The gates are wide open,and have been for some time!
WHY?---It does not matter---the fact is --the gates don't work and are as-- ''worthless as teets on a boar hog'' ---Many people bought and trusted HTA to be a ''GATED COMMUNITY''--they put their money down----WAY DOWN -$$!
Management may say ---''the mcgillacutti perdunkle '' broke and the parts are on order---SO WHAT?---did they ever hear of overnite Federal Express?
Recently , the community has had some unusual happenings.----The misdeeds at the pools are a large part of the mysteries--but not all. We have numerous encounters of unknown visitors in here.
Take a look at the right side outgoing gate post----it has already been hit and pulled out of plumb!
The open gates with the ''inviting signs'' say it all!
I would encourage the concerned residents to ''BADGER'' HTA management--beyond the local command!
If I recall last month, the reason the gates were open was a "part was on order"... you would think they could at least amuse us with a new excuse....... I hope our HOA can keep official records of days gate does not work.. and send it to the corporate office.... I don't know if that will even make a difference.
It should make a difference in our lot fees! Gated Communities do charge more for their lot fees and that is why HTA keeps the gates, broken or not, they are there!
so we need to get a letter signed saying they are open more than closed ans send copies to hta requiring a rent deduction
We as a Board are requesting a meeting with Priscilla and Gina to address this ongoing problem. Enough is enough!
BILL, your prior blog we believe took care of the cycle problem have not seen the yellow cycle tearing down the road lately. Do not know what this place would look like with out you here to post all the problems and the great comments that follow!!!!!!!!!!! Just as now Miss Priss gets to leave for the weekend to an area with nice mowed lawns while we get to look at long grass and knee high weeds for over a week and a weekend. Gated community and lawn care BULL_______ !!!!!!!!!!!!.
Also notice the GRASS WAS CUT UP FRONT TO MAKE A GOOD LOOK FOR THE PARK BUT THE REST OF US SUFFER WITH INCOMPETENT GRASS CUTTERS WHO TOOK THE WEEK OFF LAST WEEK. THe board needs to tell HTA we need another company to do the grass we are paying for it in our lot rent and it is not up to par even after they cut it you can't tell they did!!!!!!!!!!!
Was leaving yesterday afternoon and Ed Dow was trying to get outgoing gate open. Cars in front of me we're going out incoming gate. When came back both gates were open.
Grass is so high (knee high upshots) that had to get old push lawnmower out to trim area so my little dogs could releave themselves. Missing a week in July is unsatisfactory.
Work being done in mail box area. Covering pot holes with black whatever doesn't fix pot holes!! Pebble beach is like driving on washboard.
I hope the board can keep an official record of days the gate does not work. I think showing in black and white the amount will speak for itself and HTA will have no excuse. I believe the gates work properly less than 10% of the time and that is being very generous.
Am glad my dog is white if it were green he would very hard to find. Miss Pris could really care less how we have to live or put up with. Randy hope you can get some results but am sure you will hear the same old stuff. Wish you could get Steve here or better yet wish you could get a couple big stock holders in here for a meeting !!!!!!!!!!
Grass cutting, When I spoke to Yvonne on the phone concerning if it was true that the grass cutting company was skipping this week's cutting our grass, she said it is true. She said, can't you go without a week of cutting grass? I said no, and has anyone there rode by our house, we have St. Augustine grass and it grows fast! We spent extra money to have someone cut it this week! I have a problem with why the owners of this great Fairway Country Club have a problem improving safety issues, physical landscapes, roads, ponds, pools, etc. Seems like when they add or improve things it worsens existing things. I get this gut feeling that they are planning to sell this place. (Just a gut feeling) Ok sorry to post on here, not really the place. Be careful walking and walking your pet, don't know what creatures maybe hiding in the grass growth. My problem with possible intruders I may see..."I say to myself, "maybe there visiting". I really can't tell. Thanks! Mickey
Anyone notice the grass up front was cut yesterday, I guess it's ok to cut up front to put on a front but we get nothing cut for our rent money and when it is cut you would never know it.
HTA Please get us some new grass cutters these are bad. Can the HOA bring this up will you do it Randy?
Lived here a lot of years and have never seen this place look this bad boy what a terrible mess this place is !!!!!!! Who is raking up all the dead grass if it ever does get cut !!!! We are sure Miss Priss would cut the grass by the entrance and leave the lot payers out, Steve we really do need a new manager just come and look PLEASE !!!!!!
Mrs Herricks title should be changed to ''COMMUNITY MANGLER''
No its not all her fault, she is following the corporate leads ,which are greedy and totally incompetent
TAKE A LOOK-----gated community with busted gates--no security,--HEATHENS CRAPPING IN OUR UN-MONITORED POOLS--young kids on motor cycles tearing thru our neighbor hood---hit & miss grass cutting--- except office area--pot hole a foot deep [Greenside Ct]--no protections from outside SQUATTERS---4-5 cars parked at 2 bedroom homes--
The list can go on and on
Recently several TV stations have featured stories about senior living conditions in senior communities--just wondering if they might like this one
428 Iam sure they would if you could get in tuch with the rright person
Has everyone seen the Sales Office grass was cut. Both houses on each side of the
sale office is over grown. Its sad to say the head of the golf course was the
mower, I know he was doing just what he was told to do. Several houses up front
have some of their yards mowed in spots, bet they aren't happy with that cut.
@ 4:28
Chicago will not listen to you if you continue to position yourself as an "old fart."
It's not a powerful image.
The gate issue is about our core desire for safety.
That's why the original property developer installed a gate system. It knew that while people may not always put money where their mouth is, they will just about always put their money where their desires are.
That shows you what a loser HTA is as it regards the Fairways. It's not selling safety. It's not selling an affordable country club lifestyle. It's not selling a community-based lifestyle (no bar or restaurant). It is not connecting with any deep desires.
HTA is just selling inexpensive housing. So, mostly, people who only want cheap buy here. It is obvious how that strategy works against us. HTA has crated a hit or miss proposition with the growing number of speculators buying rental properties competing for properties against potentially quality neighbors. The rental-property speculators, as they always do with lower end housing, will, over the years, turn this place into a slum.
Today, what we should do is surprise the hell out of HTA with a lawsuit over the gates. If we discussed it in public meetings, voted on it in public, then HTA would know that more than just a few people were for the suit. Moreover, HTA would know that our facts are certain, our case is strong, and we are confidently staring straight in its eyes instead of trying to sneak up on it because we fear it or because our lawyer is a w-i-m-p!
HTA believes we can’t afford to bring suit because we’ve already dropped $6,000 on a suit most people think is a waste of time and money... a suit that because of how it came about has, to HTA's delight, divided the community. We need to change that perception. Such an public, community-wide, endeavor could do that.
In other words, we need to prove to HTA that we are not a bunch of cranky old farts. We can do that with a suit that will smack that smug smirk off of HTA’s face!
A few months back people would refer to this as a trailer park which would send us up wall and we would argue bunches after seeing the conditions this week we owe them an apology this is the same as a "run down trailer park". WHAT A MESS.
Bill any word on the people fired?????? Hope Miss Priss did not do the firing if she did she should clean out her desk and go also. The way this place looks she would not know a bad job if ti hit her in the face.
As for the question above about the dead grass we will rake it to the side of the road and leave it we will not pick it up if Miss Priss wants to take care of it she is welcome but WE are not going to !!!!!!!!!!
Maybe, everyone should rake their grass onto the side of the road to make a statement! Wish we could deliver it to HTA's front door!
The FHOA has as much power as a 6volt battery . This Property is Owned by HTA Not You Not I or Anybody Else . HTA has the Power , With It's Prospectus It's Very Clear . It sorta reminds Me of a Democratic Controlled City where The Tax Money has been Squandered and the Area run down to Ghetto Status . It's Amazing isn't it . FHOA can keep supporting Their Lawyer, but Ladies and Gentleman Nothing is going to Change.
Sounds like Miss. Priss. wrote 7:12PM We need the HOA to go to the REAL OWNERS of the park and we may get some ACTION HTA only manages this TRAILER PARK>
To 8:19 , I was referring to HTA as The Reason of Ghetto Status at Fairways , The FHOA just spins it's Wheels . Did the Library come back ? No , Has the Benches around the Dog walk Pond been replaced No , has Your Grass been cut in a reasonable amount of time ? No , You can go on and on but NOTHING HAPPENS PEOPLE !
Well the mowers have come its 11:oo . Guess they aren't early birds. My grass
has just been cut, now I have a hay field. Is this place going to the dogs?
First off, the library lawsuit is still in the courts and dog park benches are in next yr. budjet so yes, we don't sit on our a.. doing nothing. If you got more involved in meetings, etc. you'd know what you were talking about. I am requesting a meeting with Gina and Priscilla to once and for all get results, answers, or at least face to face excuses from upper management. We have exhausted our means of doing things with local management and given them every opportunity to respond. So, if you have PROOF of underage people living here, felons, non registered people, non residents at pools or anything else I beg you to send it to me or Bill H. either privately on here or the Nextdoor Neighbor site by July 30. We have been getting pictures, rap sheets, and complaints to present to them along with gate, lawn, etc. issues that we feel are being ignored. If this doesn't work we WILL look at other options...Thanks
I remember back when HTA installed the "LAS VEGAS" sign at the entrance one selling point listed was "NEVER CUT YOUR GRASS AGAIN" they should have added AND WE WONT HAVE IT CUT EITHER.
Well Randy I did go to Meetings and the same ole Thing of Next Year's Budget , and as far as getting Results it seem's Local News Stations are the last resort and don't You seem it odd at Certain Residences a vast majority of Vehicles all the Time? I volunteered to help COP to Patrol which I would have done late at night so Our Older Community could get Their Sleep and never contacted. And one more Thing , I never said FHOA sat on Their Ass's Sir .
Randy, I do have underage people living next door to me. I know multiple families are living there as there are always three to four cars in the driveway, not to mention a van that has been on jacks covered with a tarp since they moved in about two months ago. The only proof I can provide you is with pictures of the cars, is that enough proof? That is a daily thing, and there is really no way to prove that with only a picture. There is one person on the lease at that house and one person does not drive four cars. Let me know what I can help you with or what you need me to provide you with.
Pictures and the address along with activity you suspect. You can send it to or on "Nextdoor" in a private message. Thanks so much!
Just an FYI, we do have "1" new bench on Warwick Hills dogwalk, now if we could just find it through the tall grass/weeds...
This might be off topic but HTA has now raised the deposit for use of the Masters clubhouse to $400.00
It was $100.00 .. I understand a deposit to HOLD incase the room is not cleaned up or something maybe damaged, but that is a BIG increase to residence to use the hall. And the check with be CASHED before the event. Are our residence that bad with community that we destroy property? Why would you destroy where you live? or is it just another way of HTA getting more money??
You and the rest of us known if Miss Priss has anything to do with it it is $$$$$ now that the masters is fixed n ice and new leave it that way we hta do not anyone using it !!!!!! Who makes the final say on whether the deposit gets returned ????
Maybe I don't quite understand the use of the Masters and the charge, but if it's for a resident event, such as a Memorial for a resident, why we being charged? Isn't it for "our" use? And why doesn't the other events, such as dances, Bingo and such not being charged for the use...totally not making any sense to me, or am I missing something.
Only "private" parties are paying the increase because the past 2 events, private resident events, left the place a mess, parts of carpet had to be replaced because of ground in food stains, beer bottles left all over inside and outside, and virtually no cleanup done. I don't blame HTA in protecting their investment. A bit steep, yes, but it's our residents that had the free for all and we all have to pay for their mess.
Too bad some of our residence have no regard for their community or others.. Shame we have this now...... well I thought might be a good reason for such an increase. We all have to pay to a few ignorant slobs..
I think you should call them out by name on here. If everyone knew who it was that caused the huge increase we could thank them personally. Serous trailer trash has moved in here.
It is too bad everything is such a secret and is swept under the rug. We need to know all the things that go on good and bad. Hopefully when Randy has his meeting with Miss Priss (ugh) and Gena (double ugh) we can see the results posted. By posting about the cycle sure helped on that problem thanks BILL. Sure wish we knew more about the problem at the Masters and more about the problem with van on jacks with a tarp etc.
The van on jacks is still there. It is pulled all the way up in the carport but is pretty well hidden because there are three other cars in the driveway It amazes me that many good residents in the park receive letters telling them to paint, pressure wash their houses, etc., but yet this van on jacks has been there for a good month. These are new residents maybe they don't know the rules. but I believe you are still given a copy of the rules when you move in... This has been reported to management so lets see what happens......
GATES ARE WORKING!!!!!!!!!! I wonder for how long?
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