pools will be more crowded, bikes will disappear, golf carts will be gone etc. Stay on your toes we have nobody at the front gate to stop this.
they have changed their m.o.
I agree the rats have changed their MO they know that people have fixed up the a/c returns and are now just breaking in they will be caught or shot soon
Correct you are, 11:14 p.m.
That's why about 1.4 million firearms were stolen during property crimes over the six-year period from 2005 through 2010, according to a report by the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics.
This number represents an estimated average of 232,400 firearms stolen each year during property crimes.
Of the guns stolen each year during property crimes, at least 80 percent, or an annual average of 186,800 firearms, had not been recovered up to six months after being stolen.
Handguns were the most commonly stolen firearm from 2005 through 2010. At least one handgun was stolen in 63 percent of household burglaries. More than one gun was stolen in 39 percent of burglaries.
Other findings showed—
▪ About 75 percent of household property crimes involving stolen firearms occurred in households headed by white non-Hispanic persons.
▪ From 2005 through 2010, the majority of household burglaries (56 percent) or other property crimes (59 percent) involving stolen firearms occurred in the South.
As a gun owner it is your responsibility and your duty to make sure that a gun in your home is secure at all times I make sure that mine is I have a permit to carry a weapon and I know at all times where it is and even if I go to the mail box I am armed in florida you can get a permit if you have a good background and are not a convicted felon think about it a locked up gun is about as good as no gun at all, a gun is a tool and should be taken care of as you would any tool you own.
Again this may ver we'll be someone living at Fairways that knows the homeowner and knows they owned a gun. May be someone who worked on the home.
Does it seem that most of our burglaries have happened on weekends?
It doesn't seem that way, it is that way.
There are also two other interesting patterns that will eventually lead to the capture of at least one of the burglary rings.
But, now that you've mentioned it, there will likely be a shakeup in what has been a very predictable pattern.
That's a good thing. Crooks out of their comfort zones do stupid things.
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