Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Our Fairways Watch meeting was held as scheduled, Monday evening at the Westchester indoor area. The meeting was well attended,--- the overflow crowd, was not a major problem.
  Several years ago ,a new term was given to me by Lt. Campina, of the Orange County Sheriff's office. The Lieutenant and I developed a personal friendship during the time that he was a Fairways resident.The ranking officer explained to me in detail, the term--''TARGET HARDENING''. This is law enforcement jargon simply for CRIME PREVENTION  measures. 
  In retrospect--that is exactly what so many Fairways residents have been doing during our recent ''crime wave''----What qualifies as ''target hardening''?---just listen and look around our awakened community. You will see ---more and more alarm system signs,--more lights on--- bars and screens on the duct vent holes---more sheriff deputies in the park--and even some ''silly old folks'',riding around on golf carts with ''unapproved'' flashing lights. 
  YES---my friends,--all of this is target hardening ,in it's purest form.
 At our meeting, last night, we wanted to increase our volunteer resident watch patrols, and then REVAMP our area  block watch system. We now have a list of folks that want to go out and ''look around'' ---We will provide these good folks with a simple ,removable sign that says---FAIRWAYS NEIGHBOR HOOD PATROL.This sign can be used on any type of vehicle,--it adheres with a suction cup.
  We are also in the final stages of dividing the Fairways street map into 8 geographical zones. We asked for 8 different groups of names to be ''zone officers''. Each group of zone officers, will appoint their own ''zone captain'', It is believed that this type of block watching will prove to be redundant,and will maintain backup personnel when residents leave the community

On a special positive note,concerning our possible ''NATIONAL NIGHT OUT'' celebration,--Our HOA social director, told the meeting that she would go before our HOA board and seek approval for $1000 to cover food costs and other expenses of the proposed party. We have a tentative date of October 6. ----THANK YOU MADAME DIRECTOR! 
 We will need volunteers and help from all groups to make this law enforcement function GO. This will not be something that can be confused as being ''another pool party''---BUT SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE OF ALL AGES!



Anonymous said...

I thought the National Night Out was August 4 ?
We are not participating in that? sorry for so many questions, but was unable to attend the meeting due to illness

Unknown said...

RE ANON 2;11
The sheriffs office recently sent us an Email---offering two dates for the National night out celebration. We are leaning toward the second date offered---October 6. We feel that the weather would be better for us and have more time to prepare. The fact that we do not have a large indoor area for the program is also a factor.

Anonymous said...

I think that the October 6th date is a better one since some of the snowbirds will be back by then. We all appreciate all of your efforts in keeping us safe and a much better community. You and Randy Muehl are amazing and wonderful to do all that you are doing. THANK YOU!