Well, we made it through the summer and
the kids are back to school. Here in Sector 2 we are barely holding
on with a 2 percent reduction of overall crime from this time last
year. Property crimes drive our numbers and this summer was no
different. However we were able to maintain a reduction because of
our anti-crime strategy. The plan utilized on as well as off-duty
deputies in a coordinated effort through Intelligence-Led Policing
concepts to concentrate on “Hot Spots” where residential,
vehicle, and business burglaries were occurring, as well as focusing
attention on known criminals and repeat offenders. Having proactive
and engaged Homeowner’s Associations, Neighborhood Watch groups,
business and community partnerships and open communication with the
Orange County Sheriff’s Office was key to success of our summer
anti-crime strategy and I truly thank all who are concerned making
East Orange County a safer place.
Holding our ground and getting through
the summer with a reduction could not have been possible without our
extra eyes, meaning every person who lives, works and plays in East
Orange County. Our goal is to reduce crime further and by the end of
the year to have a 5 percent reduction from last year. This can only
be done if we all work together to report suspicious activity and
persons (SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING). But more importantly, practicing crime prevention by simply making yourself and your neighbors less of a target for criminals. PLEASE lock your cars, do not leave valuables in your vehicles, and close your garage doors. If every person in East Orange County would simply practice these little things our property crime rate would be cut by one third!!
Let’s look out for each other and be relentless in fighting crime together.
Please get involved, as the future and safety of our community depends in it!!
Be safe and best regards.
Your Sector Captain,
Brett Meade
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