Reporter Mario Boone spent a considerable amount of time touring our park and gaining human interest stories of our security issues.
i just saw it will be on Brighthouse channel 7 at 10pm
Bill, can you please clarify time and channel for this report. Everyone is throwing around different times ans stations. Thank you for all your dedication
Channel 7 on Brighhouse at 10PM lists Wife Swap on their guide ? ? ? ?
I am furious that these break-ins are happening more and more.
These dirty rotten scum bastards MUST be caught.
Why can't someone see or hear them when they are attempting to break a door frame or window.
The houses are close enough to each other that a neighbor should hear something outside.
Maybe try and leave your outdoor lights on all night to try to deter them.
These low- life little turds are not smarter then ALL of us- are they?
And now isn't that nice that we are in the news so that is letting all the other burglars that we are an easy target.
Hey Deb and Priscilla--good luck showing and selling homes here once the word gets out that you don't provide protection for your residents.
I love the idea to hold back our lot rent until they provide us some kind of security.
Between our dog (who will bite) and our gun I would like to say to these pieces of garbage..."do you feel lucky today. punk?"
Channel 7 does not have news at 10.
and what good did that report do. Nothing, as far as Im concerned.
Please lets NOT report things on this sight, unless you know they are the TRUTH. The 10PM report was not a live remote report.
Saw the Report but didn't hear Hometown America mentioned, just Fairways Country Club,Security at Gate and Log-in record needs to be a top Priority.It's apparent Priscilla has no idea how to handle this.
Those of you who think this TV coverage will just bring in more crime need to think about how they found us to begin with. It wasn't FROM TV coverage it was from the invitation HTA sends by not doing a damn thing about our security. That's right, bury your head in the sand again and it will all go away. Now who's the idiot?
to the negative comments I say, what have you done to try and make our community safer. Just whining and complaining on this blog is not very helpful. I would think you would be thankful that there are some people out here that want to try and make a difference. To help those in our community feel a little safer!
The report on channel 27 at 7 am was shorten version of last nights report. Didn't show randy and golf cart at all. Just had lady walking around with gun in hand. The media be all over when someone gets shot.
Would also like to know more about rats caught in another park. Like what park..
FYI- HTA was mentioned in the original report but due to time constraints they were edited out along with aprox. another 10 minutes of interview time. Steve Braun also had a phone conversation with Mario Boone but refused to put his comments in writing. In his defense, most of what he said is based on what he is told by our local office, not first had experience. Chicago HTA also has refused to have an open Town Hall Meeting with residents in the past to know first hand the issues we have as homeowners. Hmmm....
Thanks Randy, Bill, Mario Boone, and everyone! Its still early. I bet there's some "damage control" going on up front
We came in the gate last night around 10:15pm and saw a deputy talking to 2 teenage boys and 1 teenage girl. There is no reason for teenagers to be out that late at night in a 55+ community, nothing good comes of it. Hope he found reason to search their backpacks, as I'm sure they would've found some interesting things.
Deerwood kids are coming over here and having a freeforall. It's become so frantic now that somebodyis going break into the wrong house and get shot.
Well, Im glad that the deputy found these "roaming teenagers"...maybe the word will get out that Police are patrolling and WATCHING........ I wonder if they lived in our community or came from outside.... Is there any report on that? Just curious what the police officer found out
If 90 % of us would with hold our rent AND go above Prissy's head with letters to Corp......what would happened???????
Her office would be busy getting 1000 eviction letters printed and MAYBE we would get some much needed attention from Corp.
That report CH.9 did last should be put on U TUBE if possible so people thinking about buying here can see what they are in for, the report as seen in it's entirety was great GOOD JOB !!!
If only Ms. Prissy and Chicago would have listened to us a long time ago instead of sweeping it under the rug this all could have been avoided. Now they are going to get what they deserve. If you want pictures of people do your job as a manager and go get them. That is where a resident manager comes in as after office hours is when things take place. Good for all the residents who got this mess to the front. Now let us let management know we are going to keep our foot on the gas pedal now and in the future.
Has everyone received the letter from Priscilla asking if we're willing to pay $5/month for a security guard at the gate?
Last Meeting a Security Company didn't have a chance to show what his company offered.
Yes I got my letter bad deal on the second page it says that the $5.00 fee will INCREASE EACH YEAR THE SAME AS YOUR LOT RENT, read the 2nd page again !
got my letter , who will staff the gate? I hope not the person who is cleaning the pools
We need to ask questions; Who will man the gate, Fairways employees or a security company, will each person entering be asked for identification or are we paying for a concierge service for sales and golf, will cameras be running all the time and of what quality will they be, is this 24-7, will residents have their own lane to expedite their entry, will tailgating be stopped, will we be able to audit any proposed rate increase or will hta just automatically raise rates the maximum like they do cable Tv??? There's many unanswered questions folks, perhaps we need to get an attorney involved to be sure the screwing we get is legit!
We need to ask questions; Who will man the gate, Fairways employees or a security company, will each person entering be asked for identification or are we paying for a concierge service for sales and golf, will cameras be running all the time and of what quality will they be, is this 24-7, will residents have their own lane to expedite their entry, will tailgating be stopped, will we be able to audit any proposed rate increase or will hta just automatically raise rates the maximum like they do cable Tv??? There's many unanswered questions folks, perhaps we need to get an attorney involved to be sure the screwing we get is legit!
I'm not going to agree to pay one iota for security. That should be included in our lot rent. We pay too much as it is. And our amenities are being taken away, They need to bring back the restaurant and tavern in full (none of this crappy refrigerated sandwich crap) and provide 24hr around the clock security.
Priscilla has tore this community apart. She has successfully succeeded in not only; not doing her job, but is pawning in off on the residents. She has created turmoil in here by allowing underage unregistered renters. She has taken away our amenities, not asking the homeowners opinions on upcoming "projects", all the while collecting a fat bonus check every year at our expense.
She has the most fake personality I have ever met in my entire life. She shrugs you off without answering your questions and doesn't give a shit whether you are happy here or not.
I have several guns, a security monitoring system and video surveillance. I'm set.
She's not getting another dime out of my pocket.
It's time to pickett Hometown and Priscilla,they might hold the deed but we hold the money. They false advertise and constantly sidestep their responsibilities.
We believe this letter should have said "Yes I am willing to participate in the staffing of a security guard manning the entrance gate 24/7 by paying a $5 fee each month in addition to my site lot rent". I Hometown will put a correct wording on this letter, I am willing to sign a yes vote.
I was told by Mr. Boone that the pools are suppose to be locked. Why do we have security cards for the pools when in fact anyone can get in. Need to check that code enforcement for regulations on the pools. Thanks!
Gee folks, reading is fundamental. Read that letter, then read it again. It clearly answers many of the questions posed above. But mostly it states "Put up, or shut up". HTA knows from past experience that there is no way on God's green Earth that there will be enough positive response to their proposal to have to shell out a single penny for gate security. A poll is not a binding contract. Details can be negotiated by the FHAOI once an agreement is reached, but it seems most of you want to nitpick, naysay and reject HTA's offer early to as to preserve your ability to gripe that nobody is doing for you those things that you aren't willing to do for youself.
I'm voting yes, and encouraging everyone I speak to do so as well. As for for you nitpickers and naysayers, if you're not willing to put up...
If you are voting YES you to are a FOOL!!!!!!
I don't think any of you consider what will happen if you keep tearing our community apart. You blame Priscilla for ruining our community but what are you doing with all this hate talk? We do have a problem and we have to take some of the blame for it too. Look how many people rent their homes and never report it to the office. I have one of my homes rented out but I reported it to the office so they could do the background check because I didn't want criminals living where I live. I have considered selling that rental but if you keep putting this place down, I will not be able to find good owners to buy because of all the hatred I read in here. I watched the news and I know that Randy means well but telling everyone that watches the news that we don't have security cameras in here was a big mistake, it invites more criminals to come on in. Let's all work together and try to make things better. I am praying for all of us.
RIGHT ON 8:37 PM. Thank You for finally telling the truth about what we all saw on the TV report. Even talking to a OCSO officer who had seen the report stated that it was really foolish to tell the public that we have no security cameras, makes an invitation to the bad guys. And another point, Residents complain the HTA isn't doing anything to help us with these burglaries, then when they do and ask us to pay just half (They could have just said, they are doing the security guard and make us pay the whole amount. Remember the restaurant?), everyone is now saying they will not support HTA's decision. The letter was just A POLL, not a contract for a 27/7 guard. What a crazy place this is.
Anon 8:37 In all due respect, if you watch the report again, you will hear that I never once mentioned security cameras or lack of them. When the reporter asked Steve Braun about what HTA was doing, HE said they were going to install a camera. ( I thought we already had them). I would NEVER say we had no cameras, even if it was true. You have a very valid point but in this case you heard something that was not said by me. Thanks
That's a good idea
One more Bill on Port Marnock
837 things started down hill when Priscella took over
5:33pm. You are absolutely correct. Priscilla Herrick is the deciding factor in all that has changed in this community
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