Tuesday, August 4, 2015


 There were questions answered and questions unanswered. --The two HOT topics were the resident car stickers and the hiring of an attorney.
 First the sticker issue--both positive and negative.---Yes---the car stickers would help to identify residents that are properly registered to live in the fairways.--We have homes that sometimes have as many as 5-6 vehicles parked in and around the driveway. If only 2 cars had stickers--that is an indication of something amiss. ---But there is no real means of enforcement.-=-All we can do is go to the office --and we know how well that works.
 A huge benefit of stickers would be in the case of a severe emergency, such as ''Hurricane Charley''. I can speak from personal experience on the security issue from ''Charley''.--After the storm,most of the park was  without electricity for 11 days.----The Fairways looked like a war zone--with torn aluminum sheeting everywhere.----Almost immediately the scrap scavengers appeared on the scene. There were numerous pickups with out of state plates,
and drivers that did not speak English coming into our park to collect and go sell the scrap metal. A number of concerned residents banded together at the gate 24/7 to stop the unwanted vandals. 
One of the largest problems was identifying resident cars . We went to Walmart and bought colored sticker buttons to recognize our residents coming to the gate.
  If we would have resident stickers , it would have been a God send.

   YES---The HOA board did hire Attorney Daniel Perry!
  This writer always has vocally,and in writing gave complete, support for hiring the attorney---IT NEEDED TO BE DONE--for the protection of our remaining amenities and for the general welfare of our good residents.
  It was stated that Attorney Perry is preparing a lawsuit against HTA over the library issue. The cost of this action is a flat $5000 fee to our HOA. The suit should be ready to file, possibly next week,

  What we do not agree with is the clandestine manner in which it was done!--YES-- the library issue among others did warrant an ''EMERGENCY MEETING----BUT---not 3 closed meetings and agreements,with $5000 in payments---behind closed doors on private property!
  WHY?---was there not an emergency meeting called ,for all residents. The attorney agreement and costs should have been explained in detail to all of us.

  Do not just read the ramblings in the blogs---COME TO THE HOA GENERAL MEETING this Thursday--and get your information first hand---BRING YOUR QUESTIONS WITH YOU!


Anonymous said...

So we're paying $5000.00 for a lawsuit to sue HTA over a library that has not been taken away as of yet. As all Prisella stated was the library would have to be moved. NOT that it was not coming back. I do not work for HTA before someone excuses me of that. We all have different opinions. Dont assume because I dont feel we should sue, that I am employed by the park. Bill, I totally agree, we need a simple website for the HOA to keep the residents abreast of what is going on. We should not have to wait 3 weeks to find about private meetings and the hiring of an attorney. I do have a quick question, as I was unable to attend the meeting last night. Were the minutes posted or read from the private meetings ? ? ? ? ? It's all about communications, no matter what your opinion. Why is everyone so paranoid about telling the truth, Board. residents, and HTA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Anonymous said...


Long time resident said...

Question why sue over a library that no one uses? How about suing over the Masters Club House that is used for activities of all purposes and the taking away of space for the VFW the Masters is going to be BILLY CASPER GOLF CENTER and nothing for the residents.

Unknown said...

Personally, I feel we need a lawyer to address the security of this community. I don't feel that the library has officially been decided not to be re-established, as of yet. I had asked a HOA board member if they were going to go with a website for residence, like they wanted to, and was told they were not going to do it. We were unsure if we could attend the board meeting. Darn! Hubby didn't golf today because it was posted on the TV channel 732 that the golf course would be under repairs, but I saw people golfing. Called the golf office and was told it wouldn't start now till Aug. 5th. Missed a great day to golf. Communication, communication, communication!!!! Residence, lets stand up to HTA and HOA to get better security. This is a great place to live. Lets get some improvements though.

Unknown said...

For 5K the least the lawyer should do
is suggest to the board-"transperency"
is not a bad thing as evedenced by all
of the residents' obviously-voiced
concerns. Geez, Gary...it doesn't take
a Rhode's Scholar to see YOU can resolve
this rift.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone say the library is not a necessary item we need it as bad as anything outside the restaurant!!!!!!! We all know what miss Prriss stated about the library but when do we TRUST anything she says as most all of what we hear from her is falsehoods!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who should I contact if I cannot pick up my stickers between 2-4PM?
Is there another time or place... I called front office they said it was HOA doing this. Some of us do still work ):

Unknown said...

It is in our monthly Eagle about the Sticker information. FHOAI is doing the stickers. There suppose to be open on Sat. 2-4 if that helps. More details will be at the General Meeting tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. Greenbrier.

Unknown said...

The Only Way to stay a pain in HTA side like a kidney stone is to continue to post on their Corporate site and Facebook and include pictures of road conditions , benches. Take a picture ! It has a thousand words, then post them so people can see Fairways isn't what it's made out to be. There are a lot of seniors who read and they should be able to do it! At the Masters which upon buying in here they made it sound like it was going to be a Premier Attraction for Home Owners ! I see no Restaurant, no Bar ,no Pool Tables , no Library ! And now ! No Workers completing the Project ! And I can't wait to see the mold problem in the Masters because of all the rain entering it over the past month. This could be a Premier Community but not the way it's being Owned and Managed now. The upkeep is just horrendous.

Anonymous said...

the masters has no one supervising the contractors, they are not organized and work when they want to this job should have been done in 90 days,that may well be your next lawsuit

Anonymous said...

Maybe the board can answer these questions at the meeting... (no workers at Masters) and if the completion date has now been delayed.....

Unknown said...

Good job Bill at the meeting. Please, Keep us informed of the outcome on the situation of our neighbor. Unbelievable this is happening! Your the best! I got so wrapped up with the poor lady having troubles.....that I forgot to ask about the road repairs that was suppose to be done on Warwick Hills, but didn't see evidence it was ever done.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see that this board has some guts to do what other boards couldn't manage to do. Maybe if they had, we would still have a our Restaraunt and a few other amenities that have slipped away from us. Good Job Gary Doscher, Dave Halperin and Bill Heldreth for standing up for all of us residents. And please don't think twice about all the hoopla on the other website, he's just mad because he was bullied out of office and apparently doesn't want anyone else to succeed either.

Anonymous said...

Bill, Dave and Gary shouldn't it have included the loss of the tavern and any other lost amenities in the suit....just wondering

Anonymous said...

I for 1 want the tavern back and run right