Saturday, August 24, 2013


On July 12 Fairways Watch ,made a post about security issues at the Westchester pool. In this post ,we pointed out some of the security problems and ''unusual'' happenings at this particular pool.
  During the past week, HTA has taken some positive steps that may help to alleviate some of the problems. A new 64'' aluminum fence has been professionally installed. With this new fence came a new and  much better locking system, trade named ''the protector'' These new locks contain their own keyed mechanism.
  Also during the past 2 weeks HTA has seen fit to install Security surveillance measures at all of the pools.
  As announced in our post ''target hardening'' Fairways Watch is working on different security options to present to the HOA and management.Within this study will be an option for installing a pool pass card key system in addition to the existing latch systems. Whether or not, this card key system is feasible---we will find out.
 The stopping of the''MOOCHERS'' and ''SNEAK INS'' is well past due !
  A thank you to HTA for their attention to this matter.



Anonymous said...

This is nice and all but, like the greenbrier the gate opens out.....they didnt plan that very well. Not only that the knob is hard to reach for us short people.

Unknown said...

Ref anonymous 9 22am---I believe that the fence and gate installations require a permit and inspection from the Orange County code enforcement office. I have heard that various changes were required for the new aluminum fence at the Greenbrier. Orange county required the 6 foot set back for the gates by the Greenbrier steps. My guess is that the new fence and gates at the Westchester ,are in compliance with codes.