Tuesday, June 2, 2015
We went to the home and entered with the assigned caretakers. --The house was secure yesterday afternoon--all was fine. The very nice home was in complete disarray. Entry was made through a Florida room window,--and then into the main interior by using a bar to force a slider open It is believed that the main target was small items. electronics were not touched.
There was considerable damage done to the slider frame. There was a ''charley bar'' installed for the slider,---it was no match for the burglars bar!
We called 911 and asked for an officer to be dispatched for a report.
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Oh no. Now this is really out of control. We need protection and need id NOW!
Is there any possibly to use group text messaging or Twitter to alert residents, similar to Amber alert? I know it would not be quick enough to catch someone in the act but if enough people got the message they could start watching their surronding area and just might see something. With Twitter they could even tweet updates or tips to the group. Maybe get a Twitter for dummies class to show how to use it.
What are the police saying and what are they doing about it. I know if they have a plan they can't tell us but this is getting out of control.
This is out of control, it's almost like their breaking in just to show us it can be done. They never seem to take anything of value. Somethng is really strange here. Almost makes you afraid to leave the house. I have a weapon and will not hesitate to use, if they attempt to break in here. C'mon, visit me
I just send Steve Braun an email asking for help. His email address is sbraun@hometownamerica.com If more people send emails it might get us some notice.
Did'nt any of you people read Bill's post about making your homes a hard target? Why is it better to complain about HTA doing nothing when most of you are'nt doing anything to help yourselves? It doesn't cost much to make your home unnatractive to burglars. Try taking a ride around the park at notice all the dark homes. If they are your friends homes, talk to them about it. If you don't see the Watch patrolling,consider volunteering. If we don't take an active role then we shouldn't expect HTA to take us seriously. Also remember the average age in the park is over 70, most people in that group don't spend a lot of time one the internet, if they use it at all. So a website is no big help to them,we younger people should be looking out for them by helping watch their homes. Wake up people, we're on our own.
Come on Chicago and Ms.Priss put up some cameras on various light poles around the park like other commercial businesses have to help us in the high rent district!!!!!!!!! You can spend a little money from your end bonus for this year. Maybe you can make it up nextyear after this blows over.
to anon 4:34 that is just what Fairways Nextdoor is for
anonymous @4:43
Steve Braun is a joke..His mother n law lives in here and she has been burglarized..And the person lives in here after being charged with the crime..He doesnt care!
By my count of OCSO "Residential Burglaries" and incidents reported on this website, we have had at least 17 incidents in the past 90 days. Here is my spreadsheet data:
OCSO # OCSO Incident Type Location Date
150048579 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [2179 - 2215] PEBBLE BEACH BV 6/2/2015
Augusta Road 6/2/2015
Greenside Court 6/2/2015
Greenside Court 6/2/2015
1700 Kingsmill 5/27/2015
14500 Pine Valley 5/21/2015
2200 Pebble Beach Bv 5/22/2015
150045298 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [2178 - 2214] PEBBLE BEACH BV 5/20/2015
150043213 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [1951 - 2099] WARWICK HILLS DR 5/15/2015
150043306 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [14100 - 14198] LINDRICK CT 5/15/2015
150039233 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [14901 - 14999] FIRESTONE CI 5/2/2015
150036937 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [1904 - 1950] WARWICK HILLS DR 4/26/2015
150036227 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [2217 - 2241] PEBBLE BEACH BV 4/24/2015
Carnoustie Court 4/6/2015
Troon street 3/18/2015
2200 Pebble Beach Bv 3/15/2015
150024816 RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY [1711 - 1799] INVERARY DR 3/14/2015
Pebble Beach Bv 3/8/2015
thank you!!!! i was just wondering about the NUMBER of homes that have been burglarized... i count 18. out of this small "hometown".
This has gone to far now.Apparently lighted Carts are no deterrent.Foot Patrols in multiple areas will be the only way to catch these Thugs so anyone who feels capable to start the hunt we need to come together to start a strategy and take these Thugs OUT !!
Just emailed the list of burglaries to Steve Braun. Thanks Paul for listing them.
Until we get a live in manager things will not improve that much. We know that is not the full answer but it is about time we tried something different. The park has had a major slide downhill for the last 3 to 4 years so make some changes and see if the results are better.
The office had better not have sold our e-mail addresses to alarm companies I am getting E-mails at the rate of 4 to 5 a day is anyone else? if youare they are making more money on us I already have a system and am well armed.
I was leaving park today around 8 a.m. There was a police car parked across from the Office and another police car was coming in at the gates. Is there another incident to report? Or are they just patrolling?
Bill, Any truth to the rumor there was a break in on Inverary last night? ? ?
We need to put signs in our front yards stating "Hometown, Stop the Crime". That would surely have an effect on home sales, the only thing HTA seems to care about. Maybe that would get HTA off their butts.
ENTRY TIME Description Location Sector Zone Reporting District
** Some calls are not displayed due to statutory exemptions and confidentiality provisions **
00964 06-03-15 07:48:36 HOUSE/BUS./AREA/CHECK [9855 - 9914] INTERNATIONAL DRIVE 5 50 50A
00961 06-03-15 07:48:01 HOUSE/BUS./AREA/CHECK [9701 - 9818] INTERNATIONAL DRIVE 5 50 50A
00942 06-03-15 07:44:40 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF [201 - 298] 2ND STREET 4 44 44C
00842 06-03-15 07:19:14 HOUSE/BUS./AREA/CHECK [1700 - 2499] HOTEL PLAZA BOULEVARD 6 60 60
00838 06-03-15 07:18:28 BURGLARY BUSINESS [3500 - 3599] N FORSYTH ROAD 2 24 24A
00837 06-03-15 07:18:17 BURGLARY RESIDENCE [1946 - 1999] INVERARY DRIVE 2 22 22A
According to the dispatch report above, there was..........
Yes, there was a burglary (nobody home), the 19th by our count since Feb. WESH TV, WFTV,and the Orlando Sentinal has been contacted by us. We have had some responses and are awaiting others. No details yet to report but Bill, myself, and a few others are doing everything we can to help solve and prevent these things from happening. It's up tp all of us. More help is needed and we are planning on getting all of you that have expressed interest to join the fight. Meeting soon and you will be notified.
I would like to be a part of the help. I will contact Bill,give him my name, he has my number as I am a block captain. Words can not express my bisbelief in all of this. I think we are going to have to place people in the park on roofs at night and just watch for these people or persons. But to see the latest one on Inverary, with the motion lights, the bar on the slider, and a dead bolt in place, is extremely scary to think that we can't even take these precautions and still end up being a victim to all of this. I think that the most frightening thing, is thinking what might be next.
My list posted yesterday June 2, 2015 at 9:06 PM lost its formatting and did not transfer to this blog the way I created it, but at least it is still accurate and readable.
I realize that some criminals have been here during the day but what about the ones at night. Does anyone know how many, if any, of these break-ins have been to houses that have the lights on at the point of entry? Of those houses that have been burglarized have they been well lit or dark? My house is well lit with a motion detector light in the back & a dusk to dawn light at my door. And always LOCK your doors even if you are at home.
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