Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The term ''TARGET HARDENING'' is  common jargon used by law enforcement agencies, to describe ,crime prevention efforts.Target hardening is defined as any action or activity, large or small,that is taken to deter criminal acts in a community. 
  With the rapidly growing population and increased traffic in East Orange County,the Fairways will become more and more of a ''TARGET'' for the criminal element With this in mind ,Fairways Watch has undertaken a complete and full study of crime deterrent options. We will do this with the help of a Orange County Deputy Sheriff,security equipment vendors, contractors, residents, and a variety of other sources. 
  First and foremost on the agenda will be the estimated and projected costs to Fairways residents. We will be investigating options,we will not be attempting to prepare plans. Some of the options looked at will be new, and entirely,''out of the box''. The security options will center around items such as gate security, pool security, camera surveillance, remote area surveillance.
  This will be a long and detailed process, possibly lasting beyond a month or so.--There are problems,--we need answers.
  At the conclusion of our project ,we will do this.-- Four complete sets of the option reports,with cost estimates will be printed. Three sets will be delivered to Hometown America and one complete set to the FHOAI board. After delivery,  the discussion of the options and estimated costs will be opened to the entire community.
  Orange county has a ''crime prevention'' fund. There are community grants, available from this fund. This fund is not taxpayer generated. The grant monies available through the fund, come from criminal fines, seized criminal property and other sources, related to criminal activity. Availability of these funds, to our community, is part of our exploration.
  In a past conversation , with Lt. Campina, the following was said,regarding crime prevention. ''There is no big single answer to preventing crime and staying safe.---the answer is in a series of things, large and small, that deter the undesirables
the BAD GUYS''. ---Those are the options that ''project target hardening'', will be looking for.
  For those that may be skeptical of the need for Target Hardening, I invite you to view the previous post below. The Fairways is in zone 22 of sector 2. Zone 22 has the highest lost property count in east Orange County.

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