Monday, June 10, 2013

              WE DO NOT NEED THIS !
Sunday afternoon, June 9, around 1PM, Fairways Watch received a call from an alert resident. The resident reported that 2 sheriff;s cruisers were at an address on Muirfield Dr. We checked the ''calls for service'' website [link on this homepage]. The site showed a dispatch to the 14200 block of Muirfield, for ''suspicious activity'' . We went to  the area ,and found 2 sheriff units on the scene. The officers were questioning a middle aged, white male in the driveway. After almost an hour, it became evident that the officers were investigating the presence of an undetermined number of MARIJUANA PLANTS ! The person, being questioned was a non-owner, resident of the Fairways. After a period of time, and some phone calls, the officers said that they were removing the contraband plants for evidence. At this time, the female owner, resident arrived and more questioning ensued . At this writing, the outcome of the officers investigation is unclear.
 Owner residents need to be aware that they, the owner may be held legally liable for the actions of guests or renters on their property!
 Folks, as the title says, we do not need this kind of activity! One might ask, was the intent of growing the plants ,for personal use ? or for generating personal income for the grower?
 We guarantee ---that this incident will draw increased surveillance from OCSO-- the good guys,cover our backside.


Anonymous said...

The office really needs to find a better way to keep track of renters

Unknown said...

We have been asked about ,''how do I know that I can not be reported for growing herb and or plants ?'' The OCSO officers are highly trained to recognize and identify contraband plants and other banned substances, The ordinary patrol car carries an ID kit to help them in the check of plants and medications. Innocent residents, have nothing to fear.