If you were out and about last evening--you probably seen some form of law enforcement presence, or residents participating in a ''watch program''
Our good Sector commander,Captain Steve Garrison has ''pulled out all of the stops'' in our mutual battle against the Fairways criminal elements. Yesterday the Captain directed patrol units from other zones to move into our zone 22 and supplement the already assigned units. There will be marked cars and SUV's as well as unmarked vehicles. These officers will proactively check people and vehicles in a diligent and courteous manner.
This morning I sent the Captain a thank you note on the behalf of all of the ''legal'' Fairways residents.
We are still working on the master watch program for the residents that want to be active in helping secure our community.Residents will be advised as soon as it is further along .
Several of us have pooled our small financial resources and equipped 3 carts with a simple fabricated light bar,using flashing bicycle diode lights.[more to come] These home made ''light bars'' are plainly visible at a great distance. We just want to show the bad element that we are out looking.---SHOW BOATING? ---yep--so what--it's better than just setting back bitching about everything and doing nothing!
It has gotten back to me---that some ''stupid ass'' [pardon my poor French] resident is going around telling people that the ''flashing'' golf cart lights are illegal and we need to stop it!----I would respectfully ask that person to come to me and we could have an ''interesting discussion''! --- [the sheriff deputies are complimentary on the cart lights]
Folks ,even with all of our current problems,---''WE ARE BLESSED''---In this day and age we have some of the best ''first responders''---ANY WHERE ----BAR NONE!
The big TV show sure did not hurt our cause either---people want to know---yesterday this little ole private blog registered a record 1006 viewer count---THANK YOU!
One last thing in closing---every year there is a NATIONAL NIGHT OUT '' program that we have never had the resident support to participate in. I think this time around we may have it I will check with Deputy Belmont as to this years date and advise.
Hope to see you out and about tonight and many other nights!
Thanks Bill, we will kept trying to catch someone.
Captain Stephen Garrison
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Uniform Patrol Division
Sector 2 Commander
Office: 407-254-4810
From: Bill Heldreth []
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 10:23 AM
To: Garrison, Stephen
Subject: THANK YOU
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 10:23 AM
To: Garrison, Stephen
Subject: THANK YOU
I just wanted to say thank you and your great team. The presence of your officers was well noted in the Fairways last night. The officers went out of their way to be both diligent and courteous to all of the residents that they encountered.
One young officer, in a SUV was especially helpful., said he was from zone 21.
Great job to the watch team and the sheriff's men. Maybe we can catch the thieves now. Fairways Management need to step up the security at entrance gate and pool gates. Thank you. Mickey Craddock
I just saw channel 9 at the greenbrier 4pm can we expect another story on Tv?
No, it was totally unrelated to us or security. It was a private outside matter from a resident.
If we agree to the initial $5.00 increase for gate attendant. Bill and his "watch captains" need to be involved with the whole process. HTA cannot be allowed to mismanage this as they did the restaurant.
The specifics of the a security contract need to be carefully thought out and planned, such as, doors on the buildings that need to be checked, regular security routes and checklists, every person that enters this park should be a legal resident, guest or vendor/contractor with a valid ID and an explanation of what their destination is. Also they should be available by phone 24/7 for emergency response.
We cannot allow HTA to go with the lowest bidder and end up with a Walmart cart greeter at the front gate. We need a highly visible professional security company to protect our park and our homes.
We will agree to this increase if Bill and his watch captains have a say in the specifics of any security contract that gets endorsed by Hometown.
We are only going to get one chance at this folks, and we need to be very clear that we are not going to allow Hometown to mismanage this as the have so many other things in the past.
I'd like to Volunteer and help out our community. Who do I contact to help out?
The $5/month is NOT for security. This is for a gate attendant.
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